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Forums » Art & Creativity » NaNoWriMo 2011

Kim Site Admin

Welcome fellow NaNoWriMo participants!

NaNoWriMo is one of my absolute favorite times of year. I have participated in (and completed) the challenge every year since 2003. There is nothing quite like the creative high that comes from a non-stop outpouring of creativity without any self-editing or self-censorship!

During November, feel free to use this thread to get help with your plot, hold word sprints with your friends, and anything else NaNoWriMo related.

So, what's your novel going to be about? I think I'm going to write about Vampires developing their own space program.
Ilmarinen Moderator

I love NaNoWriMo, but with my schedule, I can't really participate effectively. I've participated ever year since 2004, and I "won" in 2005. And a couple times I've hit the halfway point. Now I'm trying to convince Redbeard to do it since it's what he REALLY NEEDS to do, but I just can't make him. :P

Maybe I'll be able to hammer out some stuff this year!
Darth_Angelus Moderator

I took part about two years ago and made it to 10,000 words but unfortunately other things kept me from getting more done.

I wish everyone who does it this year luck though! :)
Sanne Moderator

I don't know if I will, deadlines stress me out and I end up quitting within the first week. :(
Hanyoulover (played by Hanyoulover)

I only lasted one night last year before life intervened BUT before you count me out I spilled out over 10K in that one night. This year I want to do way more and last more than 24hours!
This thread makes me cry with happiness ;^;

I did my first NaNoWriMo last year, and as a result I made my first finished novel and got a free paperback proof copy of it which I show proudly <3
This year, I'm aiming for the sequel! But my state math re-take test is on November 1st, so my start might be slow. Still, I am eager for it to come! I've already fleshed out some ideas. :)

I would probably go on and on about my last novel, so if you wanna hear about it, message me. All I'll say for now is it's a sci-fi future-y thing. :)

I'm aiming to partake it in again this year - I have only two instead of six assignments due in November so, there's a bit less weight to elsewise focus on.
Ive done Nano four times, and finished each time with time to spare and over the wordcount mark. Although I tend to skip a year here and there, it all depends on what life is like when Nov rolls around. Year before last I did 67k in 22 days, then last year I did 52k but finished in 11 days. I really took some time to think it over and realized this year I just do not have the free time for it. Im shorted on sleep and stressed as it is with RL. I can barely find time some evenings to unwind with an hour or so of rp. Nano right now would end up making RL fall apart. Every day off my husband has next month is going to be spent dealing with appointments, paperwork, and various things we are behind on. But, Ill be cheering on the people that do take part.
If it would be in my own language, I'd totally join.
But I guess my grammar is just too bad to participate in english XD.
*goes to check the site how it works*
I'm still a little bit undecided, but it will either be some Fallout-3 continuinity story (with very, very few of the actual characters in the game mentioned) or a different post-apoc story wherein Heaven abd Hell are fighting for territory and the few remaining humans on earth.
I believe you can write it in your own language. What matters with Nano is actually hitting the mark of 50k words in one month. Its a personal challenge.
Prince wrote:
or a different post-apoc story wherein Heaven abd Hell are fighting for territory and the few remaining humans on earth.

Reminds me a bit of Supernatural :x
CelestinaGrey wrote:
Prince wrote:
or a different post-apoc story wherein Heaven abd Hell are fighting for territory and the few remaining humans on earth.

Reminds me a bit of Supernatural :x

Never heard of it! :0 Ill have to look it up >_>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

MissMonster wrote:
If it would be in my own language, I'd totally join.
But I guess my grammar is just too bad to participate in english XD.
*goes to check the site how it works*

You are welcome to write your novel in any language that you like. NaNoWriMo takes places in many many countries and many of the participants do not speak English at all. :)

But you don't need to be signed up at their website at all to participate. All you need to do is start with 0 words on November 1st, and end with 50,000 by midnight on November 30th. Like Zhi said, it is a personal challenge you undertake for your own creative benefit. :)
Ilmarinen Moderator

Does everyone know about this old NaNo meme? I used to do it every year. :) Maybe it'll help y'all out.

Meme below the cut!

NaNo ID:
NaNo since:
Working title:
WIP Genre:
Projected word count:

Have an outline?
Know how it starts?
Know how it ends?
Have your climax in order?
Know your main characters yet?
Have a particular tone in mind?
Plan to draw on your own experiences?

Based on another story?
Influenced by any authors/current publications?

A paper journal?
Multicolored pens?
A computer?
Index cards?
Bulleted lists?
Plot Charts?
Character Charts?
Character formulas?
Favorite writing resource:

A line you would like to use:
A scene you would like to include:
A concept you would like to explore:
A cliche you would like to avoid:
A character you would like to use:

Do you expect to be able to complete it?
Do you intend to complete it?
Would you ever try to publish it?
What do you expect to get out of this month of frantic writing?
See more
Really cool, Heim! I'll have to save that and fill it out sometime :D
Sanne Moderator

Okay so MAYBE I'm going to write. But rather than wanting to gain x amount of words, I just want to write 1 page a day. More if I want to. See where it gets me, so I can be at least partially part of this all. :)
Omg I have you guys to help me this year!! I need a name for this year's NaNoWriMo novel. Last year was 'The Forgotten Brigands'. This year, I was suggested perhaps 'Finding The Brigands' because it's teh two kids from the last novel grown-up and the adults from the last novel are all missing and the one kid has to go rescue the other kid. But would be 'Finding The Brigands' be too close to 'The Forgotten Brigands'?

Input! Suggestions! Questions!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm not sure I'm a fan of "Finding the Brigands" because it doesn't sound very exciting to me. It sounds like someone misplaced something rather than a grand adventure. Maybe something like "Chasing Brigands"? That has an energetic verb in it at least. :)

I have been so tired all day I had to lay down for a long while, but I am hoping to start writing soon and at least not start the month with no words. Your 3500 words already are awesomely amazing. :D
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Pursuing Brigands

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