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Kudos for Elle

  • Owelle bird, my lovely friend! A gem and someone I enjoy talking to and character stalking. She's approachable and always willing to help when able. I am so glad to be able to count her among my friends. - Tiufel

  • Elle is one of my longest friends, and the reason why I began RPing. I can still remember the day she pointed at her computer screen, said 'hey you should play this game', and sucked me into an eternity of Furcadia. She's the kindest most generous soul on the entire planet, an eloquent writer, and an overall gorgeous being. Anyone who is held close to her is a lucky bastard. - amberfalling

  • "Didgeridon't you Awfulstralian." is probably what I would say if Elle ever managed to be a jerk. Luckily, she's incapable of being anything but maximum chill. Not only is she responsible for some of the most hilarious FB one-liners I've ever read, but her RP is thematically rich and reflects not only her golden sense of humor, but also great emotional depth. Drop in and say hi. If her face isn't stuffed with TimTams, she might say hi back. It could be the beginning of something awesome. - Brandon

  • There are many things to be said for the svelte miss Halothane. A superb and prolific artist that brings the denizens of The Golden Tether to life with unmatched grace. Her characters are paragons of glamour, and her art style can be spotted from a mile away. Elle, I'm so glad that you bridged the gap - I think we'll have to rectify the 'never having RPed together' bit some time soon as well! - Goat

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUDOS! Elle is a great artist, and an even more astonishing RPer. I find myself oggling her characters from afar; I adore every indepth history and storyline to them, finding each and every one of their designs deliciously unique. I hope to snap her up for RP real soon! - Lizzie

  • Elle is a diamond of a woman and it pained me to wait until her birthday for this. What strikes people most is her talent for art, something which she is astonishingly humble about. The delightful sweetness of her personality is far reaching from there. Elle has a remarkable capacity for kindliness, and shares a laugh at every opportunity. She is the kind of person we should all strive to be like. Dedicated, warmhearted, modest, hilarious, mature, and exceptionally intelligent. - Basalt

  • I really don't know why I have never honestly commented on the amazing that is this woman. She's a wonderful heart OOC, and a pretty sound head on her shoulders. I never know what to expect from her but at the end of the day it's worth the wait to see :) - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Elle has a way of creating (and drawing!) unique characters and then bringing them to life before your eyes. With profiles full of detail and artwork, how could you not love her AND her creations? - Keke

  • What can I say about Elle that hasn't already been said? She is such a doll, and a great friend. Role playing with her is always fun, and her characters are fantastically well made without being overdone. I LOVE YOUR FACE, LADY! - batling

  • I suppose this may be the first time I've given kudos that weren't preceeded by roleplay, but this is wholly deserved. Halothane's characters are compelling without being improbable, possess realistic character flaws, and truly have stories all their own. The art doesn't hurt, maybe... but you don't truly love the characters until you go beyond the pictures and read their stories. I know that I at least will be making a real attempt to connect and be part of those stories. - ferabird

  • Oh Miss Elle, one of the most enchanting and inspiring people I know. Forever considered Furc royalty (at least to me) she's been around for almost as long as me (maybe longer!). I've known her that whole time as an artist, but she makes it obvious how much she loves her characters. They're so thought out and developed and beautiful... I hope to one day pin her down and just do some good, ol' fashioned roleplay.

    Did I mention she is sweet and incredible and talented?? Yeah, just making sure. - beccathisweek

  • One of the biggest sweethearts I've ever met, with beautiful, well thought out characters and amazing artistic skills. <3 - Eri

  • I never thought I would find someone so very much like me..yet so very different in a lot of ways. She is my Australian twin, my friend, and I am a huge admirer of her. She makes the impossible possible by being my favorite artist on this game, and probably my favorite roleplayer as well. She's a stunning person and she deserves ALL THE RP'S. <3 - Manzanar