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So maybe he got a little overzealous. Yet something about the look that princess had given him...the way he could feel her eyes piercing into him...and certainly, the soft hum she had made....

...well, any one would’ve gotten a little excited.

Either way, maybe trying to seduce the girl in broad daylight was a little risky. Or would it be Risqué? Either way, could anyone blame him- it had been quite some time since he had found prey, and he was desperate even. It took a lot to get close to her, not to mention all the energy spent luring her in....

Ah, but these really weren’t the things to be thinking of. Not with these troublesome guards hot on his trail; Marcello’s tail twitched as it swept around his feet, and he sniffed into the air; anywhere further from the horses and the metal was somewhere better than this.

He ran forward again, stumbling over roots and bushes; the blind cambion had already bumped into enough trees, his hip particularly ached, and with his tail limited to a small range in hopes these Knights wouldn’t realize just what he was, it was only a matter of time until—

He tripped.

It had been a rather large root that took him down; he had thought for a moment, he had hit a clearing, and then he stumbled over the root he had not noticed, falling to the flattened dirt suddenly. Obviously some kind of trail, but judging on the sounds of the trees nearby, he was not yet free of the forest. He could smell a new scent— not metal or horses, so perhaps someone to trust...but then again was any scent friendly to him? The albino could hear the faint rumble of the hooves, and right about now he was feeling quite bitter about having to leave that princess.

“Hello?! Who’s there?!” He called out, struggling to his feet; he reached a hand out to find a tree or something to hold onto, the fall having left him disoriented.
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

It was a lovely day to explore, he'd thought - just the right temperature, a light breeze ruffling the leaves here and there. A deep breath drew in the scents of loam and leaf litter, budding flowers and wildlife. His ears noted the scurrying of small critters nearby and he could have sworn he heard the shuffling of a bear.

Just after noon, Rick picked up a fresh rabbit trail where it crossed the path and he hadn't been able to resist. He'd stuffed his pack just under a nearby log, followed the scent to its warren, laid a few snares, and took up the difficult part of waiting. Which paid off when a few passed him by and he was able to spring the trap.

Now he made his way back with a duo of the long-eared menaces, trying to decide how best to cook them.

Distant hoofbeats bade him pause. Were they headed up this trail? Should he wait for them to pass or grab his gear now? He was still a few lengths from where he'd left it, but the horses seemed far enough out where it wouldn't matter. If he was quick, he could absolutely grab the goods and go - no need for illusions or anything.

Then a closer thud, and Rick also hit the ground.

He couldn't see them, but their voice and their casting around for a hand-hold suggested they were unpleasantly close to his bag. Not good.

"Who's asking?" Rick tried to throw his voice behind a different bush, like he'd been shown, but he really didn't know why he bothered. All he managed to do was muffle his words and not even in a volume way. Just made him sound like he facing a different direction.

"Well, crap," he muttered, shifting to seem human in case they came to find him. Then he picked his way quietly over to be behind a tree.

"Seriously, though. Who's asking?"
Marcello Esposito (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

The young man perked up at the sound of a voice, his ear twitching beneath the dark green hood he wore. He sniffed at the air for a moment, then wrinkled his nose. That smelled like a human...but it was off, like it wasn’t really human. It hurt his head if he tried to think about it too much, and so the cambion settled on assuming it must’ve been some kind of hybrid.

“Er...I go by Marcello...and if you listen...” he paused, to let the sound of hoofbeats accent his sentence, “I’m in a little bit of trouble.”

He slowly got to his feet, his hands still placed a little ways around him, to give him some kind of special awareness, “If you wouldn’t mind...could you direct me away from those sounds? Whatever direction it is. Preferably the safest route, I’d hate to go wandering off a cliff side or into a ravine....”
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

((Oof. I'm sorry I lost track of time on this one - thought only a week had passed since I last looked, and it's already been 2. ^^; ))

The totally-not-fox tilted his head, considering Marcello's words. Safest route? What was that supposed to mean?Curiosity got the better of him and, quiet as a mouse, he peeked around the side of the tree.

He looked normal enough, though the pale hands and even paler hair suggested otherwise. Perhaps he was some kind of Fae, or some unfortunate cursed one. And the way he stood was strange - like he was about to go fumbling around in the dark. It wasn't that dim under these trees, was it?

"Hmmwelllll, no clifs or ravines around, but there is a bit of shallow ditch on the other side of the trail that's hard to see. To your, uhhhh, left. But it's a bit soft so if you cross into the brush that way they'll see where you went."

Marcello stood mere inches from the hidden pack, and Rick shifted uncomfortably. The rabbits brushed against the tree trunk as he did.

"Uh, just past the log you're standing near - don't step on it, 'cuz the moss'll scar and give you away - and a little ways past that, there's a gap in the brush. It's a spot deer like to rest, probably, and well hidden from the main trail. Just do your best not to break too many branches as you go, and they'll be hard-pressed to find ya."
Marcello Esposito (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

((It's fine! Epic Week definitely threw me off so I've got a lot of RPs I need to get responses together for already XD))

When Rick had peeked around, Marcello's head snapped in his direction, listening to his voice. His face was slightly covered by the heavy wool hood of his cloak, but his blank eyes seemed to only look in Rick's direction, never completely at him. He lowered his hands carefully, trying to gain some kind of mental picture of what log, and where it was supposed to be.

"Uhh...right, right....log....moss...." His eyebrows furrowed in concentration and frustration; all he had wanted was some prey, and now he was going to hang, this was not at all his idea of a good day. The cambion sniffed again at the air, then made a cautious step away from the log; something under his cloak moved in response, and brushed against the log through the thick fabric. He stopped and sniffed again, and as if he didn't have guards on his tail (quite literally), he knelt down to seemingly inspect the log, as if he knew what was inside. But again, his eyes only vacantly gazed at it, his pale fingers gently brushing the surface of the wood.

The pack probably wouldn't have been discovered, had the arrow not come flying through the trees-- Marcello let out a small yelp and fell forward, almost diving straight into its path. When he scrambled to his feet, he bumped the log and it went rolling away, exposing the pack that had been beneath it; he didn't seem concerned though, and instead the young incubus took to sprinting off the trail once more as a group of mounted Knights burst from the trees, horses rearing at the sight of him and arrows flying.

No, this was no good.
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

Rick flinched at the sudden movement, but stayed put. Those vacant eyes were unsettling.

Then a flash of recognition as the fox realized why. "Oh! Sorry about that, would've gave better directions if I knew. Here, lemme help w--AAIP!"

He'd been slinking forward and froze when the first arrow came. Then scattered in a panic at the sight of men on horseback. How had he misjudged how far they were? His hearing was better than that! Or.. maybe it wasn't.
Either way, he couldn't hope to affect them. He'd have to run.

But he couldn't afford to leave that pack. There were important spell components and small supplements to enchanters' equipment, some maps and documents... If they fell into the wrong hands, it would make things very awkward for the wizard who employed him. Some apprentice he'd be, and his master would kill him!

Next thing anyone knew, a pair of rabbits came spinning through the air and caught the lead horse in the neck. When they fell, they got caught up in the reigns, hanging limply from where they were tied at the feet. The horse spooked a bit, dancing sideways to stumble into the earlier-mentioned ditch. Not enough to do any damage outright, but enough to cause a hang-up.

In the chaos, Rick dropped his illusion, darted forward to catch the pack in his teeth, and tried to bolt back deeper into the woods.
Aynor, a former ranger turned wandering warrior, was known to live in the wilderness and travel often from place to place

At times working as swords for hire to raise some funds at other times offering escorting services to the highest bidders, hardly honourable clientelle or tasks, but the man had to eat and buy provisions after all.

Aynor had been returning to his clearance in the forest after his morning wash by the river bend when he crossed paths with Rick and Marcelo

He noticed a bag nearby the blind traveller, whose vision was unfocused, soon followed by Rick taking it and scampering away. It was clear to Aynor that the helpless traveller had just been robbed by this heartless passer-by who had to be stopped before he got away with the theft.

Aynor conveniently placed himself in the middle of the way, ensuring Rick would stumble into Aynor as the ranger snatched the bag back to return it to the supposed rightful owner
((double post removed ))
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

"Oh, WH--?!" The fox yelped at Aynor's appearance (out of nowhere, he might add) and subsequent pack-snatching. Is this what old ladies felt like when ruffians stole their purse?

It wasn't fair! First a slew of angry human knights, now this? For trying to help a blind fellow out.
Of all the ways to punish a good deed...

And who chases a blind man through the woods, anyway?

"rRHOKh!" He snapped, firing off a handful of tiny flames at the thief at point-blank range. He couldn't concentrate enough to do anything worse, and that was probably for the best.

Rick hoped it would be enough of a shock that the man would drop it. Then he could get it back and run. And he hoped, desperately, that the pale one would take the opportunity to make some distance between himself and all this noise. It'd be a shame if he got caught now.
Marcello Esposito (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

Everything was going wrong in a stunningly breif amount of time, Marcello would later note. Yes, much later, because right now he wasn't appreciating this new scent, and the brushes and shrubs that tugged at the edges of his cloak which made him even more on edge. Besides, he could only go so fast., unless he wanted to run smack into a tree, or trip over a log, or fall in a ditch.

Don't forget those cliffs and ravines! A voice in his head chimed in, to which he promptly shut it out. Stupid voices, what good did hearing a voice do if all it did was made you panic? Part of him would, again later, curse the human blood in his veins; but for now, he was much more focused on not tripping. 'I wonder, what would be worse, death by falling or death at the hands of that wicked knight?' He mused to himself, and something about the loud cracking and the sudden feeling of magic in the air behind him, said that falling would most definitely be a better option.

All of this, over a silly princess. Part of him (the incubus part particularly) would like to turn around and show his true form to those little Knights, scare them away. A demon of his caliber, one born from the general of Lilith's great army, had nothing to fear when it came to mortal weapons and tactics, after all. And the other part, the human part, reminded him that part demon or not, there was only so much a blind half-blood could do (especially without his trusty staff), and unless he planned to seduce the entire guard, he should just keep moving ahead.

Perhaps if he hadn't been doing so much arguing with himself, he would've paid attention to the strong smell of oak in the air, and just as the voice in his head noted, oh, there's an oak tree ahead!, he proceeded to smash himself face first into the great big thing, toppling over.
Aynor was surprised at the sudden spell that threw sparks against him and scorched his clothing lightly.

He dusted it off quickly with the free hand and he frowned deeper at the trickery. He would have attacked the creature if it wasn't for the fact that he had to return the bag to Marcelo and the traveller had just smashed himself into a tree, needing further and immediate help.

Aynor made haste to offer Marcelo assistance and the bag back though he was prevented from doing either altogether because no sooner he reached the blind wanderer so did Tron the Terrible and his guards.

It seemed he would have to deal with the magic wielding thief later after all, if he was still around.

Aynor frowned at seeing the knights there surrounding them

"Well well well what have we here? The lord knight of the realm, the king's right hand man, in the flesh coming to disturb my peaceful rest? What brought you here this time, royal butcher?" Quizzed Aynor addressing lord knight Tron Pentre in a frown, hand resting on the hilt of his sword in case he tried to arrest him, assuming they had come to try to capture him yet again.

After all, he certainly wasn't one to go down without fighting and all encounters so far proved Aynor had by far the greater skilled
Pentre muttered a low curse at finding Aynor The Slayer of all people right there, standing in his way. Still he took a deep breath to regain his commanding composure

He raised his gloved hand and waved his men to halt any attacks for now.

"For once, my quarrel is not with you, Aynor... my quest is to seize that runaway fugitive. Stand aside and be on your way" ordered Tron the Terrible
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

When the spell did little more than irritate the man, Rick squeaked and darted into the brush. Like any sane fox, he could see when he was completely out of his depth; he'd tipped all the offensive hands he could play. Time to disappear for a bit and come at it again later.

Nevermind that this thief would have pick of the litter as far as what was in the pack. Nevermind that the blind guy was now alone with him and a bunch of--- ouch. That sounded like it hurt.

Aw, heck. He just couldn't do it. What kind of guy would he be if he left someone in the lurch like that?

Out of sight, not quite out of mind, and now invisible, Rick slipped back towards the tree. He slunk around the back, using gaps in the roots to avoid any nearby feet, and tugged gently on a bit of Marcello's clothes. Making use of one last trick, he tried to get a message to the blind man: 'Can you cast? Might be able to act as your eyes, and help you escape.' If the magic had worked, the stranger could respond without anyone else hearing. If not, things were about to get even hairier for them...

Oh the hazards of being a wizard's apprentice.
Marcello Esposito (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

'Fraid not, and its not like I really want to expose myself for being....too inhuman in front of these guys...imagine the sentence id get if they found that out, i' Maybe it was best to not tell this stranger about his escapade with the princess. From where he laid, his face was clearly visible, including the scar across his neck that signaled someone had gotten dangerously close to cutting his throat once. Slowly, the pale young man got to his feet, something in his appearance changing - though no one would be able to see it, his tail had vanished, leaving his appearing as a regular human, save for his clearly pointed ears. So maybe more like an elf? He sniffed for a moment, trying to figure out just where everyone was standing, before he too began to get to his feet.

"H-Hey, fugitive is a bit of a harsh word, Tron..." He said, carefully shifting to move a bit behind Aynor, and this time being careful to not step on whoever -- or whatever, given the new scent-- had tugged his cloak, "Would it make any difference if I said she kissed me first..?" With his tone, he almost sounded nervous, but one glance at his face made it clear he was teasing.
Tron Pentre paused at Marcelo's words.


"It's lord knight Pentre to the likes of you... peasant... such disrespect will come costly" assured the man in no good mood or tone of voice

"Besides, there's harsher treatment than words for runaway prisoners like you who dare evade justice" assured the lord knight firmly.

"If you dare try to blame the princess and tarnish her honor by blaming her for your seduction all you will earn yourself is a lengthy slow torture before you are executed. It were better you admit your guilt and plead mercy instead, it will be a quicker death then, perhaps a painless passing...." warned Tron frowning at his attempt of blaming her for the kissing scene and scandalous behaviour

"Perhaps you bewitched her, uh? Sorcery means you will burn in the pyre and fire will consume this wretched body of yours..." mused Tron waving his hand

"Arrest them both... but the blind one... but I want him alive..." clarified Pentre watching his men circle and enclose the two wanderers, unable to see Rick and even if they did, they would discard the fox anyhow.
Rick (played by Forta-ver)

....... What?

If he were visible, the look he gave this "Lord Knight" and the blind man would have been absolutely withering. All this fuss for some scandalous behaviour? Capture and torture and death because somebody had kissed some coy royal brat? And just what was with all these people? Now that the horses had stopped tramping around, he could hear plenty of armored boots in addition to those foot-soldiers he could see.

Just... what?

He barely registered the sounds of whispering brush beyond this ring of knights. Whatever that was, it wasn't in metal plate and was taking great pains to step lightly. Approaching in such a way that it flanked those still on the road.

Still confused by all this nonsense, Rick drew himself up on his hind legs to further avoid being stepped on (and absolutely not just to face-palm). Then he put out another message to Marcello: 'Hey, don't flinch, I'm climbing up to get a better look around. I'll only be a sec. Maybe less.'

Sure enough, a weight would plant itself on his shoulders and then bound off of them. Its trajectory - if the rustle and sway was any indication - put it on the lowest-hanging branch above Marcello's head. Might look like a particularly fat squirrel had passed by.

Didn't offer him a better idea of what was coming, though. The bushes were too thick there to get a look and all the extra noises of knights and such made it impossible to make an accurate sound check.

Well, just what did he have here? The target of his ire and current meal ticket to be punched, utterly preoccupied with the capture of a fugitive. It should have been as simple as climbing something, dropping down onto the back of the Lord Knight's saddle, and delivering the fatal blow as they fell to the ground. Take his signet ring, or some other identifying trinket, and return to his employer for that fat reward.

Should have been.

Instead, he had counted no less than 30 knights along the road and hadn't taken the time yet to count the rest congregating around a tree up ahead. There were probably even more tucked away along the route back into town, just in case their fugitive tried to (and somehow managed an) escape en route to their death.

Irritating, to say the least.

Oh well.... seemed there was nothing for it but to rely on old tricks. He slipped out of his cloak, hanging it on a bush to appear as though it were a man crouching there. Then he slipped back a ways, hauled himself up into some kind of ash tree. From there, he pressed himself into a fork in the branches and hummed. Just soft enough to avoid immediate notice, loud enough to be heard and pitched under other noise, and magic woven into every note.

It would be a moment before it took hold - this method of casting took time - but its utility was unquestionable. Any weak-willed who could hear it would succumb and all but the strongest-willed would have to fight it. And this song? Lethargy. A waltz occasionally dabbling in 5/4 time and a favorite of 'drunken' guardsmen. Put 'em in a good mood and sent them right to sleep.

Probably wouldn't do a thing to the Lord Knight - men with that many enemies were certainly willful individuals - but it should thin the numbers of his men. Which would give Enri plenty of room to take his time. Set up a string of enchantments, set this detachment to other tasks, and set a better snare for his target.

Self-assured, he drummed lightly against the tree's bark and continued his song.
Marcello Esposito (played by strawberry_champion) Topic Starter

“Wanted alive, eh? Wasn’t expecting that. You seem like the type who’d like to take his enemies down himself, not let some big ‘ole brute with an axe do all the work. Burning me would be quite a waste, dont you know? Albino’s like myself are prized, be it as pets and slaves or as organ farms. You can get a pretty bit of gold for a finger of mine, let alone blood, or hair.” He tipped his head up to show off the scar across his neck, a teasing grin washing along his face, “You wouldn’t be the first to try to take my head Tron, and I assure you won’t be the last. If you can even get your hands on it. But then again,” he mused, “You are a nobleman, Tron, and you nobleman are known for weakness. I wouldn’t expect you to know what kind of worth a rarity like me could fetch to someone like a witch or even a common doctor. It just counts on me finding out what makes you tick, and then you’ll be on your back and I’ll be gone~”

Marcello had spoken through Rick’s message, attempting to make it seem as though he wasn’t aware of what the fox was doing. He noted the faint noises and his approximate location, yet remained still where he stood. He just held Aynor’s arm, his vacant eyes gazing solely at Pentre, as if they could truly see him.

“You smell like...chestnut. Very nice, very nice. That princess smelled like cinnamon...but there was another sent on her I couldn’t decipher...” his ear twitched suddenly as the humming began, and it seemed to send a ripple through his body as he shuddered faintly. He sniffed again but the smell of the men that surrounded them, the horses and the armor they wore made it hard to pinpoint just who that sound was coming from. It made him anxious, and his instincts were beginning to act up, one of his ears twitching every few seconds. This was no good...if some kind of mage or something was attacking with magic, he would need to leave. Now.

He slowly tilted his head, till his cheek brushed Aynor’s shoulder, and then he turned his head so that he would hopefully be facing him, “He called you Aynor, yes? I do hope you have a plan to get us out...” The air had slowly begun to take on a new scent- slow enough that it could creep in unnoticed, the pheromones of an Incubus slowly flowing from Marcello as he spoke. It was dangerous but he was cornered, and it wasn’t going to be pretty if they had to fight. He’d have a warrant on his head for his episode with the princess, for being a demon, and certainly they would search him and find the crown on his person, tucked away— not even he had known it was there, the coy girl slipping it into his pack in hopes he would return to her.

The air to Marcello, when he used this ability, smelled faintly of something toxic, but it left him unphased. But to most humans and elves (he had never tried using his talents on say, a Druid or a Fae, and was certainly interested in finding a nice young lady or man to try such a thing out on) it smelled sweet, and usually it would pander to the tastes of the person who saw it. Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder, it was an old phrase but it applied here as much as anywhere else, where Marcello’s appearance would slowly and very faintly change, taking on a much more attractive appearance. Nothing really changed...except for the perception of those who smelled it. He had to wear these guards down in case of a fight...and earn the favor of this stranger enough that he would fight with him if it came to that. “I could use my trump card but I’m afraid it might make things worse if we’re later caught...”
Aynor smelled the sweet scent... he heard the humming in the background too, a few new recruits around Tron, those closest, were clearly yawning and dozing off.

Aynor, on the other hand, was feeling unusually sympathetic, if somewhat attracted towards Marcello. He shook his head lightly to try to dismiss his outrageous thoughts, handing this poor traveller his stolen bag back

"Here... it is yours... some scallywag took this from you when you weren't paying attention" explained Aynor in a low voice as if Tron was not there, patting Marcello's shoulder amiccably, having craved some physical contact, quite out of the blue.

"Your lordship, this forest belongs to the king, since we are all his majesty's subjects albeit reluctantly... then we can all make use of it. Him and I have decided we will be staying in it, to enjoy the breath of fresh air and pine scents" concluded Aynor in resolve looking at Tron with a hint of defiance as if daring the man to try forcing otherwise.
Tron Pentre narrowed his eyes at Marcelo's words of having great value.

"The only value you have is that which fools and weaklings care to give you... strong men at arms as myself rule by the sword, we have no need for sorcery to win a battle, simply strength, skill and numbers" dismissed Tron rubbishing Marcelo's claim

He dismounted his horse, stomping over to the blind man gazing at him in a frown, hand resting on the sword's hilt

"I would more than gladly slaughter you were you stand, it would save wasting our gracious king's time for more worthy subjects than you are... and I would have you executed right away for daring to defile my betrothed, our princess, in the scandalous manner that you did... but... a lord is bound to his given word and I promised our beloved princess that I would bring you back alive, and maybe with your limbs still attached, mostly unharmed, so long you comply to my given orders right away without resistance.

No one will be taking a hair from you whilst you're under my custody, not until we reach the princess, so long you obey all given orders.

I am thinking of sentencing you to slavery to give you a chance to repair the damaged caused through you own public humiliation. You will be my slave, here onwards, until I tire of your presence. You could be quite amusing stumbling and putting a display as a jester for my entertainment, after all, you are quite the charlattan already..." mused Pentre

"Like all commoners... you are to kneel and uncover your head at all times in the presence of knights and lords of the realms... especially in the presence of your new master... unless I permit you otherwise..." mused Tron as he tugged Marcelo's hood off his head, abruptly, examining the features a little curious.

Aynor gritted his teeth, dropping a knee to the ground and also pulling back the hood to uncover his head, least the knight held him on a charge of offensive contempt, though he refused to walk away from Marcelo, more so now that he had seen the pointed ears.

Upon coming closer to Marcelo, Tron also sniffed the intoxicating sweet scent, stronger the closer he got to the creature, which clearly made him an elf of sorts, for those often smelled sweetly, as did their oils and soaps and teas, and started circling the blind wanderer as if a predator stalking the prey. He stood behind Marcelo leaning closer to speak softly to him in a low voice and sly smile


"I might make you my bed warmer too... to quench my needs until I can marry the princess... elves like you, are quite pleasant... or so I heard from the drunken guards..." whispered Tron stretching the hand to touch Marcelo just for Aynor to restrain the lord by the wrist, a firm grip that warned him of danger, forcing the knight to pull his arm back and take a step back or two, increasing the distance a little.

"You should dismiss this bodyguard of yours... elf... whilst rangers are known to protect your kind rather well... Aynor The Slayer is no common ranger. This outlawed assassin is known to be more dangerous than helpful and I cannot allow for him to harm you in any way after my promise to the princess... can I?" mused Tron covering his mild yawn with his fist for the chanting was somewhat buzzing over his head

"Come forward, hand over your belongings and bags and extend your wrists, I will have you bound to my horse and we will get marching peacefully.

If you surrender right away, I will allow you to conceal yourself under your cloak and hood and it will be a more pleasant journey for all of us because you came willingly. The better you serve, the more allowances you will get. You must know that an obedient slave always reaps his rewards within my household.

On the ohter hand, if you refuse... well... I am sure our princess will understand the price of rebellion and why I brought back your corpse instead..." commanded and warned Tron Pentre, giving Marcelo an opportunity to comply by handing himself willingly.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Hunt (DM to Join)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ilmarinen, Ben, Darth_Angelus