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Forums » RP Discussion » How Long Do You Like Your RPs To Last?



I'm not so much asking about post length or frequency of response, but instead, expressing a curiosity for the longevity of an individual roleplay, here or elsewhere. If you're a fan of shorter engagements, how short is is that? Long? What do you consider long? Using what medium? Chat? Forum? Tabletop?

Share any experience you feel applies, if you'd like.

I once had an rp span about six years, give or take, with the entirety taking place via various chat services. Before that, I was content with participating in relatively short rps that maybe lasted a few days. Since then, I don't believe my tastes have much altered from crafting/participating in stories that may last at least year's time. That may be too long for some and not long enough for others.

I actually saved a few years of the tale, though sadly some of it was lost during various moves. Is this a common practice, saving one's roleplays for later review?
I like seasonal roleplays. I usually stick to group chat RP where we have a fleshed out setting to explore and a few different story arcs throughout the season. Some RPs continue after a season, but the whole point of doing things this way is so that if we choose not to continue the RP, it still feels "complete". It also allows the GM to have a specific time frame to work with. They get to plan ahead instead of making things up on the fly, which is a lot easier for everyone.
Raineater Topic Starter

You know, that sounds fantastic.

How long do these seasons last, approximately?
It varies. The best example I can give is two to three months, but a lot of groups I've been part of like to frame things around holidays and school breaks since that's when people have the most freedom.
Raineater Topic Starter

I can dig that. Seems a well thought out choice of play. I'm not used to aiming for anything under a year these days, but with a seasonal approach, maybe I'd have developed differently. ^__^

I haven't heard of that before. Seasonal RP's sound like a fabulous idea!
I've never really tried to arrange for a roleplay to only last so long. Shooting for a short-term roleplay that just lasts a few weeks or months might be a good idea.

In fact, I've only ever actually finished one roleplay, which took a few months. The rest of my roleplays were unfinished for a variety of reasons. The vast majority of my roleplay is one on one but I have been in several group roleplays as well.

Around half my current roleplays that have been going for several months and they could easily go on for several more, and I have around 20 active roleplays at the moment.

No timer. Just get into it and keep going 'till there's a nice stopping point wwwaaaaayyyy down the line.

The real issue is in how good or not someone ELSE is at posting.
Raineater Topic Starter

Right? That's a nice concept, and I can imagine it working really well! I wouldn't say I use a timer as much as that I do like to provide enough groundwork for something that may develop longer than the short-term. I totally enjoy doing things that last a week or so, but I'm admittedly not very good at it. >.<

One of my longest rps was with someone who really struggled with spelling in general due to medical reasons, so I mean... I don't really mind if someone is that great at posting if they're obviously trying to improve, you know? If you mean frequency, yeah, that can be troublesome... but kinda comes with the territory and all. I think style might be what you mean, too, maybe? That's a huge interest of mine, if so.

I just was curious about the concept of longevity by and by. I got that delicious little nugget on seasonal play for it. Well worth the venture to ask, as well as all that's followed.

Finishing most rps is kind of a rare occurrence, I think. Not for everyone, though. I certainly find it difficult from time to time and have very little problem with that if I at least meet interesting people in the process. I prefer 1x1's, but group play really would be such an amazing handle to grip someday soon under the right conditions.

20 roleplays at one time sounds like you must really enjoy getting in there. Kudos!
I've had RPs that ran a few years, some wiry frequent posting, some because of infrequent posting.

Depending how you count it, I have a particularly long-running RP with a friend, but we break it up into bite-sized portions. We've built up our own continuity with a set of characters, and we basically play out chapters in their lives. It lets us focus on one or a few issues at a time as they all build up, gives a sense of accomplishment at each close, and allows for breaks to try out other games or just breathe for a bit. It wasn't our original plan, but it's how things worked out.

We've got families and kids and stuff happening in the game. It's weird.
Raineater Topic Starter

Yeah, that I can resonate with, Novalyyn. It sounds like an ample way to pass time with a good friend. I imagine many of the characters intersect at times? I would hope so. Some of my favorite story inquiries are the ones built upon chance encounters with familiar characters. Not just in the meeting, but the how and why of it. ^__^

Weird how?
Obscure Cognition (played anonymously)

For me it depends on the play and what my play partner is seeking.
Not on this site, but I have played in a realm that lasted approximately 8 years. It inspired the creation of several characters that I've kept in my arsenal and one that I've even brought over for play on this site.

I joined this site some time in December, and I have one RP that is still going strong now. We are drawing that one to a pause soon and we're planning on starting up another. We've been going pretty strong and solid with our first one and our play chemistry is fantastic.

I've recently started RP up with another player too and I feel that our play chemistry is really good too. So much so that we actually have 2 completely different stories running at the same time.

For me, the length of a single RP varies. While I'm not against one off scenes, or short term, I lean far more towards longer term RPs. I like to have a far reaching objective. Something that the characters cannot reach easily, but with smaller, easier attainable goals in between. I think as long as there is an objective for the characters to reach for, the RP can go on and on without getting stale.

I like my rps to last weeks. I like switching between rps when needed. pm me please.

Just until it seems appropriate to end, I suppose. When it hits that point, that if we continued it would be dragged on but it is a good ending when we stop right there. But, sometimes that point doesn't come and if the rolpelay is dragging on I'd rather just end it there.
Raineater Topic Starter

I think this sums it up, personally:


No in all honesty I really love the sorts of rps where everyone's playing multiple characters, new characters are born or come in, older characters leave or die or their arcs finish but the whole story keeps going. Kinda like a soap opera.
I like a game I can invest years into, have huge arcs, huge stories, but also small little things too. I really love just two people talking, just little interactions and conversations. They make me happy.

I used to rp in a chatroom many years ago, and did so for about 10 years. In that time players came and went, but the majority of us remained, the core group, and goodness the stories that came out were so much fun, so satisfying because they were long and slow burning. Relationships formed, fell apart, children were born, people died, people moved away, a lot of stuff changed and shifted and big plots happened sometimes which were epic and glorious.
I still have extremely fond memories of those times and those stories, and i'm often sad it's over. Though the chatroom still exists, a long time ago they decided to move in a different direction with more plot led stuff and bigger overarching story that was a bit dystopian and just didn't grab me the same way. So I left because I couldn't settle into the new universe, it was a whole different game, just with the same players and I don't much like big change lol.

I'm now in a long term rp that i've been doing for about 18 months? and it's been a lot of fun in terms of character development and the stories we've been able to tell because of the slower pace.
We have replies pretty much daily, but it can take weeks to finish a single day in game and everyone's playing like a dozen characters each so there's loads to do and lots of interactions going on.

I do enjoy little short term things as well, but I do vastly prefer long games, big soap opera games that stretch on without end.

I'm always sad to remember games that failed, or that just stopped for some reason or other, because I don't like rps to end. I always, always want to keep on going with something i've invested that much time into, and I do rather adore the complex branching nature of a long term group roleplay.

One on ones however? Once the story reaches a conclusion, or you run out of ideas, things just naturally putter out. Which is a shame, but pretty natural when there's only two writers involved, especially if the main thrust of the story is focused on two specific characters. once their arc ends, where do you go?

So my preference would always be BIG games with a lot of players, a lot of characters, a lot of time and a whoooole load of stories going on at once. I like soap opera style rps, not in terms of content (although I do love drama) but more in the way soap operas always have an A plot, a B plot and then introduce a C plot so that anyone who pops in at any point will always catch the start of a story and get invested. The way characters come and go, the way stories feed into a new story and a new story and on and on into decades. THAT is how I like my rps.
Sadly, that sort of game isn't so easy to find.
Purple_monkfish wrote:

So my preference would always be BIG games with a lot of players, a lot of characters, a lot of time and a whoooole load of stories going on at once. I like soap opera style rps, not in terms of content (although I do love drama) but more in the way soap operas always have an A plot, a B plot and then introduce a C plot so that anyone who pops in at any point will always catch the start of a story and get invested. The way characters come and go, the way stories feed into a new story and a new story and on and on into decades. THAT is how I like my rps.
Sadly, that sort of game isn't so easy to find.

I am with this, though more on a 1x1 scale. Group rp's are ok but only with a few, the most people in it the more i lose the plot.

The longest storyline I've had go on was for a year, if not a bit over. I've also played shorter long-term plots, short-term week-or-so plots and one-off encounters. For me, it all just depends on mine and the other player's whims, and what we are looking to get out of the interaction.
Most of my RP's are romance, and regardless of the other genres, or if the characters are sci-fi, supernatural, or regular humans, marriage, and children are usually planned for down the line. I've never 'truly' finished an RP because people tend to disappear on me, or sometimes one of us or both of us just grow uninterested.

However, by that point it's usually been a few months. My current longest running RP is several months in, and it will likely be another month or so until the character get to the point of being engaged, and then another month or so until they get married. Then probably many months afterwards (years in RP timeline) with them being married without kids, and dealing with conflicts, ect, lots of plot and slice of life stuff. Then eventually pregnancy, which will last a month or so IRL time (obviously nine months going by in RP timeline) and then boom there's a baby, and there was have months of RP with them and their new child, new conflicts, new plot points.

If one of us doesn't get bored or tired or life doesn't get in the way, the RP is likely to last years, until either their character dies, or my character dies, and the couple is parted.

I generally am happy with RP's lasting years, until pretty much everything that can be done with two characters has been done. I've never actually played out an RP where more than a year passes, but I can see several of my RP's that I have currently lasting years IRL time, and decades in RP time.

I don't really prefer short term RP, I tend to be more excited about RP's that have enough substance and plot to last for a very long time; but, I have had RP's that kind of just needed to end earlier on, and if the other person hadn't disappeared, then we just wrote an ending to the RP and went on our way. It works best if the couple is already together, and the conflict isn't super hard to wrap up in a few 4-5 paragraph posts. We just shoot those out and then the RP is done with, and neither of us feel bad for not really giving an ending.

TL;DR: Years/Indefinite.
I glimpsed this and found it interesting - but the longest RP I've been involved with is still going...six or seven years, now? I have a very good friend who I met through a role-play site and we launched off on our own when the site sort of sputtered and died, and since then, we've essentially been writing for the same characters for all these years. We've explored new ones with both separate and intersecting plot points with our original characters, but they are all going strong. Their plots and storylines are so meticulously detailed that it's been a joy to keep it going, and my muse have truthfully never stalled out for it. Our characters are so present and three-dimensional that we frequently reference them outside of our RP, it's awesome. :)

My longest running role-plays on this site have been going since I joined, and I'm very confident about the longevity of all of them. I adore my writing partners and I love the characters I have.

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