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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Athanasia de Alger Obelia (played by jennaisante)

With the scent of a nicely microwaved popcorn gives off a toasted smell as the sugars in the kernels heat lingered from the kitchen, brought back the blonde's consciousness.

"It smells nice..." Athanasia mumbled. She tried to regain herself, sit carefully and got to be aware of her surroundings. There were more people to come by Trixie's bar when her jewel blue eyes caught the sight of a felin purred on someone's head and a soft-looking girl starred, not sure on what, blessing everyone who reads her.

Athanasia then stood up, approaching the settle and nice bar table before she address the person who made the popcorn and bravely asking, "May I have some?"
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea saw that Fake was not responding so she volunteered as she smoothly approached Athanasia, "I'll get you some." She said, going to get a bowl of popcorn. After a few minutes, she brought it out and set the bowl in front of the nice young lady. "Here you go." She smiled.
Athanasia de Alger Obelia (played by jennaisante)

Drown with the desire of something to eat had finally knock her sense off until she just realized a nice looking figure of a woman offered her a bowl of that lovely scenty popcorn.

"Oh! Thank you! You are so kind. Have a seat with me and let's gobble it?" She flashed a contagious smile to her after munch the popcorn. "I'm kidding though, that's not lady-like."
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea couldn't stop the giggle from escaping her lips as she sits next to Athanasia, "No, its not. But I'm a Mercenary and that's not very lady-like either so you are allowed to be as unlady-like as you prefer. I won't say anything." She returns the contagious smile with one of her own as she munched on some popcorn, "Want some mead?"
Ciel (played anonymously)

When he opened the doors, he was bombarded with the smell of freshly-cooked popcorn.

Ciel slowly walked into Trixie's Bar, his walking cane in-hand, dressed in a mostly-blue outfit. He was looking around carefully, especially since he was alone at this time.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea noticed a newcomer came into the bar and she waved at him in greeting.
Ciel (played anonymously)

He peered over to Alethea and held up his hand in a simple, motionless wave. Just a simple hand up, hand down, wave.

Ciel glanced over the room once more, as if he was looking for something out of the ordinary. But once he realized there was nothing, he headed to a table and sat down..
Elite (played anonymously)

A green skinned waitress came along and asked Ciel, "What can I get you? Something to eat or drink?"
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel looked up and jumped a little, he hadn't even noticed her arrive. He wouldn't admit it, but he got a lot more jumpy and wary of people when a certain someone wasn't around to assure his safety as said by the contract.
"Tea Earl Grey, Strong." He said, "And a fruit custard tartlet." He added. Try to stop him from eating sweets now, damn demon...
Elite (played anonymously)

She smiled apologetically, "Sorry I startled you." She wrote down his order, "Excellent choices! I'll be back shortly." She left to fulfill his order.
Athanasia de Alger Obelia (played by jennaisante)

Athanasia gasped a little when the woman muttered she is a Mercenary, a really distinctive and peculiar term for her, because she has spent her entire life around the icy castle of her father empire and first time experiencing the outside world. She nodded her head when Alethea offered her a mead.

"May I? That would be nice!" she beamed. She then noticed the newcomer shaking his hand off with Alethea and joins their table. "Pardon me... Are you coming alone? My name is Athanasia." She bowed a little. "Oh! I haven't told you my name before, I'm sorry!" she whimpered and glance back to Alethea and feel sorry that her introduction came out later than the man whom just joined them.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea offered her new friend some mead. It will taste like honey. But she grinned, "Its alright, I am Alethea."
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel nodded and then brought his attention back to the table, seeming to be contemplating on something that happened previously today.
The servants had messed up everything, as they usually did.

Finny was crying, and I do mean crying, wailing even. What was understood from his sobbing, he had accidentally used too much weed-killer on the garden again.

Mei-Rin was panicking, gasping and flailing about, and what was understood from her shouts, she had knocked into the serving cart and all the dishes had slid out and broke.

Bardroy was actually a lot calmer, but what was understood from his mumbling, he had burned yet another pot of using his flamethrower.

Needless to say, it was a stressful event--
(End of Flashback)

He looked up at Athanasia and raised his brows, "Oh."
"Yes I'm alone." He said, his voice hinted with uncomfortableness.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive, Earl of Phantomhive Manor."
He tapped his fingers on the table, his ring finger and his thumb sporting two different rings, one a gold, the other a silver with a sapphire in the middle of it.
Elite (played anonymously)

She arrived and placed strong Earl Grey Tea and a fruit custard tartlet in front of Ciel, "Here you go." She smiled at him.
Ciel (played anonymously)

The boy nodded at Elite, "Thank you, miss. And what shall I pay for you for this?"
He pulled out a brown bag, it made noise with every movement, as the coins shook around in it. The brown bag was tied closed with a gold, spiraled thread.
Elite (played anonymously)

"You're welcome." She nodded and noticed the bag of money. "Oh, 5 Silver Pieces ought to be do it." She said with a nod.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel pulled away the string, dug around and pulled out what he was requested. Closing the bag, he then handed her the 5 silver pieces. "Here you are."

He put away the bag once she took the 5 silver pieces, and then gently reached for the tea by the handle of the teacup, and blew on it to make sure it wasn't too hot, before taking a sip.
Elite (played anonymously)

She took them, "Thank you. Please let me know if you would like anything else." She smiled and walked away.
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel stayed silent for the most part for a while, drinking his tea, and eating at his tartlet.
Kotaro Matatabi (played by SoulHeart57)

The cat jumps up onto a bar stool, meowing while pointing at somethings with intent to order them. He forgot he wasn't in his Hunan form.

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