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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kingdom of Kerals

Kyun (played by LexiSama)

Kyun tilted his head, mildly confused. "Felt longer than that to me, and sure. I need to look around some, and fresh air might help me recover more." He floated up onto the prince's shoulder, sitting a bit like a parrot.
Marina (played by EonRising)

She purred and snuggled into his arms then nodded, "Alright! Outside is fun."
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Gain smiled and he carried them outside and to the garden. " such a perfect day!" he said smiing
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

Glancing around the garden, he floated off Gian's shoulder and started to explore. He looked everywhere he could, but didn't find anything that could tell him why or how he got there. "This doesn't make any sense. Its like my memory has been messed with or something.." He mumbled, then realizing that could be the exact cause of his problem. He wondered if it was just amnesia from a fall, or if someone tampered with his memories another way.
Marina (played by EonRising)

Marina gently paddled her feet paws, "It is a nice day." she looked up at Kyun, "Maybe I can heal your memory?"

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