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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kingdom of Kerals

Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

He smiled and got up walking over to one of his book cases and grabbed a book.
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

His nose twitched as he smelled the sweet strawberries, they happened to be one of his favorite foods, other than candies and cake. "I'd love some!" He gingerly took one in his little paws and bit into it eagerly, his tail swaying happily. "Kyuu! Thank you~" He sat down and munched on the strawberry contently.
Marina (played by EonRising)

Marina sat down in front of him, "What kind of creature are you?" the young healer asked, "I'm a carbuncle."
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Gain return t them and set the book down " this is a book on magic " he said opening up the colorfull book
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

Kyun licked his paws free of strawberry juice and curled his tail up, laying down with a soft yawn. "I'm.. a mixture of various things, or so I was told by my last master, who has long since passed away. Whether or not that is true is beyond my knowledge, nor am I in a hurry to find out." He said with another yawn, his eyes trying to shut as he spoke.
Marina (played by EonRising)

She giggled and picked him up, "Well, you're adorable~" she cuddled him close and nuzzled him between his ears, which tickled her nose, making her wriggle her nose.
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" i know.." Gain said looking over the book some quietly.
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

With another yawn and closing eyes, he started to doze off in the carbuncle's arms. "I'm not.. adorable." He mumbled sleepily. He had no idea why he was so tired already, but perhaps it was due to what happened to him before. "Kyuu.." He started to snore softly, curling up with his tail wrapped around him.
Marina (played by EonRising)

"Ohmygosh yes you are!" she locked his nose then looked up at Gian, "You know what, Gi-Gi?"
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" whats that?" Gain asked with a small smile.
Marina (played by EonRising)

(You said he knows in your last post? Knows what?)
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

He curled up more, his soft snores barely audible. His ears twitched every now and then, and his legs did as well, like he was dreaming of something. "Kyuuuu.." He rolled and got more comfortable.
Marina (played by EonRising)

She grinned down at the creature in her arms and scratched his back lightly then looked back at Gian, "You said you know. What do you know?"
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

" iwas agreeing with you when you said he was adorable" Gain laughed
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

Kyun stretched and yawned, opening his eyes a bit. "Kyuu..?" He looked around sleepily, momentarily confused about where he was. It took him a moment to remember and then he wondered just how bad his memory was these days.
Marina (played by EonRising)

"oh... Okay," she smiled and blushed embarassedly, feelin like she should have realized that. She looked down at Kyun and licked his nose again, "You didn't sleep for very long."
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Gain continued to read his book quietly

((any of you want to play the king?as a NPC Gain is named after him but he go's By Carlo thats why Gain dont want to be called that ))
Kyun (played by LexiSama)

Kyun hopped out of Marina's arms and scratched his ears. "I just needed a short nap, its what I usually do after eating." He yawned and sat down, his tail swaying side to side. "Hmm what to do now.." He played with his tail a bit.
Marina (played by EonRising)

"For a minute and a half?" she asked and nuzzled him gently then hopped onto Gian's lap and snuggled down into him.

(No, sorry :/)
Prince Gian-Carlo Ma (played by Sweetyceltic) Topic Starter

Gain huged her softly and smiled " how about we go outside guys" he asked

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