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Epic Week 2018: UNDER DA SEA! (+ Boss Fight)

Posted by Kim on April 30, 2018, 10:26am

The map has led us to a spot in the ocean... But where is the treasure? We'll have to dive, down, down, down...


Click for full size comic

It looks like this lost city has a guardian of its own, and it isn't too happy to see us! To arms again, adventurers!


You have now solved 20 of 30 riddles! Just ten more to go to complete your Epic Week adventurer. Keep working together and we'll surely triumph!

And remember, there's plenty of other aspects of Epic Week to get involved in...


In addition to the week's adventure game(s), we have 5 contests for you to enter for a chance at fantastic prizes. Including our real life tote bags stuffed with toys and treat!


Dice roll tombola

This is the easiest prize you've ever won! Just show up every day and roll a 100 sided die. Big prizes await you! Click here for the rules


Spread the love raffle

You don't need any special skills in order to enter this contest. You just need to spread the word about the RPR on social media and among your friends. Click here for the Spread the Love Raffle rules.


Genre Mascot Art Contest

Possibly second only to epic week itself, this is one of the most anticipated events of the entire year! Artists select a genre of RP such as fantasy, sci-fi, or horror, and attempt to design an original character mascot that embodies the essence of that genre. The winners adorn our homepage all year long! Click here for the Genre Mascot Art Contest rules.


Cooking contest

What's a birthday without a special meal and a cake? Treat the RPR to a special something for its eighth birthday! In this contest, you must bake or cook something. Post pictures or the recipe -- bonus points for both! . Click here for complete rules!


Journalism contest

Became a RP Repository journalist in this contest! Choose a genre or style of RP that you have not personally done yet, or one that you don't personally enjoy or see the appeal of. Using interviews with other players on the RPR, learn about why people like that type of RP and what it takes to do it well.Click here for complete rules!

Party Grab Bag Sale

This week only! What's in the bag? You might get epicness, a fistful of other items from the store, character slots or page slots, and even limited edition party favors -- all of them in random combinations and in mystery amounts! It could be a little... but it could also be a lot. Try your luck!

Post tags: Epic Week 2018



April 30, 2018
