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Are you ready for NaNoWriMo?

Posted by Kim on October 25, 2011, 2:40pm

National Novel Writing Month is only 6 days away! Are you ready? Are you going to write? If you aren't going to write, are you going to help care for a loved one who is? Tell me all about it!

So many of our community members are also aspiring writers, who use RP to hone their creative skills, get into the heads of characters, and generate shiny little idea nuggets for stories, it seems only fitting that we give those of you who are participating in NaNoWriMo a warm send off.

NaNoWriMo is a manic writing event designed to turn "some day" dreams of writing a book into right this second realities.

Participants start with nothing (except perhaps an outline, a character, or the vaguest notions of plot) and end the month of November with a first draft of a novel that is at least 50,000 words long.

So many first-book dreams are dashed by self-doubt, self-censorship, and the urge to edit and then edit again far too early in the writing process. The high word count and super short deadline that NaNoWriMo imposes forces writers to let go of their expectations and just get the first draft done.

Remember, no matter how bad it seems at the time, keep writing! Everything can be fixed in the revision stages, except for not having anything to revise!

For more information, the official event forum, or to sign up for the madness that is writing a book in a month, visit

If you get tired of the official NaNoWriMo forums during November, come hang out with your fellow RPR writers in our own NaNoWriMo forum topic.

Hope to see you there!



November 7, 2011

I have so many ideas, but I never can seem to get my thoughts down on paper. That and I'm lacking in the modivation/drive department.


November 4, 2011

I think... I'll go ahead and give this a go!
Been wanting to do this for some time but didn't have the balls...
Or inspiration, or anything set out to write.
Now, I'll shall give it my all! -shakes fist into the air-

Good luck to all who are participating!


November 1, 2011

I have started my NaNoWriMo novel! And even though I didn't start 'till like 6:30 because I had a test and stuff, I've still got almost 3500 words written. :D

I'm gonna own this month! >D


October 26, 2011

I have a friend that does this every year! :D I don't think I could do it, I'm really terrible about finishing things that I write.


October 26, 2011

I'm going to try this year! It will be my first shot at this and I'm looking forward to it! It'll be harder without a computer to type on/spellcheck/all those fancy applications, but that's what paper and dictionaries are for!


October 25, 2011

Hanyoulover, you were at Dragon*Con as well? That's four people from here that I know were there :)


October 25, 2011



October 25, 2011

Most of my rp character stem from stories I've written (probably like most of the people on here ^.^), but my time is rather divided so to write a novel would be next to impossible for me.

But I thoroughly support those who can and WILL do so :) Good Luck and may your muses be kind


October 25, 2011

I have a friend who's working on editing a novel he wrote during NaNo a couple of years ago, getting ready to start sending it 'round to publishers. He's doing the first draft of the second in the series this year, hehe.

Myself, I always find it hard to move ahead on actual stories. I can work out ideas and characters, but putting the above to paper beyond a short-form RP? Naaah, my brain doesn't co-operate. :P


October 25, 2011

Oh I've been researching my but off since September/Dragon*Con to prep for this. I want to do better than I did last year. *So excited*


October 25, 2011

Damn right I'm ready ;) I'm not so certain I'll beat my record of doing it in 10 days like last year though.


October 25, 2011

I've never actually participated, but I've been more than happy to read the works of those who have. And I must say, they crank out some dang good stuff.

Good look to all of you who participate this year, and happy writing! :3


October 25, 2011



October 25, 2011

I agree with Kim :)


October 25, 2011

So write the first one in the series! ;)


October 25, 2011

I think even with dropping my own self expectations, completion of the first draft of a novel would be impossible for me as what I started writing has grown from a novel to a four book long series. Heh.