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Kudos for Pretty_Bird

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Last year we started off hard and fast. This year has been on and off but when she does show up, I've learned I better take in all I can get! Because she can put out some amazing writing in a blink of an eye. She helped me out of my pit from my despair, pulled me back onto my feet and dusted the path off for me. She didn't expect credit or thanks from either Muse or me. But gal, trust me when I say both of us are not only enamored with how you write, but also how you give it away so freely to us Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Michonne

  • Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird)
    Birdy is an amazing character with a player of fascinating creativity. Her character depth is bottomless with potential plots of enormous variety. I cannot wait for storylines to unfold, a delighted old timer player, sitting up on the edge of their seat. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - GrnDrag0n

  • No matter the sea of changes, she's been right there too to RP and plot and demise.

    She's been kind and gracious to me, to my friends. So truthfully, believing rumors that one person spreads...should make you rethink when it's the opposite being said across her profiles.

    So although she may not be ACTIVE all the time, when she is there, she is active and ready and willing to continue the stories from where you left off.

    Thank you Birdy, for all your kindness and loyalty. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Michonne

  • Never a dull moment around this Pretty_Bird. Our conversations are zany and wild, and our RP is so wildly unpredictable that I dare not even try to plot it. Whenever we get together for an RP, I know I'm in for a wild ride, and I love it. Great sense of humor Creative ideas - JustAWolf

  • Always a wonderful delight to chat with, and spend time when we managed to catch each other on line. Insightful ideas, as well as beautifully crafted characters that hold a realism to them that's not often found. Truly a bright light in the world, and a dear online family. Worth every chance to interact, trust me! <3 Kind and understanding Creative ideas - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Pretty_Bird has been such a wonderful person to hang out and chill with. Honest, kind, and compassionate to a fault. I count myself lucky that they put up with my antics and I can call them my friend. I could speak at length regarding their creativity and writing ability, but I would rather focus on just how good of a person they are, and how fortunate I see myself to have them in my life. Kind and understanding Creative ideas - JustAWolf

  • Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird)
    There is no limit certainly to her depravity. So evil and malicious she even makes a Neutral Evil character pale and lose her sanity. Ailuin was tested and is not done being tested. Birdy can be thanked for making Ailuin the strongest seer for a long time in the history of his kind and bloodline. Certainly, his visions will be a cakewalk after her manipulations. Fascinating as all get out. She is certainly a good nemesis for him and will indoubtedly be challenging him with every story. Wonderful writer Fast responses - Michonne

  • Birdy has been an absolute excellent RP partner. Patient, kind, and understanding. Full of willingness to plot and definitely adds a huge measure of creativity to the scene! I'm so glad that I finally found a way to play with her because she's one of the best people to know, and game with. <3 Here's to a great many more stories between us, love! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - MuseTheDruid

  • She had been wanting to roleplay with me for so long...and we kept missing for reasons.

    But I can say forever I am grateful that we finally connected. Because that connection has became such a lightning strike between us as writers. I adore EVERY story, EVERY plot. EVERY roleplay. Because it is so well in deep thought of detail, action and DEEPER emotional with reality splashed in perfectly in my mind.

    Thank you Birdy, you've been a rekindling flame to me as well.. Wonderful writer Long-term partner - Michonne

  • Perhaps the first person I've been eagerly waiting years for a interaction and finally recieved it. And the sheer fact that she thinks ME the better roleplayer CRACKS me up. Because she's just as good and just as creative and in depth with her posts and thoughts. Can't say enough about her other then...if you haven't gotten a chance yet? Dig. In. Wonderful writer Fast responses - Michonne

  • What can I say about this person that has not already been said? She is a wonderful human being that creates amazing characters! I wish I could pick more than just two best qualities because so many of them apply to her. If you ever get a chance to rp with this one, do it and dive in deep into the world she will create with you. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Taigas

  • Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird)
    She is so far to me a VERY good roleplayer her character its self is outstanding and her roleplay style is amazing as well!! Hopefully my character has gained an important ally ! - TurokSierra115

  • One of the best RP partners I have had in a long time. Story is always at a flow never stops and never want it to. When you have a chance take it. - CherryPepsi