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Forums » RP Discussion » To everyone I roleplay with and talk to

I'm not having as much fun on RPR as I should or used to. I think I'm investing too much time in this site without getting enough in return, to an extent where I'm overburdening myself. Then when I forget about people because I've got too much stuff going on I feel guilty about it, and am too scared to message them again after being silent for so long... and that, in itself, makes just logging on kind of awkward.

There's other things too, but the details aren't important- what I'm trying to say, is that I'll be around, but I'm cutting down on the roleplaying. I currently have a few running, but if they die out, I won't start any new. Because I'm not in the mood. I've grown hesitant to engaging new roleplayers, because I don't trust my own fickle muses. Nor will I be seen in the forum as much, but people can still message me and I'll most likely reply!


BONUS QUESTION that's actually half the reason I posted this thread to begin with: When you have a writer's block, do you wait for it to pass, or do you actively try to get rid of it?
Re: question - do you wait for the wall to fall or do you tear it down?

I had awful writers block, it lasted months... It wasn't until my girlfriend encouraged me to write little bits, small dribble, that the wall began to fall down faster.

She isn't wrong- I think now if you rely on inspiration you'll be waiting forever, but if you engage and challenge your creativity it will come back! Don't wait for opportunity, go out and seize it! :)
^ all of this.
That's a total shame to hear, but I'm also halfway in a similar boat when it comes to RP. I don't quite feel the burnout yet because I'm not just doing it for the RP; I'm doing it to have decently updated profiles of my characters for my stories and a nice springboard in the form of groups. If I attract RP, awesome! But that's not the sole reason of why I'm here.

When it comes to Writer's Block? Oh gods, I know your pain. Like Fiebs said, it's wisest to push yourself to write small bits and random drabbles. However, it's also a pretty good idea to put that creative desire and energy into something else in the meantime, like art! I find that drawing for a while as a break of sorts from force writing helps me get back into the groove much faster.

But I hope you still stick around, even if it's scarce! It's always a breath of fresh air to see you in the forums, Cinders.

For writer's block, I do a writing prompt. Even just a little blurb helps. But I don't like, look through a bunch to find a good one. I use the very first one I see. It's usually the only thing that helps..
For the bonus question:

Sometimes when I get writer's block, I just let it happen. I end up gaining muse again when I've the time or I see something that inspires me. Though, I'm continuously writing stuff (fanfiction, short stories, one shots) cause I'm in a constant daydream state of what to get to next but that doesn't mean I'll write everything I think about. I like letting scenes replay as I'll think of something better later on and write that idea down instead!

I usually bring a notebook with me and just start noting stuff down, writing scenes, or creating short dialogues. What's also fun is making headcanons (whether with yourself or other people).
Others have offered good suggestions but it also helps to just take a breather. Writing, like anything, is a task done for fun by the majority of us who aren't professional authors. If you're not having that fun, don't force it. That just leads to total burnout. Walk away for a spill. It's the internet and it's RPR, the light is always on here to everyone. When you're ready to begin again, the people here will be too.
BONUS QUESTION that's actually half the reason I posted this thread to begin with: When you have a writer's block, do you wait for it to pass, or do you actively try to get rid of it?

Oh, there's no getting rid of it for me. I used to try to actively get over blocks, but it's SUCH a waste of energy, usually for nothing. So I wait and wait and then after a few days or a week I try to start writing and sometimes it flows effortlessly and I know the block has passed. Quite often, the effortless writing doesn't happen and I wait longer and then the RP is dead <.< (usually).

But not all of my RPs die - I still get to RP, and this way, it doesn't feel that I'm wasting a lot of energy just trying to come up with SOMETHING to post. So for me, it's worth it.

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