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80 Characters May be Relevant:

Vah'Snah (played by StyxTheMad)

TES II: Daggerfall

Rizza Nixim (played by Marionette)

TROLLSLUM: A Fantroll Database

Lyssic (played by Lyssic)

Old World of Darkness

Ecksel (played by Kahmical)


Muddy (played by XxMuddy-PiexX)


Scarlet Flau (played by lolita6000)


Goo (played by Goo)

The Legend of Zelda

Damien (played by Trikey)

The Legend of Zelda

Commander Angelus (played by Darth_Angelus)

Elite Dangerous

Kairi Sone (played anonymously)


Arieyhn (played by SafteyPinKisses)

dA: Elite-Saga

Donavan Creed (played by Leviticus)

Dark Heresy

Jaco (played anonymously)

Murdac Family

Ivalkhe Ekaatten (played by Foedus)

The Aedas Continuity

Sumaire Arc (played anonymously)

Daedal Macabre MUD

Catalina (played by YuriSan)


Jude Solomon (played by krojar)

New World of Darkness

Eleanor McKenzie (played by krojar)

New World of Darkness

Gavin O Leary (played by krojar)

New World of Darkness

Artos Broddha (played by SavageRemains)

Voldarian Dynasty