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Forums » General Roleplay » Summer Soiree: Haunted House Party (Closed)

Leo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He gave Asher one last wave as he'd gone, that attention turning fully to Kinoko. He was patient, shaking his head when she apologized, "No, it's okay, we all do it. Take your time." As she mentioned rock music, he nodded with a grin. It was one of his own personal favorites as well. Her choices were right up his alley as well, the first two at least. He wasn't sure about the others, but respected it either way. "Niiice," he complimented, "Sounds like pretty good taste to me. Hayley Williams is one of my favorite singers, too. Her energy and just overall vibe she brings to the stage was always something I enjoyed." He was a huge fan of Panic! At the Disco as well, adding with a grin, "Don't even get me started on Panic, I swear I could listen to them all night if given the chance."

He shifted his weight to the other foot, giving some thought on some of his own favorites, "I like most old school stuff myself honestly, especially in comparison to the newer stuff out these days. Breaking Benjamin has a pretty solid place in my heart, and Linkin Park, for example."
Kinoko (played by LuckyStarr349)

Leo wrote:
He gave Asher one last wave as he'd gone, that attention turning fully to Kinoko. He was patient, shaking his head when she apologized, "No, it's okay, we all do it. Take your time." As she mentioned rock music, he nodded with a grin. It was one of his own personal favorites as well. Her choices were right up his alley as well, the first two at least. He wasn't sure about the others, but respected it either way. "Niiice," he complimented, "Sounds like pretty good taste to me. Hayley Williams is one of my favorite singers, too. Her energy and just overall vibe she brings to the stage was always something I enjoyed." He was a huge fan of Panic! At the Disco as well, adding with a grin, "Don't even get me started on Panic, I swear I could listen to them all night if given the chance."

He shifted his weight to the other foot, giving some thought on some of his own favorites, "I like most old school stuff myself honestly, especially in comparison to the newer stuff out these days. Breaking Benjamin has a pretty solid place in my heart, and Linkin Park, for example."

"Yeah, I've heard of Linkin Park. There's a handful of System Of A Down songs I really like. Not sure if you heard of them. They're a pretty old band. Their last album was released in 2005, but I think they still do live shows." She seemed to be a bit less nervous, but she still fidgeted some.
Leo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He nodded in agreement, "I have. I like a few of theirs, too. I'm more familiar with older music than newer honestly. I always did like the sound better than a lot of the new music on the radio." That, and he was far older than he looked due to being dead for years now. "Have you ever heard of Trapt? I gotta say that the song 'Are You With Me' is one of my top picks from them," he grinned, naming another one of his favorites. He bit his lip thoughtfully, adding with a smile, "Oh man, or Earshot? I loved a handful of theirs, too." He noticed that she had seemed to calm just a little with slight fidgets now, rubbing the side of his neck as he apologized slightly for the sudden excitement on his tone, "Sorry if I'm getting too excited, I get kind of rambly when I talk about music."

His eyes moved to the clock and he realized he didn't have a whole lot of time left before he had to wrap the party up. "Hey, tell ya what, I'll go cover one more song before the party ends just for you. Any song you want," he offered warmly, "If it's from any of those bands we mentioned, I probably know it. Otherwise, I still might if it's a little older."
Kinoko (played by LuckyStarr349)

Leo wrote:
He nodded in agreement, "I have. I like a few of theirs, too. I'm more familiar with older music than newer honestly. I always did like the sound better than a lot of the new music on the radio." That, and he was far older than he looked due to being dead for years now. "Have you ever heard of Trapt? I gotta say that the song 'Are You With Me' is one of my top picks from them," he grinned, naming another one of his favorites. He bit his lip thoughtfully, adding with a smile, "Oh man, or Earshot? I loved a handful of theirs, too." He noticed that she had seemed to calm just a little with slight fidgets now, rubbing the side of his neck as he apologized slightly for the sudden excitement on his tone, "Sorry if I'm getting too excited, I get kind of rambly when I talk about music."

His eyes moved to the clock and he realized he didn't have a whole lot of time left before he had to wrap the party up. "Hey, tell ya what, I'll go cover one more song before the party ends just for you. Any song you want," he offered warmly, "If it's from any of those bands we mentioned, I probably know it. Otherwise, I still might if it's a little older."

"No, no, you're fine. ...Any song, huh? Hm... Oh! How about 'Stealing Society'? That's one of the System Of A Down songs I really like."
Leo (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He smiled warmly, nodding in confirmation. Any song at all. At the request, he gave it some thought, collecting the lyrics in his head since it'd been a hot minute since he'd heard it, but nodded again brightly, "Yeah, alright. Coming right up!" Leo gave her one more bright smile before turning and going back to the stage to carry out the request he'd promised. Speaking into the microphone without a hint of fear on that stage he gathered the guests' attention. "It's getting late, so it's about time to wrap up. However, I have one more song for those of you interested. If it's not your cup of tea, thank you again for coming, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves tonight," he said, the lights flickering again as his emotions spiked with excitement that he'd really pulled this off. Leo moved to the sound system, finding what he needed for that last song since he hadn't pre-planned it, stepping back to the mic as the music started.

He bounced around energetically as he used to do so many years ago, the music wrapping around him as he sang out, "Two skies~ Watching it all.. fading~ Two skies~ Living it all.. fading~" His own voice was lighter than the original singer's but perfectly on key, that hint of a rasp still lacing into his words gently. His voice picked up in power as he continued the song, that energy never leaving. A few guests had already started to leave, the crowd slowly becoming smaller as the song carried on. He grinned around his words, pointing at Kinoko playfully as he called out in a break of the words, "Sing with me?" Immediately he was back into the lyrics again, right in his element. If she decided to sing at all, even from where she'd been standing before, he'd grin brighter. Tonight had gone pretty well overall, not counting that one hiccup before.

(Figured I'd wrap up with the request since we have one more day to finish the event. Thank you for coming. :D )
Kinoko (played by LuckyStarr349)

Leo wrote:
He smiled warmly, nodding in confirmation. Any song at all. At the request, he gave it some thought, collecting the lyrics in his head since it'd been a hot minute since he'd heard it, but nodded again brightly, "Yeah, alright. Coming right up!" Leo gave her one more bright smile before turning and going back to the stage to carry out the request he'd promised. Speaking into the microphone without a hint of fear on that stage he gathered the guests' attention. "It's getting late, so it's about time to wrap up. However, I have one more song for those of you interested. If it's not your cup of tea, thank you again for coming, and I hope you enjoyed yourselves tonight," he said, the lights flickering again as his emotions spiked with excitement that he'd really pulled this off. Leo moved to the sound system, finding what he needed for that last song since he hadn't pre-planned it, stepping back to the mic as the music started.

He bounced around energetically as he used to do so many years ago, the music wrapping around him as he sang out, "Two skies~ Watching it all.. fading~ Two skies~ Living it all.. fading~" His own voice was lighter than the original singer's but perfectly on key, that hint of a rasp still lacing into his words gently. His voice picked up in power as he continued the song, that energy never leaving. A few guests had already started to leave, the crowd slowly becoming smaller as the song carried on. He grinned around his words, pointing at Kinoko playfully as he called out in a break of the words, "Sing with me?" Immediately he was back into the lyrics again, right in his element. If she decided to sing at all, even from where she'd been standing before, he'd grin brighter. Tonight had gone pretty well overall, not counting that one hiccup before.

(Figured I'd wrap up with the request since we have one more day to finish the event. Thank you for coming. :D )

She watched him as he played the song, a contagious smile on her face. She timidly turned down the offer to sing with him on stage, since she was bound to have stage fright, but she appreciated it nonetheless. However, she eventually started softly singing where she was near the final verse.

(No problem. I had a really good time :) )

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