Posted by Kim on December 2, 2024, 9:00am

It's the time of the year to reflect on the people in your life that you care about, and let them know what they mean to you.
RP is impossible without at least one partner, and those partners give us so much of their time, energy, attention, care, creativity and more. We're bringing our gratitude to the fore and letting it bubble over into words of affirmation, to let those special people know that they are seen and appreciated!
Let them know you care
Part of the tradition of reflecting on how thankful we are to the RP partners of the past year is giving the gift of public recognition!
Write your RP partners a kudos to tell them how much you appreciate their time, their brilliance, the effort that they put into creating story hooks and plot twists and special moments. Tell your friends how much you've seen them improve and that their hard work has not gone unnoticed. Tell those who were there when you were going through a hard time what a difference it made. It doesn't have to take a long time, but it's sure to mean a lot!

Every five kudos you write this week will earn you a special winter candle accolade to display proudly on your profile, available only during FOBETEO. Unless you don't want them.
Remember, to be eligible, a kudos needs to contain a clear "why" explaining what makes your friend so special! Don't just say "He's awesome!", tell the world what makes your friend so awesome. Click here for the complete kudos guidelines.

Giving kudos anonymously will count, but may cause your accolades to arrive on a random time delay.
Don't want the accolades? This year, you can opt out
I know some folks worry that the possibility of getting an accolade might make their compliments seem less sincere to the recipient. To me, the accolades are just a lovely festive element, but I have trouble viewing a 32 x 32 pixel badge as worth enough to get people to lie for. Still, if you absolutely hate the thought that there might be a small reward for giving public recognition right now, you can still participate in the festive spirit by sending your compliments via PM or by opting out of the accolades.

- Hover over your name in the menu.
- Choose "Account Settings"
- Choose "Comfort & Privacy Settings" from the sidebar (or the bottom, if accessing the site on mobile.
- Check "Do not award me accolades for giving kudos during FOBETEO"
- Scroll down and hit "Save Changes"
I hope that helps some folks with their anxiety!

Post tags: FOBETEO
Yes, you can send them to people for reasons other than RP, but they still need to function as recommendations of some kind. There are pleenty of reasons someone might be a great friend that aren't RP!

December 2, 2024