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Forums » Forum Games » Meet and Greet game! (IC)

Marcus St James (played by Lanx12)

"Hey, guys, Lanx12 asked me to drop by and suggest this game. Well, its.. uh..Yeah sorry, I'm a little shy when speaking in front of such a big crowd." He takes a deep breath then smiles as he regains his composure "Ahem anyway. He noticed that there isn't really a Meet and greet game for characters like me."

Pulling out a piece of paper he smiles as he looks down.

"So the rules are pretty simple."

1. Start off by introducing yourself.

2. Next, ask the character below you a question.

3. For the player getting the question, you can answer it if you'd like then do step 1.

"Uh so...Oh geeze...Anyway I guess I'll start us off.."

Walking into the center of the room he blushed a bit then offered a cute soft smile. "So...I'm Marcus St James. I work at a cafe as a waiter...I'm currently in college earning my bachelor's degree in business. I currently live in the apartment above where I work...Cafe Omega...So...Uh...I'm...I'm also shy so forgive me if I'm...Oh geez, I can't go on..."

Looking down he took a deep breath. "So...Uh..." He looked at the person next to him. "What do you do for a living?"
Getting nudged into the circle while ushering Marcus out, Luca took a few steps forward with a small chuckle. He used a hand to wave off the pusher and leaned his weight onto one leg.

"Luca De Angelo. I run a semi-successful media company, the Red Messenger. We have been expanding. However, I hope to maintain our independence as a news outlet." With a lightly flirtatious flare, Luca placed a hand to his chest and took a bow. "I also participate in a number of movements for community progression. We can all do more, don't you think?"

With that out of the way, he considered what else he could share and straightened up.

"Despite all the good we do, I also believe that confidence and freedom are very important. Being able to live freely without causing unnecessary pains." He slipped his fingers into the pockets of his dress pants, the tapping of his derbys ringing out through the room. "I'm a bit of a flirt but disinterested in committing to a relationship. So if you're up for some fun, I welcome the company."

And to that end.

"What kind of hobbies do you have?" He asked brightly, stepping aside to allow the next person to stand in his place.
Kai Merrill (played by Malachite)

Steeling herself, Kai reluctantly spoke up. "I listen to a lot of music. I don't know anyone who doesn't these days, but it's kind of a big thing for me. I also read a lot. And study, but that's less a hobby and more of a responsible life choice. One of these days I'll get my life back together and go to college, so I have to keep my mind sharp. With that out of the way..." She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and readjusted her sunglasses. "I'm Kai Merrill. I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man."

Giving a half-hearted laugh, she went on. "That was a terrible choice a joke, that's been dead for years. In all seriousness, though, I'm not really sure why I'm here except to pass the time. I don't really do people. I work minimum wage, I keep my nose between the pages of a good book as often as humanly possible, and I get all these lemons thrown at me by life." She paused to catch her breath, shifting from foot to foot and sticking her gloved hands in the pockets of her coat. The woman was clearly nervous. "You may have noticed that I'm covered from head to toe. I'm, uh, photosensitive."

Turning to whoever was next, she posed a question of her own. "So uh... What do you look for in a friend?" Having done her duty, she eagerly retreated back into the crowd, embarrassed by how obviously uncomfortably this had made her.
It took a lot of persuading, but eventually, Loran planted his hands at the small of the petite woman’s back and pushed her forward and into the center of the circle.

Hidden under her fringe, she hid her lips behind her fist and stammered a while before she found her voice. “M-My name is Mayia… And…”

May as well start with the question, right?

Looking back at Loran, Butch and Hana stood behind him, she smiled warmly before addressing the audience. “When it comes to friends… I just… want someone who will be happy with me as I am. No… expecting me to be something I’m not, or things like that. Just… patience. And… the freedom to just… exist as me.”

Feeling calmer, warmer, Mayia took in a nice, deep breath, and smiled a little more genuinely.

“I like walking dogs in the morning. I went through some things, and I know that I’m small, but I like to think I’m more capable than that. I like to cook, and do chores. But um…” Sheepishly, she tugged at her sleeves and shrunk in on herself just a bit, her cheeks painted a soft hue of pink. “There… isn’t much else that I know how to do. I’m still kind of just… getting use to everything.”

Trying to keep herself from locking back up again, Mayia looked left, then right, then tugged a little harder on her sleeves while trying to word her question.

“U-Um! W-Well… Is there something you can do that you’re proud of?”

And as quick as she could, she got herself out of the spotlight and practically sighed out her bones with the relief she felt. Maybe even a little prideful that she managed to speak without messing it up or tripping on herself.
Thanos (played by ErgoAtlantis)

Thanos smirked as he stepped with an evil grin spread on his face looming over everyone into the circle. Ebony Maw came along with him. The infinity gauntlet glimmered as he was trying to not snap his fingers as he wanted which would cause everyone to pass away.

"Mortals,my name is Thanos The Mad Titan. My usual task is to kill other mortals who are not worthy of this world. My proudest achievement ergo is killing all the avengers and other so-called heroes with my greatest ally here,Ebony Maw aswell as eliminating most of Asgard."

Thanos was struggling to think of a question but ebony jumped in with a good one.

"If you were in a battle,what would you do?"

To that end Thanos stood in the dark with Ebony,his purple body and golden armour showing off and radiating his immense power.
The next person to step out gave Thanos an understandably wary look, but did not take anything beyond reasonable efforts to avoid the Titan, stepping around and out of the shadows into the circle. His royal robes made no sound despite the fact they should have as he moved, until he stopped out in plain view where everyone could see the golden-colored circlet on his brow denoting his rank as crown prince.

"My name is Samson Sinclair, of a long line of Sinclairs going back to the founding of the Arcanian Empire. When my father passes to the next life or abdicates, it will be my duty to take up the reigns and rule for the benefit of all our subjects." He gave one more glance at Thanos and the Mad Titan's companion, before addressing their question.

"In the unlikely event I was actually there personally for a battle in which my armies are fighting, it would be my responsibility to see to the grand strategy of it all, not take part personally. I could, reasonably, provide support from afar as I have no small skill and power with the arcane arts, but being the crown prince, it would be considered irresponsible for me to put myself and the family line at direct risk by personally engaging in battle myself unless the fighting by some unforeseen circumstances came my way. And then-- he grinned, not at all a pleasant, friendly expression, but a fierce one full of pride. "If that were to happen I would unleash on them with the full fury of all my ancestors' magic behind me."

He let the room fall into silence with that declaration, arms folding over his chest as his guard watched warily from a corner where they could see everyone and everything, and take immediate action if anyone threatened his well-being. Finally, Samson nodded once, and proffered his own question. "What do you hope to accomplish in your lifetime, that you haven't yet?" And with that, he retreated to the corner with his guard.
Logan Hanson (played by ShadowWolfie)

Logan nodded and smirked slightly, moving his hair from the way of his red eyes and jumped off the counter and walked into the middle of the circle, avoiding physical contact with anyone and soon stood still, sighing softly, “Well. Let me start off with my name. I am Logan Hanson, and I am a Wolf Shifter. If you have no idea what a Wolf Shifter is then I will tell you, it’s something where I can shift between two different forms, Wolf and Human. Now, let me continue.” He glared at some people that were whispering and talking off in some corner and looked away from them to continue talking, “I come from a long line of Midnight Alphas and now I’m the alpha of my pack, the Woodland Wolves and I protect the woods from any Newcomer and I have main fights with most people if they don’t respect my wishes. I would to accomplish finding my true love.” He bowed respectfully. “What are you seeking to find in your present or future? That is all I have to say. Have a good day.” He gave a sweet smile and turned around before leaving the circle.
Nudged out of the shadows and into the light of the center, Natsume stumbled, all bundled up in his grey hoodie as it cast a dark shadow over his pale face. Green eyes almost glowing through the darkness.

“Uh…” Blinking, the young man leaned his weight on one heel and pressed his fingers to the back of his neck. “… Just… call me Nat.” He muttered, trying to make this as short as possible.

“I’m just a bum. Do odd jobs. That crap…” He mumbled, trying to avoid any accidental eye contact as he searched for something to answer the question with. “And… I… wanna find someone important. Make sure they’re safe and can keep living like that. Anything else…“

Trailing off, he realized he was getting a bit sentimental, a reluctant redness appearing on his cheeks as he pulled his hood a little further around his face.

“So uh… Yeah. Got anything that always gets you actually talking?” He asked curtly, hoping that would be something to let the next person talk long and loudly. Enough to let him be forgotten as he slunk back into the darkness.
"Get me talking? Hah!"

The tall green alien stepped out into the center, devilish smirk plastered on their features. They brushed off some fictitious dust from their metallic armor, as the small red many armed blob peaked out of their pocket.

"There's not many things that can get me to STOP talking, bud! My interests are varied as... uh..."

The alien looked down to their pocket, and smirked at the apparent response of the creature.

"Specks of plasma from a Corlenian Reactor! Anything is fair game when it comes to me! Combat! Cooking! Sewing! The list goes on and on! As the great captain Glorp, I not only can do these tasks, but do them to an extent you didn't believe was possible!"

They started in shock and then glared down at their pocket.

"You don't have to say that I'm bad at video games in front of a crowd, you know…"

"Anyway! We're Glorp and Glorp, feared captains of one of the finest combat ships! Second to almost none, we're very likely…"
Glorp grabbed the globular creature, apparently also named Glorp, out of their pocket and threw it up, where it landed on Glorps head. Glorp smirked out at the crowd, before one of the red arms poked Glorp on the small bobble on their head. Glorp blinked.
"Oh right. Glorp said 'Most dangerous pair in the room', but you couldn't hear that unless you also have physic powers, so… The effect was kinda lost on you, wasn't it?"

"No matter! Being the great officers we are, we will grant a question to someone else! Uh…"

Glorp assumed a thinking posture, before standing up straight.

"Good one! Alright! If you could only be good at athletic or mental tasks, and horrible at the other, which would you choose? Not like I'd have too. I have both!"

Glorp laughed loudly, more of a bark then a laugh honestly, and walked back into the crowd.
moon (played by animelover)

I walked up in front of everyone. I bit my lip and started talking.

" Hi everyone my names moon. Anyway the answer to the question for me would be I wish I could be good at both but if I have to choose I would choose mental task. I would choose mental task because I would be smart. I am not the smartest or very athletic either."

" Would you rather be smart but horribly at sports or good at sports but stupid."
“Hilarious.” The young frost elf remarked with a slight tone of cruelty. He stepped to the center and stood proudly uninhibited, waiting for the Moon to settle comfortably before speaking.

“I am Wolfgang. I got kicked out of school for fighting smart a—“ He interrupted himself after seeing a younger audience member. Visibly annoyed, he had the courtesy to choose different words. “Morons, who thought they could make fun of a small guy like me.” He paused and rolled his eyes. “I also may have… allegedly stolen and/or forged official documents. Now I’m an apprentice.”

Some may have deduced that he was an apprentice of magic given his attire, but he smirked with amusement for deliberately being vague for those who couldn’t. “Anyway, yeah- I like outwitting people, so I’d rather be smart. I’m sure being a dope has its benefits, but it’s not my game. So, here’s my question: if you could change something that happened to you in the past, what would you change, and why would you change it?”
The pale, pointy-eared individual pondered the circle for a long time. The room was silent for some time after Wolfgang's question, but this elf did not seem to be in a hurry. When she did speak from her seat on a high-sitting wooden stool, it was slow, and deliberate. Rushing was a word not often seen in her vocabulary. "You could ask my brother about this, but he would not be able to speak. I would change how hastily I made my decision to curse him, and take the time to do it right, not get caught." She did not seem inclined to offer context, or really, much at all. Her words might, in fact, imply her brother had been killed, but the truth was he'd just been left a brain-dead vegetable.

She blinked slowly, her gaze taking in the group around her for another half a minute before she said more, finally realizing she had left out the purpose of this group. "My name is Solvfrid Takesdottir and I am the rightful heir to my father's seaside kingdom. Instead the heir he designated is now a gibbering idiot. An improvement to his disposition, really." What gave the whole thing she said an eerie, almost horrific air, was not what she said, or her almost inhuman appearance. It was how calmly she said it. It was that the entire time, her posture was relaxed, bored even. It was that through it all, her smile remained serene.

She quite literally saw nothing wrong, felt no guilt, for what she had done. And when she said her piece, she stretched, catlike, her eyes narrowing to lazy slits. "Oh, I am also expected to pose a question. If you could have any one kind of beneficial item with one enchantment on it, what would it be, and what would you have it do?"
A pile of dust fell from the ceiling, landing neatly in the empty circle. It began wisping up after a few moments, slowly swirling and creating a semi-humanish shape. It turned from side to side and examined the crowd.
"Ah, hello, dear friends enemies playthings. You are all so delightfully different, I've seen noticed read. I am the simple spirit of adventure, it that drives you on and determines you to complete your our my tasks…"
The dust being made one of the darker dust spots on their face become smaller in a wink style gesture.
"whatever they may be."
The dust being made itself an arm, and another one, and began making a small stone statue in it's hand,trailing dust off of it's fingers into the totem.
"Now, for my question to think of know of answer. To mess with magical items, while in a form being one yourself…"
It not only winked again, but let out a small cute tongue in a joking matter as it began detailing the little stonw golem it had created, with axe and shield, scars and a grin on it's face.
"usually does not end well. But, if little ol' me could either have enough magic to deal with the counterweight, or forced twisted got help from someone…"
It began to animate small blobs towards the golem, which fought them on it's 'hand'.
"I guess an item, a small golden jar, inside it all the strength skill power ingenuity of an adventurer, a hero…"
It grinned and brought up the fighting warrior for all to see.

And then they violently crushed it in their hand, beore dropping the remnants onto the floor. It had a look of pure hatred on its face.
"S O I W O U L D F I N A L L Y B E A B L E T O T A K E M Y C R E A T O R ' S L A N D W I T H O U T T H E G A M E O F T R I C K S, AND R E G A I N I T F O R M Y C R E A T O R T A K E I T F O R M Y S E L F."
The arms it had disappeared as it swept up the broken rocks, before the 'face' returned to normal.
"Now, for my turn… have thou had anything or anyone unjustly taken from you? Whome you'd give anything to get back?"
And with that, it collapsed and quickly sifted thru the floorboards, leaving only a small trace of dust to prove they were ever there.

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