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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Theo doesn't pay attention to Keiko, and continues beating up Cruz.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He ran over to Theo and Cruz and locked a bite onto Cruz's arm and started growling and pulling.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

(( Sorry for late reply <_< <_< ))

Cruz didn't even have a split second to react, he was suddenly met with Theo, and followed by many pummels and kicks.
"Ow, he-hey-!" He tried to stop him, but it didn't seem like it was working. He covered his face and curled into a monochrome colored ball.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor started barking angrily at Cruz. His ears were pinned back and his teeth were bared
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

((Its alright. :) ))

Caitlin walked outside and watched the commotion, "Alright, everyone, I think the young man has learned his lesson." She said with one hand on her hip, "Leave dogs alone, got it?" She ask3ed Cruz directly.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

If someone managed to look closely, they could see the boy was crying his eyes out, and his nose was bleeding too.
Though spoken to by Caitlin, the only things he could reply with were sharp gasps and sobs.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Keiko decided to drop her parasol and ran towards Cruz. She attempted to pick him up so he wouldn’t get attacked anymore. “He is a little…um, you get my point”, she added, “but hitting him isn’t going to prove or solve anything.”
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin nodded, satisfied with the only answer the poor young man could give. "Good."

And to Keiko's credit, she actually helped the poor fella. "Get him back inside, I'll get a first aid kit to patch him up." She was not a heartless woman. The man needed patched up.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

The dog watched Cruz and growled lowly and went to Theo's side.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Saved by the two women, he still couldn't say anything, and was honestly too scared to. Though his loud sobbing was quieted, he was still crying, tears rolling down his cheeks.
His mascara was also running down his cheeks too. His vice-manager would be pissed if she saw him like this...
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Meanwhile, the poor Dalmatian came out of his hiding spot and thanked Thor by playfully giving the other dog a nudge.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor saw the Dalmation and nuzzled him before, out of nowhere, dropping into a play bow. Thor now wanted to play with the other dog
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Keiko slung Cruz over her shoulder. She hurried up and ran inside the bar, for her own sake and maybe the boy’s. She felt like she was literally burning alive.
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin noticed that, but did not mention it as she got the first aid kit and opened it. She began to lightly patch up Cruz.
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Cruz began fanning his eyes once Keiko had put him down and Caitlin began patching him up.

"Mm'scara r-runnin'-" He said, his voice mumbling quietly and snotty-sounding. Not to mention nose was all numb feeling from the punches he received, and his arms, legs and sides of his torso hurting, which would probably leave bruises.

But the fact that the first thing he thought of was his mascara, probably lead others to believe he wasn't focused on the pain at the moment but rather his appearance...
Ultra-Woman (played anonymously)

Caitlin rolled her eyes, "Wounds and bruises first." But it would not take long for those to be taken care of before she grabs her make-up kit. She wiped away the messy mascara before she handed him the make-up kit so he could apply it himself. That way, she wouldn't mess up the job. "There. Better now?"
Deleted Character (played anonymously)

Cruz gently, but hastily, grabbed the makeup kit and shakily began applying the mascara, "Ye-Yes Ma'am." He sniffled, barely being able to hold the brush, he was so in shock of what just happened.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

(Ope, got to edit my message)

She drank from a flash and cringed in disgust. Taking a napkin and wiping away the mysterious liquid, Keiko pulled up her sleeve and watched her rash heal itself in a minute.
Theo ceased his attack once he realized that Cruz had been removed, and after several minutes, he collapsed the helmet of his armour and began hitting himself in the head.
Rory Kodachi (played anonymously)

She enters the room... looking very, concerned.. she just kinda watched Theo harm himself

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