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Posted by Kim on April 24, 2012, 1:13am

Two years ago today, the RP repository officially opened its doors for early beta testers to start using the site. Back then, the site didn't have forums or private messages. Groups were still just a twinkle in my eye. There were five templates -- today we have over 100.

The site has evolved in wild and unexpected ways since that first day. The most unexpected has been how overwhelmingly friendly, positive and supportive the community has become. Here's to many more years of growing and playing with all of you.

Thank you for making the RP Repository possible.

See if you can spot...

This video series was created by Darth_Angelus as a gift to the entire community for our second birthday. It has been months of gruelingly hard work. Be certain to thank him!

Today's Templates

With the wicked spirit vanquished, it feels like the whole world is brighter!

element-fire-light.jpg element-water-light.jpg element-earth-light.jpg element-air-light.jpg
mithrilsword3.jpg snowcat.jpg


Though these tiny pixelated badges may be small, like medals of honor pinned to navy blues, they represent the gratitude of an entire country. Or at least an entire RP community!

reel.gifUnto Darth_Angelus, for bringing us the Epic Week video series, for working long hours for months on end just to bring delight to your friends, I bestow the Magic Film Reel of Epicness, for performing over and above the call of duty when there was indeed no obligation at all. With this one of a kind magic item firmly affixed to your profile, let it be known now and for all time that you are a truly talented, dedicated and all around superlative Director.

paintbrush.gifAnd to my hero Heimdall, who gifted all of us with a series of Elemental templates so wondrous they are already in use by characters in genres ranging from sci-fi to fantasy and back again, I bestow the Elemental Paint Brush of Fireball and Ice Shards. Your talent in seamlessly blending expressive brush strokes with photographic elements, and synthesizing all these disparate elements into a single work of art and practical design strikes fear into the hearts of all your rivals.

Let's hear it for these brave adventurers, who made Epic Week truly Epic!

Epic Members

The RP Repository is a small site, created and maintained by a single programmer -- but in the last two years it has grown to be large, complex, and resource intensive to maintain. It's those few who choose to support the site by purchasing extra perks that make it possible to keep the site up and free for everyone to enjoy.

Epic members: We salute you. Thank you for making it possible for all of us to keep playing.

This week, Epic Memberships have been 10% off. Take advantage of it and unlock all the neat perks given to Epic Members as a thank you before it goes away!



April 24, 2012

This has been so amazing. ;u;


April 24, 2012

brrr, freezing a bit in this comp room..but...yay, parties!


April 24, 2012

Paaarty time!


April 24, 2012

These videos are awesome. These templates are awesome. This week of celebrations were awesome. The RPRepository is awesome.

I have a very limited number of adjectives to work with, but thankfully the ones I have at my disposal suffice.

Happy birthday, RPRepository. Now blow out the candles, 'cause somebody's getting a spanking.

Just as soon as I figure out how to spank a website.