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Feature Spotlight: Extra Group Pages

Posted by Kim on March 25, 2020, 9:00am

This is a little thing, but for groups with a TON of information, it can be a butt-saver!

So, for as long as groups have been around, you could have up to five top level pages, and each of those can have up to 10 sub-pages, making it possible for there to be a total of 50 pages associated with a group.

With the 2.0 update, it became possible to add more pages to a group than can fit into the group's header navigation. Or, to just create some group pages that don't show up on the group header navigation for whatever reason you like. :)

When placing a group page, move it out of the navigation and into "Additional pages"


So, how will anyone see a page that isn't in the navigation? You'll need to place on one of your group pages. Click the "eye" icon to go see that page, snag the link, and plop it wherever you want the link to be!

Okay, but how to edit a seeeeeecret page?

When editing your group pages, you can find links to edit those pages under "Off Menu"


Happy group customizing! :)

Post tags: Feature Explanations



March 25, 2020

Awesome! Thank you so much!! ♡♡♡


March 25, 2020

The limits to how many can be put into the menu have not changed.

I believe I removed all limits on how many additional pages can be added off-menu


March 25, 2020

Thanks so much, Kim! I know I've already been using this, but it's awesome to see it announced. It makes a huge difference.

Just so we're aware though - How many pages can groups now have showing? Or do pages cap out at some point including those under Additional Pages? All in all, what's the new cap? XD


March 25, 2020


This is going to be FUN. :D


March 25, 2020

This is wonderful. Thank you <3


March 25, 2020

*gasp* THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 We really needed this!