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Kudos for Postey

  • It's hard not to love Postey. She's probably one of the friendliest and most accepting people you can meet. She's a hard working and does a lot for the community. - Dylan

  • What to say about Manda-Postey. She's very helpful, very sweet, and definitely loving to the core. I really couldn't love anyone more than miss Postey. She's very creative with her characters (Perverted too). But either way, she treats everyone as an equal, and doesn't favoritize anyone. The best thing I love about Postey. She gives me free candy with every proof of purchase. :p If people don't rp with her, they should. They don't know what they're missing. - Horror

  • I met Postey through my time as a Pixel Beekin on Furcadia, and she proved to be one of the most down to earth people I've ever met on this game. In spite the vast amount of attention she gets from all the wonderful things she does, at the end of the day she's always herself; adorably geeky, sweet and patient. She somehow balances all the work she does, and still finds time for her friends; or even perfect stranger. I adore her and you should too! - Wildviolets

  • Ah, so much to say concerning this one and yet all established in such a short time. She is a heartwarming individual that is a joy to speak(and sometimes rant) with. Never judging. Always considerate. Her characters Muun and Yoska bring a smile to my face every time I see them and her general presence lifts my spirits. An excellent and deftly capable role-player if I ever saw one, to add to her growing list of merits. A much needed boon for the TGT staff that deserves a thousand flowery kudos! - Raven_Dubois

  • While I haven'd had much of a chance to roleplay with Postey for quite a while, she remains the same kind and sweet person who knows how to create a fun and exciting guild for other people to play in. I have never met anyone who was quite as kind as this lovely woman and she's the perfect (and good!) example of Canadian kindness. - Taciturn

  • Dear Lord, this one here is a riot. Out of character she is helpful, kind, and easily brings laughter to the table. In character, she has the neatest designs and in the case of Muuny a lot, hilarious moments. It's always a pleasure to rp with her, or just watch from a distance. - Merenrave

  • Postey is the sort of person who's personality is infectious! I haven't gotten to Roleplay with her yet, but the time is coming. I don't need to have RP'd with her to give her Kudos though! Talented artist, and even more lovely than her art, is her big heart! 10/10 would agree; Postey is the shiz. - Wildviolets

  • One of the friendliest RPers I know, with a wealthy knowledge of historic periods. And my RPR group wouldn't be the same without their help, they're always willing to lend a hand. - DirtySanchez

  • An amazing player, with unique characters and depths <3 I love her, and it is always fun to talk to her. - Jane

  • Creative, artistically talented and with varied characters. What's not to love?! :D - Yuka

  • I love you. About sums it up. Amazingly creative, amazingly supportive and amazingly beautiful in all three aspects of life. Life's richer for having you around, and more exciting for having known you. I can't wait to see what happens next, darling. Keep them punches coming. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • I haven't been able to communicate with her much, but she's a very easy person to get along with. And she's just plain awesomesauce. - Meedleboot

  • You are the best! So nice and funny and not to metion easy on the eyes hurr hurr ;D I love all your characters to death and enjoy RPing with you! - Prince