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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » It was the Dragon's fault (Semi-Open)

Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne)

[ OOC: Please post in this topic first if you want to join and wait for my okay. Some information can be found there, but I will also post a plot summary on here. Also, yes, this counts as an alternative plot for Sinnice that doesn't fully reflect on her profile. If you have questions, please ask! (Be advised that if you haven't played Skyrim yet, this will contain spoilers.) ]
Plot summary
The Dovahkiin is in Sovngarde, attempting to destroy Alduin after reaching the portal at Skuldafn. When Alduin is dead and the Dovahkiin is supposed to be returned to the Throat of the World where Paarthurnax awaits them, something goes terribly wrong. The Dovahkiin is warped into time, possibly lost forever, and instead Paarthurnax is welcomed by the crash of a spaceship from a different dimension in the galaxy. It is manned only by the Sith Lord Sinnice who just moments ago fell victim to a portal storm...

The floor shook beneath her feet upon impact. Cursing loudly she stumbled towards the cockpit and fell into the seat, hurrying to power up the ship to full capacity. Moments ago Sinnice was eating and going through her plans on her datapad, only to be thrown out of her seat by a loud bang. After shutting up the alarm system, she checked her systems and tried to focus on the positive. Trust her good old Lambda shuttle to withstand the laser blasts, at least for now. The custom reinforced shields held up nicely.

Her mood fell when the sensors indicated a rebel fleet had unexpectedly changed course and stumbled upon her. She was outnumbered and hadn't made enough speed yet to make for a quick ecape. "Come on, hurry." It didn't take too long for the engines to fire up, but it was enough for the rebel ships to draw closer and release a continuous salvo of laser blasts. The situation was going downhill way too fast. She didn't plan on doing this, but she had no choice.

"Star Destroyer Nemesis, I am Sinnice and I am transmitting my security clearance. You will assist me on my mission!"

A brief pause lingered through the blaster impacts. "Your orders?"

"Immediate backup on my location. TIE-fighters, troops, whatever is at your disposal and I need it now."

"Understood. We are sending them in."

Even her custom shields were bound to break down at some point under the pressure. She needed to jump into hyperspace and get out of here.

When the stars began to distort around her, she was certain she would get out of this alive. When the control panel began to waver and distort as well though, she pulled away in confusion. This wasn't right. In the distance she heard the Captain of the Star Destroyer speak, but it was impossible to make out what he was saying. Her arms looked strange as she held them up and began to panic as everything slowed down while speeding up. That was the only way to describe the sensation later on, although most of what occurred was going to be fuzzy at best.

- - -

Paarthurnax had expected either Alduin or the Dovahkiin to step through the portal that shimmered and wavered in the cold air. Something had shifted in the currents of time, he felt it, but it was nearly indiscernible and... confusing. He had not expected the construction of steel and fire to blast through and crash with a most deafening roar into the mountain top. Debris flew everywhere as dust mingled with the snow and Paarthurnax sought safety in the skies.

The other dragons roared their own confusion and curiosity. Surely this impact was heard through all of Skyrim for even the deaf to hear, but the wise dragon's attention was drawn to the fact the portal was gone. No Dovahkiin was to be found, but neither was Alduin victorious. He knew the ancient one had been destroyed, and that made this even more puzzling.

As the mountain settled down, so did Paarthurnax. He sat and waited, sensing that was all he could do.

(Because I wrote half a novel here for just this introduction post, I'm going to give others a chance to introduce their characters. If nobody else will be near High Hrothgar or Ivarstead, I will advance the plot in my second post to make an encounter possible.)
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

the whole village of Ivarstead had become quiet when the bang sounded through the valley. Farmers, fishermen and guards alike had turned their eyes towards the throat of the world - even though its peak was hidden in the clouds. Tsahbi, a young female kahjiit, was just listening to one of klimmek's many stories of travelling op the 7000 steps to High Hrothgar as she heard the loud bang.

The people didn't know what was going on, and that fact alone scared them a lot. Most residents of Ivarstead ran back to their homes, and those who weren't originally from the little town hid in the Vilemyr inn. All except for the ever curious Kahjiit were now inside and the only sound that was currently to be heard as that of the river flowing wildly through the rocky riverbed into Lake Geir.

Tsahbi, being a kahjiit, had a natural sense of curiosity - which enabled her to go explore places others wouldn't dare come. She always walked barefoot, so she could use her front as well as her back paws to quickly traverse all terrains, be it The Rift's forest, the swamp of eastmarch or the wide rocky plains of Whiterun hold. they enabled her to climb any tree without problem.
The Kahjiit tightened the straps holding her bow on her back and fastened her dagger belt. This wasn't going to be left uninvestigated. She let herself fall forward and started into a quick run, using all four limbs and quickly taking her across the bridge and up the steps to High Hrothgar.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

[ OOC: Here comes another novel, dear god. Sorry for it being so lengthy, I just want to get a good foundation for the RP! I'm also keeping Paarthurnax's speech strictly English because I suck at Dovah speak. ]

It was the pain that woke her from her crumpled state on the floor. Sinnice groaned and tried to focus on the dimly lit interior while her mind was trying hard to piece everything back together. Distortion, the feeling of being torn apart and then nothing until the pain. What happened?

She was still breathing, so she survived one way or the other. Her toes wiggled and nothing was broken for as far as she could tell, despite the aching everywhere, so moments later she shakily stood on her feet. Things didn't look too bad. Despite some of damage to the inner paneling from the impact and the mess it had made, the heart of her shuttle seemed intact. She leaned heavily on the control panel and tried to power the ship back up. It only went as far as the very basic instruments to power up the lights, climate control and some sensors before it sputtered and stalled. She cursed again and sank onto her tilted seat, taking a deep breath.

Sinnice stared outside for several minutes to recall the events before she realized snow was blowing gently off the window. That meant she was down on some planet... But which one? A quick check revealed the planet was inhabitable and had breathable air, but she couldn't pinpoint its location or name. Well. Might as well go out and inspect the damage to the hull.

The snow was bitter cold as she stepped off the boarding ramp, drawing her robe tighter around herself and being glad her hood offered some protection. Through the cold wind and billowing snow it was apparent she stood on a mountain overlooking a valley or sorts. She groaned when she saw the damage to the ship. The shields had protected it from becoming little more than a scrap heap, but she wasn't out of here in a day or two with two engines out and a busted outer hull.


"You are not who I expected to find."

Sinnice whirled around and let her hand fall to her lightsaber, trying to pinpoint the location of the deep and grumbling voice that startled her. She had not expected it to be the massive dragon looming over a stone wall, eyeing her intently. She stepped back and snarled, a little uncertain. "The feeling is mutual."

Paarthurnax chuckled lightly. "Fear me not, mortal. I do not intend to harm you."

"Pardon me if I'm not exactly comforted by your words." Cautious, she drew the hilt of her saber anyway and held it, dormant. "Where am I? What's this planet called and are there any settlements that have tools to repair my ship?"

The dragon studied her for a few moments. "You would do well to respect me, mortal." His curiosity to find out more about this woman compelled him to answer nonetheless. "This planet goes by many names. I believe the Greybeards call it Nirn." A deep rumble rolled through his chest. "As I have never seen a ship of this design, I cannot answer if repair is possible."

"And these Greybeards are the inhabitants of this planet?" She was growing impatient with the slow and steady way he spoke.

Paarthurnax chuckled again, perhaps a little more lighthearted than before. "There are many species roaming this world, mortal. The Greybeards are humans who have learned the way of the Voice. The words of my kin."

She glanced at her ship. "Then I will speak to these Greybeards and see if they're willing to help me. Where are they?"

"Follow the path down the mountain and you will find them."

Sinnice only inclined her head before she turned and began to walk. Paarthurnax left the stone wall and flew into the sky to disappear in the snow. She was unsure what to think of this place and the dragon himself as it felt like a dream she had to wake up from. The cold cutting to her bones was enough of a reminder it was real.

The path was plagued by heavy wind and mists that were nearly impossible to pass through. Only with the Force could she withstand the conditions and reach the gate and the large stone building. She got down the steps and approached the tall doors when robed figures emerged and halted her. Her displeasure was hidden in the shadows of her hood. "I am looking for the Greybeards!" It was then she noticed they fit the name rather well, and smirked.

"We are the Greyboards," one man said and moved to the front of the group. "What business do you have with us? And how did you get here?"

[ OOC: I will leave it at this. If you need more to work with, let me know and I'll add to the post, but it's getting quite lengthy. ]
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

As Tsahbi arrived at the doors of High Hrothgar, She saw a dragon fly up from the throat of the world and her hart stopped. A dragon? at the greatbeards? She shook her head and started climbing the rocks at the mountains' steep cliff, untill she was high enough to jump on top of the wall. she crawled over to the edge overlooking the courtyard and looked down. She saw a strange scene going on: all of the graybeards were gathered outside and speaking to a strange figure... The Dovahkiin? no, the figure didn't match the discriptions of songs and tales. She squinted her eyes and used her improved eyesight to take a better look, but to no avail. she could only watch and she didn't like it.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

"My ship crashed on this planet and needs repairs."

The robed men looked at each other in confusion. "Your... I'm sorry, did you say ship? The noise from before..."

She sneered. "Yes, my ship! Are you deaf? Am I not speaking your language? It crashed."

It was cold. She hated the cold and it irritated her that these old farts were so slow to understand what she was staying. "I'm going to need a place to stay while a technician repairs my ship. Money is not an issue."

She waited while the Greybeards hopelessly looked at each other, trying to grasp what she was saying. Then the spokesman of the group stepped closer towards her. "We do not understand how a ship reached the Throat of the World. The mountain top," he elaborated at her blank look. "Nor do we understand how you passed through the path leading to it. But there is a town at the foot on the mountain where you can rest and find a blacksmith and workers who can help you."

"Was that really so difficult?" She brushed past the old man when he grasped her arm. She inhaled sharply and snapped. "Do you want to lose that arm, old man?"

"We may not understand this, but we do know it is the Dragonborn who should be here instead of you. Who are you?"

She turned to face him and shook her arm free. "I am Lady Sinnice, Sith Lord and apprentice to Emperor Palpatine." Clearly they had no notion of what she was saying and she inquired further. "I assume you have no idea who I mean, judging by your expressions?" She held out her hand and used the Force to grasp around the nearest old man's throat, lifting him a foot high in the air. The other men gasped. "How come your planet is unaware of us? We are the rulers of the galaxy. A planet such as this," she motioned with her free hand towards the valley below, "is of great value to us."

When she released him and let him fall to the ground, one of the others took his place in addressing her. "We are peaceful men but if you harm one of us again, we will defend ourselves!"

"Do your best, then." Sinnice drew her robe closer and regarded him passively. "I don't plan on wasting my time on a bunch of old men anyway."


There was a force behind this word that made her step back. Annoyed, she drew her lightsaber and ignited it, its familiar sound soothing. The deep purple glow lighted her face and made its youthful and sweet appearance visible. It confused and shocked the Greybeards. "You would do well to remember you are no match for me, and it's only because you may yet be of use to me in the future I am allowing you all to live." She lingered a few seconds before sheathing the saber and briskly pacing towards the doors, as there was no other passage to follow.
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

As Tsahbi watched the scene unfold, it was clear that the visitor wasn't happy.
Suddenly, one of the graybeards shouted "LEAVE!". Tsahbi, thinking she had been caught, ran down the mountain as fast as her feet could carry her. She was scared out of her mind, thinking she had angered the greybeards - the only few people she didn't wish conflict with. Therefore, she hadn't seen the strangers' unusual weapon. She had however seen how the stranger lifted one of the greybeards off of the ground, which scared her even more. Who in this world was able to use such magic, and - more importantly - who would dare use it against the greybeards!?

A lot of questions ran through Tsahbi's mind as she raced back down the mountain.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

The trek down the 7,000 steps was not a light one. Although she wore thick pants, a decent shirt and sturdy boots beneath her robes, it was not a suitable outfit for this kind of weather. She struggled through the snow and even had to kill off a couple of aggressive wolves to reach the bridge at Ivarstead.

Once there she paused and took in the view of the village. Wooden buildings, a sawmill, a little bit of farming and minor livestock was not something she'd expected. She hadn't been in an unfamiliar system when she jumped into hyperspace. Yet these people knew nothing about the Empire, and she didn't even know that planets with humanoid civilizations were still living in such primitive conditions.

She straightened her back and with a solid, quick paced stride made her way to the other side of the river. She addressed a woman who carried laundry. "I need to know where the technicians are and where I can eat and sleep for the night." The woman gave her an odd look and regained her grip on the basket.

"The Vilemyr Inn is right up the path to your right. A techni- whatever it is you need, we don't have that here."
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

Tsahbi had reached the inn long before Sinnice, and had made herself comfortable in one of the big chairs with a glass of alto wine. Most of the villagers were still inside, gossiping about what the bang could have been.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

The longer she spoke to these people, the more she was convinced they were either stupid or nowhere near advanced enough to offer what she needed. And that worried her more than she was willing to admit to herself.

Without thanking the woman Sinnice entered the Inn not long after, surprised by the interior design. The hearth in the middle of the building was warm and cozy, surrounded by tables and people seated at them. And many of their eyes fell heavily on the robed woman. Sinnice approached the bar, or counter, or whatever it was really supposed to be. "How many credits for a night and a meal?"

Wilhelm's confusion was nearly comical if he didn't sound so stern. "I only take gold as payment for a bed and a warm meal. We don't care for.... credits."
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

Tsahbi, scared but still intrigued by the strange woman, walked up to the counter.
"Here you go Wilhelm, this is for the lady." She dropped a couple of gold coins on the counter. "Do you wish to join me at my table?" she asked the woman.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

Oh, that did it. What sort of boneless, backwards and ridiculously secluded planet was this to not even- She took a deep breath, reminding herself that her ship was a very long, annoying and cold walk back to the top of the mountain she didn't want to to repeat. She had to shape up or things would just get more difficult from here.

Before she could charm the man to give her what she wanted, a feline - female, she guessed - of some sort paid for her. Sinnice regarded her from beneath her hood with surprise. She put up her pleasant face and lowered the fabric to reveal her features. Soft, round, rather innocent if one thought about it. "I suppose that would be the proper thing to do." She followed the Khajiit to the table.
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

Tsahbi walked back to her table, checking if the woman was still following her. When she saw she did, she looked back to her table, only to find a young human sitting where she just sat. She tapped him on the shoulder and asked him kindly to leave.
"No way. This is my table now, stupid cat." The young one said.
Tsahbi raised her hand and showed the kid a long claw, while giving him one of her sweetest smiles.
"Beat it." she said. The kid grew pale and quickly left. This delivered her some looks from the other humans sitting at the surrounding tables. She glared at them.

"Sorry for that little scene." She said. "Take a seat."
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

She did follow and watched with growing interest at how the female interacted with others. She sat, ignoring the other occupants as well, and then looked a little more closely at her new found acquaintance. "That was a generous gesture towards a complete stranger. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

Tsahbi Shrugged. "You intrigue me." she simply said. And then: "I saw you In High Hrothgar, with the Greybeards."
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

That was as good a reason as any, she supposed, and smiled. It faltered when she mentioned the encounter with the Greybeards. "You did?"

Wilhelm interrupted them and brought her a mug of mead. "There's a room ready for you for the night. Just tonight however," he warned her, and after nodding went back to the counter to do his thing.

Sinnice sipped the drink and looked back to Tsahbi. The smile she showed now just didn't reach her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to witness that, then. Can I ask you where I am, and what you are, exactly? I do think I'm lost."
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

"You are in Ivarstead, a small village in The Rift, of the kingdom of Skyrim - one of the great kingdoms in Tamriel. Where are you from?" She asked, as she sipped from her glass of Alto Wine.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

Sinnice didn't recognize those names. But this land was ruled by monarchy, and that made her own reply just a touch confusing. "I'm from the planet Coruscant, the Imperial Center and capital of the Galatic Empire." She sipped her drink again before continuing. "But as it is apparent by the conditions you thrive in I'm the first from the Empire to set foot in this place, I can imagine that doesn't mean much to you."

She readjusted herself in the seat and looked more relaxed than before. "I don't plan on sticking around for long. As soon as my ship is repaired I'm leaving."
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

"Your ship? I can understand how that dragon got to the mountain's top, but how in Alkosh's name does a ship get stranded on the top of Skyrim's highest mountain?" She leant forward, intrested in Sinnice's reply.
Darth Sinnice (played by Sanne) Topic Starter

This whole 'what the hell, a ship on a mountain?!' thing got old quickly. "Yes, a ship. Not the kind that sails on water, however. That's the sort of ship you know, am I right?" Sinnice searched her knowledge for details on what was common in a place like this, and sighed. Without waiting for Tsahbi's response she continued, albeit in a lower, whispering voice to avoid eavesdroppers.

"Look...-" Right, she didn't know this female's name. "Where I'm from we do things different. Our ships are meant to sail the skies and beyond that, space. My home world has no oceans or rivers to cross. But my ship broke when it crashed into the mountain, and I need help repairing it. If only enough to allow me to send a message to my home world!"

She vaguely realized it might sound absolutely crazy, but if this female wasn't going to help her because she didn't believe Sinnice's explanation, then that made no difference to her. She could find somebody else, and if necessary even give their minds a little shove to do as she asked. She much preferred they do so willingly, though.
Tsahbi (played by Freyya)

"Well," Tsahbi said. "I'll help. Provided you can help me with something I've been working on for a while. you seem like the perfect person for the job."

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