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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Walking the World Again (Closed)

Carabia (played by Robyn)

Carabia nods gently, thankful to see folks recover one by one. "Heads up!" The young woman calls over to Lio, throwing her own water skin for her to catch and use freely. "Other than that pleasant experience striking their eyes, is anyone else hurt?" She wonders aloud with concern, content to stay put as she stands before the wagon, just in the slim chance that either thief has another surprise in mind. For now, she doesn't address the others, curious as to how they wish to deal with their close call. Hopefully it isn't literal murder on one of their minds, but can she really be blamed? That was horrific to witness, nevermind experience!
"Dear god what did you put in that thing!?" Cairo says with his eyes scorching from the gas. "Ugh, we shouldve just stabbed them and left this burns worse than those ghost peppers!" He says with his throat becoming dry
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

"Wait until I get her healed up. It will be more satisfying that way," Lio told Assallya as she poured the last of the water over the other elf's face.

At Carabia's shout, Lio looked up and caught the water skin. "My thanks," she said, then headed to Linota.

"Here comes the water," she said to the girl, a small amount of compassion could be heard in her voice - but not much.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

When Liothryth got to her after helping Assallya, Linota gluttonously accepted the flowing water and tried to catch as much of it in her eyes as she could. After they were clear enough to see, hazily and with only minimal burning, she looked around to see a captured Cairo and three women of equal to or greater than scorn. Her own face was repulsively red.

The yellow haired elf threatened to murder her, if only indirectly, and Cairo spoke his regrets of not stabbing them aloud, to which Linota widened her eyes at him in a silent threat of her own. It burned like hell.
“You may as well kill us,” she said, directing it at anyone, but staring back and forth between Assallya and Liothryth. “It’s better than what he’ll do to us!”

If asked 'who' by anyone, Linota would answer, “Sir Radigan”, and let Cairo handle any explanation.
"Sir 'big b*stard' Radigan is a crazy idiot whose super obsessed with dirty money and power to the point he started doing some weird ritual B.S. which is ironic because barely anyone knows about him, but truth is back when i was about 13 his army raided my old village and burned everything i was the only one to survive or so i thought until i saw a girl running from one of his soldiers i didn't even think about what i was doing i just picked up something sharp and tried to stop him and ended up killing the b*stard and thats when the big man himself shows up and asked if we killed him, i remember saying something like 'if you don't leave i'll kill you too' and that freak just started laughing like it was funny a called me and lin 'worthy successors' or something like that and forced us to join him or die in an unknown burnt up village for the next 6 years hes had us doing smalltime dirty work pickpocketing idiots too rich to think twice but he told us 'mistakes are for the weak' and anyone who even steps a little out of line get punished and no one hears from them again and you know what that means" cairo says telling the story to the best of his recollection.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

With a flick of her hand, Lio ended the invisible wall spell and stood from where she had been crouching next to Linota. "Well he sounds horrible."

"Assallya, are you alright?" she called to her companion.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

By the time Cairo was finished explaining the history of how they first met Sir Radigan, Linota’s eyes had pretty much cleared up. She stared blankly at him, her eyes pink and wounded, as she let the snot drip freely from her nose. She was still on her knees and just now began to rise.

“In summary,” Linota told them delicately. “He’s a bad man who does bad things to children.”
The last word was pointedly directed at Assallya, as Linota still didn’t believe they were children.
“He told us to follow you,” she continued. “He wanted your wares and he said if we didn’t get them then we would be the next sacrifices. And he means it, too. We've seen it before."
Linota cast Cairo a tragic look before looking away. "He uses magic from the gifted treasures he steals. That's how he gets away with so much."
"Yall mind passing me some of that water? My eyes feel like hellfire over her" cairo says rubbing his bloodshot eyes
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

There was a little water remaining in the second water skin, so Lio walked over to Cairo. "Here you go," she said pouring it over his face, her voice was much less harsh now.
"Thank you" cairo says sighing in relief and turns to linota "Lin what in the hot hell did you put in that thing? Oh my god" questioning the ingredients of his friends compact orb
Carabia (played by Robyn)

The cloaked woman takes this opportunity to slip away from the front of the wagon, cautiously backing away while glancing at the boy every now and again, but hopeful that the pair have abandoned the thieving plan for the moment. Their shared history, while seemingly devasting is not lost on her, yet she refrains from commenting what with the words appearing aimed at the brunette offering them aid. Moments pass before she reappears once more, this time guiding a solid black horse toward the front of the wagon, still on foot herself for the moment as she pats the steed twice to steady him. "Are you and your companion safe to return to the road, Miss?" Carabia wonders aloud, glad to see that direct assistance wasn't needed, after all.
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

Assallya stopped dabbing at her eyes with her silken sleeves and finally found a kerchief. She looked decidedly stiff, muscles taut and get blue eyes were narrowed.

She was clearly angry and not bothering to hide it.

After several long muttering diatribes with herself she finally addressed the presence of the lilac skinned woman.

"Who's the walking flower petal?"she asked, indicating Carabia, "and who is this Radagast?"
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota wiped her nose with the back of her hand and sniffed. She looked at Cairo when he asked her what she put in the orb and the shadow of shame cast over her.
“I think I was a little heavy handed on the-” She stopped and looked around, a suspicious expression hidden behind her already squinty eyes.
“Chemical compound,” she finished, purposefully making it sound as vague as possible. She couldn’t have these elves stealing her ideas, even if she had given her own names to things. Like, ‘clear jelly’, ‘green goo’, and 'boom dust'.

When Carabia spoke next, nonchalantly asking if the brunette and the blonde were okay, Linota scoffed.
“Did you not just hear me?” She asked incredulously. “If we go back empty handed, we’ll be killed. Worse than killed!”

When Assallya asked about ‘Radagast’, Linota whipped her head around to glare at her. “Radigan,” she repeated through her teeth.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio turned to Carabina. "Your assistance was much appreciated."

She continued, speaking to everyone on general. "There appears to be a clearing just off the road there," Lio pointed towards the edge of the road where the trees did indeed seem thinner. "Why don't we all go over there? Those who need to rest and heal can do so and we can also talk somewhere that isn't a public road."
Whilst getting up to walk to the clearing cairo asks linota. "so lin, do you think we can find a way to talk ourselves outta whatever radigans got planned for us? Or are we screwed?" Even though worry doesn't show on his face but he is truly concerned for his friend.
Carabia (played by Robyn)

Even while encased in that of a hooded cloak, her face does indeed remain visible, making it an understandable feat when it's remarked upon, if not surprising. Crimson hues blink rapidly for just a moment, but rosy lips eventually welcome a slightly amused smile. Now that's a new name, one that she's sure to remember. Cara raises a hand gloved within white as if she had been called upon, the gesture a polite sort. "Apologies, Miss. I am Carabia, and I had stopped at the sound of today's commotion to check in and offer aid. I am glad to see it was short-lived." The gaze then slips to one of the attackers at the sound of scoffing, her features entirely neutral. "You were heard, yes. I merely addressed these two to begin with." She reasons simply enough, attention shifting to the seemingly kind brunette next. "Anytime, Miss." Yet there is a moment of pause, of silent consideration as she glances over the curve of one shoulder, unseen thought pondering the choices ahead. "That sounds like a smart way to gather our bearings, absolutely." She agrees nonetheless with a polite smile, sliding one foot into the leather stirrup as she swings the other leg over to reside atop the horse's saddle. If and when the group makes their respective move for the clearing ahead, she too encourages the steed forward to join them.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota listened to Carabia explain herself to her and responded with an unamused smile. The salmon hued woman reminded Linota of her mother, which, to her, wasn’t a good thing. Her mother was always poised and proper, but admonished you quietly behind words where nobody else could hear it. When Carabia looked from her to Liothryth, Linota’s smile quickly turned into a nasty sneer.

The two women talked about clearing the road, causing Linota to shrug. “Why not?” She asked rhetorically. She stepped beside Cairo and matched his pace.
“We’re definitely screwed in regards to Him,” Linota told Cairo quietly. “I’m not sure about these people either. Maybe they’re kind enough to offer us aid, though I’m not sure how invested they are in our safety at the moment. We might have to resort to Plan B. Remember- It’s them or us.”

She whispered the last bit as quietly as she could and gave a brief glance at those who were around her.
Suraj Zeffyl (played anonymously)

Suraj arrives by way of teleportation, as if he had not existed among them, and then in the next moment? He was walking next to the horse of which Carabia rides, gliding along next to her more so than he steps. Eyes front though Ancient One speaks directly to the devil. “You were absent from your room.” He informs, as if she would not be aware of it without his indication.

Eyes scan the surroundings and the beings present, but give no true indication of having taken in their details with any real consideration. “What are we doing? And to what end?” He asks simply, it didn’t seem like he knew exactly what was going on, but for better or worse he would be along for it.
Linota wrote:
Linota listened to Carabia explain herself to her and responded with an unamused smile. The salmon hued woman reminded Linota of her mother, which, to her, wasn’t a good thing. Her mother was always poised and proper, but admonished you quietly behind words where nobody else could hear it. When Carabia looked from her to Liothryth, Linota’s smile quickly turned into a nasty sneer.

The two women talked about clearing the road, causing Linota to shrug. “Why not?” She asked rhetorically. She stepped beside Cairo and matched his pace.
“We’re definitely screwed in regards to Him,” Linota told Cairo quietly. “I’m not sure about these people either. Maybe they’re kind enough to offer us aid, though I’m not sure how invested they are in our safety at the moment. We might have to resort to Plan B. Remember- It’s them or us.”

She whispered the last bit as quietly as she could and gave a brief glance at those who were around her.
"well im with you all the way remember what we said that day 'live together. Die together' and i meant it" cairo whispers whispers with a serious tone in his voice
"Hey lin" cairo whispers to his friend "maybe we might be able to put together our old plan to revolt against radigan, i mean if he knows we messed up we might be able to gather enough allies to get back at him, right?"

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