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Kudos for f0x1nth3b0x

  • I remember being so intimidated by foxy, that I was too afraid to even ask for an RP. I thought she was so much better than me that I was afraid my replies weren't good enough! Turns out, not only do we have the same RP style, but we also share the same name. Thus, Witch Twins were born. - kuroi_neko

  • Fox is one of my favorite go-to's when it comes to art. She has an awesome style and I fall in love with every piece she does for me! Outside of her arting skills she is always a wonderful RPer! And has a bit of a character making addiction like myself so there are always fresh new ones to RP with. Art, RP, and great characters what more can you ask for!? - TornBySanity

  • An AMAZING artist, good friend, and holder of a bajillion characters that all unique and lovable and wonderful! F0x you are special kind of awesome! <3 - Strangedisease

  • Foxapopalous is one of a handful of my favorite people online. She's absolutely wonderful. She's a great RP partner, immensely talented, and she feeds my need for doing da arts. I'm really glad she's my friend. - Highjinx

  • Foxy is one of my best friends. I met her through RPR and haven't regretted a second of our friendship. She has so many fantastic and unique characters and she's such a talented artist. If you RP with Foxy you definitely will have an amazing time! <3 - Loki

  • Fox has been kind to me from day one. She's amazingly loyal and has a really good ear. She'll listen to your problems even if she can't take sides. Plus, she's good at art. What more could you want in a friend? - Cacophony

  • Dadj Avers (played by f0x1nth3b0x)
    How does Dadj not have more love on here? He is such a fun character, even if he is a bit of a grump. Of course, if you read his back story he's got more than enough reasons to be grumpy! Despite being a grump, Dadj always takes his sword for hire business seriously. If you need to hire a protector, you can't go wrong with Dadj. - Loki

  • Do you love art? Throwing your money at amazing artists? Well tada! Here you go! Fox is a wonderful artist and will totally help you bring your favorite character to life! Plus she is also a blast to RP with! - TornBySanity

  • Foxxy is an amazingly talented artist, and incredible roleplayer who can fit characters in almost every genre, and I luffs the foxxy <3 - Nuclear_Dingoz

  • Darrell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)
    Darrell may seem like a big tough guy, but Fox has done an amazing job giving him a softer edge that really rounds him out as a character. I've enjoyed every minute of RPing with Darrell, and I can't wait to see what happens next! <3 - Loki

  • Foxy is an amazingly talented artist, and I love commissioning from her. She's done wonders on my characters that have no references, and she's very approachable and easy to work with. She's also got a great imagination, and tons of really fun characters that are definitely worth taking a look at! <3 - Loki

  • A well thought out werewolf that has all the right cliches but still comes off as interesting and intriguing, there are no characters quite like Sam and he'll always have a special place in my heart because of the angst he expresses well and fully. - TheLily

  • Ahh, Froxy. She's a delight to RP with, and hilarious to chat with! Her characters are as unique as their player, and she plays such a wide variety with ease! She's great at keeping an RP going, and even with adorably awkward characters (*cough*Quin*cough*), things stay interesting! A wonderful member of RPR, for sure! - Lenoria

  • I love Kitain for all the right reasons. He's a guard/ranger who works in the snow and ice; he has two dogs with very distinct personalities; and his reaction to being swept away to another land by a dragon make him entertaining. He has a very interesting personality and I can't wait to see how he'll develop. He's fun to interact with and easy to blame for everything--even if it's not his fault! <3 He's great--definitely worth RPing with if you get the chance. And don't mind snow and ice. - PenGryphon2007

  • Sam is Vampire!Dawn's best friend and I love playing with him. He's shy and insecure and he's in for one heck of a ride in the future. If you're looking for a teenage boy to have angst-y RP with, he's the ticket. - TheLily

  • Foxy is one of the best artists I know. I love having her work in my gallery and on top of that she's a great roleplayer too! - TheLily

  • My favorite boxed Fox! She's incredibly talented artist as well as a fun writer. I've seen so many of her art pieces floating about on RPR and they are all wonderful. I also adore Remy, his fear of vehicles (and Wash's driving) cracks me up <3 - Highjinx

  • Fox! What a wonderful girl! Always so kind and caring in chat! Can't wait to RP with her sometime I have heard nothing but wonderful things - TornBySanity

  • Fantastic artist, and a great RPer as well. I have spent countless hours drooling over her characters, you should as well. - Strangedisease

  • He's a fun quirky werewolf assassin that is definitely the kind you don't want coming around your more...chaste characters. - Rubix