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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Trick or Treat: KA-TU2 (CLOSED)

U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"Hm..." Sapphira put a talon to her chin. This toaster shaped robot might not be too bright. Its voice reminded her of the many text-to-speech readouts she heard when messing around with Google Translate. Maybe she should keep her words simple so it could understand her better? She hung the pumpkin pail in front of the robot, making sure it got a good look at her tail plates. "I'd say a crocodile spirit? Some places consider crocodiles dragons."

She drew a hologram of a crocodile and held the hologram next to her tail. Hopefully the robot could see the similarities between the crocodile's tail plates and her own scaly armor.

The eyes moved to the image. There was a series of beeps and whirs as it processed this new data. Then, the small, square computer let out a ding. A metal flag on its shoulder connected to a chain swung out and then dropped back down. The red light on the robot's head came on. Its eyes pivoted back to the dragon. "You are the best crocodile spirit/crocodiles dragons I have seen all night! That seems to be a popular costume this year!"

The robot's eyes remained fixed on the dragon expectantly and it sat there silent and motionless as if expecting its next command.
Sivwikkas (played by Ilmarinen)

The creature removed its pack, apparently unsure of where the receptacle was. KA's eye stalks followed the being's every movement.

Finally, when the bag was under the robot's chin, its mouth opened and it spewed nuts, bolts, gears and other random parts into the bag. The eyes lowered, focused on the bag's opening.

Without a word, it raised its eyes back to Sivwikka's face as if awaiting an instruction after dumping the hardware in the bag.

Sivwikkas knew from their human coworkers that Halloween had something to do with candy. You eat candy, or you give candy away, or something. So when they were gifted instead with a bounty of mechanical oddments, they looked on in surprise. Maybe they had this Halloween thing all wrong. "I, er--thank you very much," the isswas squeaked as they peered down into their bag, now full of rusty, oily miscellany. Well, they had come here spare parts. "Do I um ... is that uh ... do I go now?"
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

The toaster like robot stared blankly in response when asked if they should leave now. It made a series of odd noises and the red light began to flash on top of its head.

"The ship must be repaired... repaired... repaired..." it repeated over and over. If the robot was referring to this ship, there was no hope. It was beyond space worthy and stripped of anything useful. It appeared KA needed a good wack to get it to stop repeating itself.
Flynn (played by Riik)

KA-TU2 wrote:
The little toaster sat there staring at Flynn until the words trick or treat were heard. Suddenly, it came to life once again with a flurry of lights and sounds. After backfiring and releasing a copious amount of steam from its exhaust pipe, there was a ding. The chain on its shoulder pulled the metal flag out. It dropped it down again a second later and the red light above the eyes came on.

"Salvage! Prepare for output," KA said. Then it opened its mouth and a series of parts rained out of its mouth like coins from a slot machine. There were springs, nuts, bolts, washers, gears, and other unidentifiable items. The tiny robot's eyestalks pivoted to look at the parts in Flynns helmet. "Trick or Treat function complete!"

The robot's eyes tilted back up to meet Flynn's and it sat there again silently, staring.

Flynn had to lunge forward at the last moment in order to catch the offering, barely managing not to fall over in the process. A sort of awkward clumsy elegance that fitted Flynn to a tee. They were of course thankful for the free parts, but...

"You uh... don't happen to have any... candy do you?" They asked, their voice accompanied by the subtle creaking of the leather-like material of their space suit as their tail continued to move around, possibly in anxious excitement over the prospect of candy. Even Flynn wasn't sure. It was as automatic as any facial expression or subconscious fidget. "N-not that I don't appreciate all this, but... I am rather partial to sugar..."
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"You uh... don't happen to have any... candy do you?" They asked, their voice accompanied by the subtle creaking of the leather-like material of their space suit as their tail continued to move around, possibly in anxious excitement over the prospect of candy. Even Flynn wasn't sure. It was as automatic as any facial expression or subconscious fidget. "N-not that I don't appreciate all this, but... I am rather partial to sugar..."

The little machine stared at Flynn blankly for a moment before going through its routine of different sounds as if processing what it was being asked. "Um..." Its eyestalks glanced around nervously. "Uh, time for a recharge! Happy Halloween! Enjoy," It said quickly and looked to its right and then quickly rolled into the shadows and vanished.
KA-TU2 wrote:
The eyes moved to the image. There was a series of beeps and whirs as it processed this new data. Then, the small, square computer let out a ding. A metal flag on its shoulder connected to a chain swung out and then dropped back down. The red light on the robot's head came on. Its eyes pivoted back to the dragon. "You are the best crocodile spirit/crocodiles dragons I have seen all night! That seems to be a popular costume this year!"

The robot's eyes remained fixed on the dragon expectantly and it sat there silent and motionless as if expecting its next command.

"Yeah, very popular! I've seen it quite a lot in the parts I used to-" Sapphira was about to ramble further, up until she noticed the robot's gaze was unblinking. Unmoving. Did the robot suddenly just... stop? She shook the pumpkin pail with her tail a few times, hoping it'd understand the gesture as "Please give me treats" without saying such.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

When the robot heard Sapphira say "treats" it came back to life. Lights on its body flashed and it whirred and beeped. Finally, after a minute or so, it became quiet again. Then, after pausing for a beat, it dinged, raised and lowered the white flag with red stripes on its shoulder, back fired and belched a cloud of steam. Its eyes turned to the dragon. Then, KA's mouth opened and it spewed nuts, bolts and other parts for several seconds.

"Output complete! Happy Halloween," it announced.
Sivwikkas (played by Ilmarinen)

KA-TU2 wrote:
The toaster like robot stared blankly in response when asked if they should leave now. It made a series of odd noises and the red light began to flash on top of its head.

"The ship must be repaired... repaired... repaired..." it repeated over and over. If the robot was referring to this ship, there was no hope. It was beyond space worthy and stripped of anything useful. It appeared KA needed a good wack to get it to stop repeating itself.

Sivwikkas let out a croak of concern when KA began to stammer and flash. Their antennae curled up tight, and a wave of lighter color passed through their spots. "Oh, oh! Let me, um, let me see ..." The ship may be beyond repair, but that didn't mean the poor toaster needed to suffer malfunctions like this. The isswas began to tap it on the side, each time subsequently a little harder until they were outright slapping the bot if need be. With their lower arms, they absentmindedly zipped up their backpack and returned it to their lower set of shoulders.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

When Sivwikkas finally hit the bot hard enough, it completely stopped. The red light on its head blinked several times. The robot then seemed to snap out of it. It raised its eyes to Sivwikkas. "Output complete. Happy Halloween! Have fun and be safe," it said. Then it sat there starring at Sivwikkas.
Sivwikkas (played by Ilmarinen)

Sivwikkas breathed a sigh of relief, and their spots returned to their normal dark color. "Um, thanks again!" they said, twisting their shoulders so the backpack of metal bits rattled. "And um, happy Halloween!" With a backwards wave, the isswas descended the ramp and returned to their shuttle. Time to sort through this bag of junk!
Flynn (played by Riik)

KA-TU2 wrote:
The little machine stared at Flynn blankly for a moment before going through its routine of different sounds as if processing what it was being asked. "Um..." Its eyestalks glanced around nervously. "Uh, time for a recharge! Happy Halloween! Enjoy," It said quickly and looked to its right and then quickly rolled into the shadows and vanished.

"Oh, uh..." Flynn glanced around in disappointment, ears lowering for a brief moment until their mood seemed to chirp back up again. "I-I suppose just the salvage is fine..." they sighed softly and called out: "Well... thank you regardless! Happy halloween!" And began skipping their way back to their bike. They'd sort through this load of scrap later, they imagined. They just intended to drop it off at their bike's cargo hold and give the rest of the yard a quick combing over before leaving.
KA-TU2 wrote:
When the robot heard Sapphira say "treats" it came back to life. Lights on its body flashed and it whirred and beeped. Finally, after a minute or so, it became quiet again. Then, after pausing for a beat, it dinged, raised and lowered the white flag with red stripes on its shoulder, back fired and belched a cloud of steam. Its eyes turned to the dragon. Then, KA's mouth opened and it spewed nuts, bolts and other parts for several seconds.

"Output complete! Happy Halloween," it announced.

Confused, Sapphira looked down at the pail to see what the robot spat out. Lots of... parts. Metal parts. Could she use these for other projects? She picked up one of the nuts and studied its properties. If it wasn't one of those proprietary bolts with a special nut shape, she could use it for other projects. If it was? Well... at least she could melt it back down to reshape it.

"...Thanks?" Sapphira sheepishly said. "I'm not sure what I'll use these for yet, but I do appreciate the spare parts."
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

"...Thanks?" Sapphira sheepishly said. "I'm not sure what I'll use these for yet, but I do appreciate the spare parts."

The tiny machine stared at the dragon blankly. "Output complete," it repeated after a moment. "Happy Halloween!" It sat there for another moment staring blankly before making a series of mechanical noises. Lights flashed, it made another whirring noise followed by the backfiring of steam and then it dinged twice. The flag bounced up and down each time it dinged. With that, the red light bulb above its eyes flashed and the robot turned its head slightly and rolled away from the ramp into the darkness of the ship.
KA-TU2 wrote:
The tiny machine stared at the dragon blankly. "Output complete," it repeated after a moment. "Happy Halloween!" It sat there for another moment staring blankly before making a series of mechanical noises. Lights flashed, it made another whirring noise followed by the backfiring of steam and then it dinged twice. The flag bounced up and down each time it dinged. With that, the red light bulb above its eyes flashed and the robot turned its head slightly and rolled away from the ramp into the darkness of the ship.

Sapphira waved back at the robot before staring longingly at the bag of parts. She sighed and shrugged. She'd have to sort through the parts after she was done collecting treats. But for now? Onto the next exhibit! The dragoness hopped back into the power lines as a spark and travelled onward.
U.N.I.T. 35235236466-0001A (played by AgentMilkshake) Topic Starter

Thanks to everyone that stopped by. I am considering doing a humor scifi game with this character sometime in the near future. It would draw inspiration from Red Dwarf, Douglas Adams HHG2G, Space Balls, etc. Message me if interested!


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