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Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

After a few moments Assallya rose, shakily, blue bloodshot eyes blinking rapidly still.

"What I wouldn't give to quaff one of my healing potions," she complained, knowing it was a waste of good coin to do so.

"Hey you," Assallya said pointing at Cairo with a black manicured fingernail, "If you're going to discuss things in front of your victims you should resort to fingerspeech or a cant. Especially when you're dealing with elves. We can hear everything you say."

The blonde elf had been thinking. This Radagan might have quite a bit of coin. If they helped out these coulds there could be coin in it... And more importantly she might acquire this Radagan's ledgers. It might contain details of his investments, lists of his contacts and everything she needed to start her criminal empire.
Assallya Kressair wrote:
After a few moments Assallya rose, shakily, blue bloodshot eyes blinking rapidly still.

"What I wouldn't give to quaff one of my healing potions," she complained, knowing it was a waste of good coin to do so.

"Hey you," Assallya said pointing at Cairo with a black manicured fingernail, "If you're going to discuss things in front of your victims you should resort to fingerspeech or a cant. Especially when you're dealing with elves. We can hear everything you say."

The blonde elf had been thinking. This Radagan might have quite a bit of coin. If they helped out these coulds there could be coin in it... And more importantly she might acquire this Radagan's ledgers. It might contain details of his investments, lists of his contacts and everything she needed to start her criminal empire.
"i don't know if hes got cash or not he's super secretive to everyone even if he calls us "his successors" he barely tells us anything wether it be his motives or his money thats why he calls himself 'the hidden king'. but one time his right hand man caldwell mentioned something about an underground vault but it could be anywhere and could have anything in it. It might not even be money it could literally have any thing in there and that's if it even exist in the first place, radigan is a crazy b*stard there no telling what he could have done or will do with what caldwell said" cairo tells assallya trying his best to punctuate how insane or paranoid sir radigan can be
Carabia (played by Robyn)

Even while sensing distaste and the eyes upon her, she offers no outward acknowledgement. Drama without reason isn't worth engaging, and so she merely enters the clearing up ahead, the Giant at her side taking her focus. "One of these days, you'll have to confess how you catch up with me this fast." Carabia greets him affectionately, slowing to a stop among the nearby clearing before swinging one leg up and over, facing him atop the saddle where arms extend for assistance. "The outlook is unclear." She begins thoughtfully, aiming to reach the grassy grounds below where she secures the reigns of her horse to a shaded tree, purposely selecting a spot within line of sight and nearest to the opening for a swift getaway, if need be. First, she nods gently in the past-thieves' direction. "These two had the goal of robbing the wagon you passed on the road, which belongs to the other pair. I believe they were lured from their wagon, something of a classic scam perhaps, an ambush, or both. Everyone recovered well, and now the first pair speak of.." Carabia pauses for a simplified description. "..A Boss, of sorts? Someone that has reportedly forced them to do his bidding." Arms stretch high above her head, still cloaked from head to toe for the moment.

Yet she's glad to overhear the Elven one address whispered threat, or so she presumes by the context of the blonde's words. She doesn't seem at all offended by the lack of introduction in return. "At any rate, I accepted the offer to come here and rest before reuniting with you once more." Carabia smiles, glad to see him before her. "Do you look forward to the retreat, my Love?" She inquires affectionately while drifting throughout the open space, palm flattening against her lower back as she retrieves thicker branches and twigs from the grassy grounds below; a campfire on her mind, perhaps.
Suraj Zeffyl (played anonymously)

"Would you believe that I'm just very lucky?" Asks the Ancient. Suraj tilts lips into a coy smile, following to the clearing and stopping himself, to stand near her steed, massive hands offered her in order to assist in moving her from stirrup to standing, Amethyst hues do little but scan the two, before listening to the rest of the story. "If they're thieves, why aren't they bound?" His question comes without very much subtlety. "A guilty party is still a guilty party whether they enjoy their crimes or no." He reasons, now caught up to speed the Giant sets about to assist her gather kindling, something to get a fire started.

Lips part as he recalls the vacation to come and he gives the typical wordless "Ah!" That many may perform when something comes to mind. "Yes. I am quite fond of the idea that you'll be choosing our getaway if I'm frank. I hope you've found somewhere nice and relaxing for us, and for the little one." He mentions, choosing to take a moment to pat the steed on the neck.
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

When everyone had made their way to the clearing and made themselves comfortable, Lio stood when they could all see her and addressed them. She had not yet pulled up her hood and the scars that looked like magical lightning that covered her strongly stood out against her pale skin. "I am Liothryth Terandes, of the House of Farnesai. I am traveling north to an area known as Ellen Hill to find a rare and valuable magical object hidden in the ruins of a tower that once belonged to a powerful wizard. I had hoped to hire a group of people to help me in Pendel, but I was mostly unsuccessful. I have the means to generously pay any who wish to join me." She knew she was sounding formal again, but very old habits die hard.

She turned to Linota and Cairo, "and if I must help to deal with scum like this Radagast to gain your assistance, so much the better."

Lio had been hiding in a monastery healing for 500 hundred years. In many ways she was now terribly naive, but she had also seen and experienced terrible things in her time. In so, so many ways she was not the person she had once been, but something had not and would never change was her belief that those who harmed children should be stopped.

She then looked to Carabina and Suraj, something was...strange...about them. But Carabina had offered assistance and she seemed to know him, so Lio was willing to trust them for now. And just hoped her protection spells would be strong enough if she was wrong. "I believe that it will be dangerous to retrieve this item, and so I would appreciate all the help I am able to find."
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota was listening to Cairo’s response when a freaking demon appeared beside Carabia and made Lin jump away from them. The demon was quite the sight to behold and it rang a deep chord of fear in Linota. She involuntarily clutched at Cairo’s arm while they kept walking to the clearing.
“Holy ****,” she cursed, in a hushed panic. “What the **** is that ****ing thing?”

She ignored whatever Assallya said and kept taking brief, frightened glances over her shoulder at Carabia and Suraj. By the time Liothryth had finished introducing herself and explained her goals, it was clear that no one was going to cause harm to each other and Linota relaxed a bit. When Lio said she would help them, Linota’s face lit up, despite the fact that someone had gotten Radigan’s name wrong- again.

“We would take that trade,” Linota responded to her, her tone all business. “If you actually manage to bring him down. It’s easier said than done. He has many magical artifacts, including my staff. It was a gift from the gods themselves and he stole it.”
Assallya Kressair (played by Slain)

The blonde elven girl was in accord with Linota. She scuttled back from the twilight shrouded figure with the demon's wings and claws. To call that thing humanoid was generous at best.

She was done talking, not until this monstrous figure was addressed. She was already going through her mind searching for references to such a being, trying to determine its allomancicial vulnerability, determining if she should get to her summoning rug.

"It's unfettered," Assallya said in awe and terror as she looked for signs of binding and found none.
Linota wrote:
Linota was listening to Cairo’s response when a freaking demon appeared beside Carabia and made Lin jump away from them. The demon was quite the sight to behold and it rang a deep chord of fear in Linota. She involuntarily clutched at Cairo’s arm while they kept walking to the clearing.
“Holy ****,” she cursed, in a hushed panic. “What the **** is that ****ing thing?”

She ignored whatever Assallya said and kept taking brief, frightened glances over her shoulder at Carabia and Suraj. By the time Liothryth had finished introducing herself and explained her goals, it was clear that no one was going to cause harm to each other and Linota relaxed a bit. When Lio said she would help them, Linota’s face lit up, despite the fact that someone had gotten Radigan’s name wrong- again.

“We would take that trade,” Linota responded to her, her tone all business. “If you actually manage to bring him down. It’s easier said than done. He has many magical artifacts, including my staff. It was a gift from the gods themselves and he stole it.”
"im gonna be honest, Lin. im freaking out just as much as you are i have zero idea what that is" cairo whispers to linota trying his best to not show panic
Carabia (played by Robyn)

The mention of binding them reaches her ears before answering Suraj with a light shake of her head. "I'd argue that is reserved for guards here."Carabia returns thoughtfully, yet understanding of the Ancient one's thought process. A softer smile graces her features when she spots him gathering the last of their haul, while layered skirts beneath her cloak billow around her as she kneels. Hands takes their time arranging the kindling. "Music to my ears." She answers affectionately when he speaks of the retreat.

However, it's the formal introduction which gathers her attention, the words striking her as quite powerful, Carabia considers. White gloves are dusted by clapping them together idly, admiring the lightning strikes which decorate the brunette's fair skin, though her glances are subtle all the same as to not offend her. "It is good to meet you, Miss Liothryth. As I have already shared my own, allow me to introduce Zeffyl." She adds with a gesture to her companion.
Between being seated and meeting beyond the court, she opts to greet Lio again with a respectful bow of her head instead. "Hmm.." The cloaked one hums among near-silent consideration.

Turning her hooded face toward the kindling now and glancing to ensure no one is too close for comfort, rosy lips part as the roof of her mouth begins to glow an amber hue. Flames ride her breath but a moment later, the fire controlled and channeled, greeting the now hissing kindling among a narrow, steady swirl. A few cracks from the gathered branches inform her that it had ignited as intended, the last of her flames thinning before the display reaches an end. "Forgive me, Miss Liothryth." Carabia begins, opting for Miss until such a time comes where she is corrected, or a title is offered.

"Ordinarily, I welcome the opportunity to explore, travel, or even aid others inbetween. But I have already been met with a little distaste here, so I feel it is rather clear that my presence is unwanted for the very first quest." She concludes respectfully within a neutral tone. Why assist after such a hostile first greeting from earlier? "But may I ask if there lies a landmark on the way to Ellen Hill? Perhaps I can rendezvou with you there, if you would like." Cara wonders, offering to catch up and join her along the personal quest to the tower later, as well as join any who remain with her. Round 2, if you will. "In the meantime, I would be happy to offer you supplies for the first journey. Healing potions, to be precise." She fetches a glass vial with blue liquid within, having retrieved it from a spare pocket. While she wonders if Lio possesses enough healing magic to simply back the party as they are, she opts to pour one or two drops along her wrist, raising the very same hand to drink the sample. A show of good faith; that the vials are perfectly safe and that the offer is sincere, no doubt.

Crimson gaze slides over to land upon Linota for just a moment, the gesture an instinctive sort to learn the source of panicked whispers. Such a reaction is only understandable for folks who haven't experienced mixed company, after all.
Glad to see her at ease again, her attention remains on the gathering, quite curious at the mention of a gift from the Gods. But then two more find themselves surprised by her companion. When most hadn't initially acknowledged his earlier arrival, she had mistaken this for comfort and easiness. "Apologies." Cara offers, her brow narrowed empathetically. "He arrived here to check in with me, you see. It wasn't the intention to frighten anyone."
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

"I'll just see what i can do about it then," Lio said to Linota. "I'm not without certain skills myself." A little enigmatic smirk came to her face then.

Lio's nodded slightly as she watched the woman light the fire with her breath. "You have some demon in your background, don't you? Few people can do that who aren't.

"If I wanted to be exact, I would ask to be addressed as Master Terandes, but as I see no reason for it you may call me simply Liothryth, or Lio if you like.

"The closest village to Ellen Hill is called Alebeck. I understand completely if you don't wish to deal with this Ratigan fellow. And healing potions are always appreciated." She held out her hand for the bottle.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

When Liothryth didn't back down from the threat of danger and hinted at her talents, Linota dropped her guard enough to afford the scarred woman a smile. She seemed to be the only one interested in the fates of Cairo and herself, despite the way they had met. Linota couldn't help but be grateful for the woman’s kindness, though she couldn't understand it. She must really need help on her journey if she wanted the aid of two teenage thieves, so Linota thought.

“Thank you,” she told Lio after some hesitation. Gratitude was foreign on her tongue, but she could think of nothing more poignant to say.

While they spoke, Linota watched Carabia through brief glances and raised a brow at her fire breathing talents. It was a neat trick to see, though she wouldn't be quick to admit it. She wondered why the pink lady was building a fire at all until Carabia spoke next, explaining that she wasn't going to be helping Linota and Cairo, and now Liothryth, with their ‘Rat’ extermination.

Linota didn't know whether to be upset or relieved, giving another wary glance at the dark skinned demon. She had no doubts they were powerful, but she also doubted their intentions. Carabia had proved the healing potions to be pure, but Linota had never heard any nice stories about demons.

When Carabia apologized and explained herself, Linota looked from her to Suraj and back again, feeling the instinctive, icy spike of primal fear. Even without the religious upbringing, she was sure the demon would still be a frightening sight. It had scared Cairo and Assallya too after all. Though what bothered Linota more was the relationship between the demon and she. He had come to check in with her?

“Why do you hide your horns?” Linota suddenly asked, taking a guess that Carabia was also a demon. She wasn't entirely sure that all demons had horns, but it sounded cool to say.
"Seems like we're cut out for becoming revolutionaries after all, right lin? I mean look we've already got a crew in the works" Trying to calm his friend.
Suraj Zeffyl (played anonymously)

The Immortal was no demon, though it was hard to see him as anything but isn’t it? Something so inexplicable in it’s existence. Something as unnatural as he, it bothers him little to hear the reactions, he was not there to entertain, harm or scare them after all. That does not stop ancient one from possessing the gaze of any which finds him, eyes locked until the other party looks elsewhere. His voice rumbles finally, after everything had become quiet. Deciding it seems, to address it.

“Point out the one who has shown you distaste.” The Ancient requests of the Devil to his side. His body lowers, though even sitting he sat at eye level with most of them. Immortal goes on to speak in response to the question that was posed to Cara, while eyes move between the young woman who asked the question and who he assumes is her accomplice in the robbery gone wrong, though before that, his gaze finds Lio

”I see it.” He starts. “The confusion. Neither of us are demons, though you aren’t ignorant in assuming so.” He reassures the woman who had asked Carabia of her heritage. Now, the question as to why she hides her horns finds tipped ears, voice booms as a glance is shot at the female. “Answer with Honesty—If we reacted to you in a similar fashion as you did me, you’d wish to avoid it too wouldn’t you? The looks, the gasps the fear. ”

Glowing orbs shift to the blonde, the one who among others had called him an it. “Unfettered. Yes, there is nothing which commands me…I see you as well.” Why did be address them? There was no reason to, he owed no explanation of his existence within what they thought to be their realm, he walked the land far before any of them had, and yet….Perhaps it was to deter the fear? “Do feel free to lose the look. I’m no feral thing, I don’t kill or maim for fun and lucky you, I quite like Elves, you’re usually a very refined people.” Voice seemed to hold an amused undertone.

He falls silent finally, looking now at last to Lio once more, finding her a genuine curiosity, the scars the likes of which he had not seen before as she makes to take a healing potion from Carabia. Eyes watch every move Lio makes, just in case. “I follow Lady Carabia. We will see you in Alebeck then?” He seems to be asking Carabia as well based upon Elder One’s inquisitive tone. “Considering this…Radi…What have you, is no severe threat. All the luck, Mm?”

Okay, for real, now the loquacious deity shuts up.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Cairo’s attempts at calming Linota were shrugged off as she waited for a response from Carabia. Instead, she got a response from the pink lady’s cohort and it made Linota’s eyes dart to him cautiously.

She listened to Suraj speak to her, the hairs on her nape standing on end at his penetrating stare. She scowled through her fear, as she was wont to do, though she did listen until he was finished.

“I wouldn't let even you hinder my decisions,” Linota told Suraj with all the honesty in the world. “Do what you want.”

If he was trying to teach an emotionally stunted teen girl a thing or two, he had another thing coming. No matter how intimidating he was to her, Linota hardly knew the meaning of ‘tasteful’. She was surprised at how sensitive the two seemed to be and had the brief thought that maybe not all not-demons were made the same, though she remained defensive.

“Maybe we stand a chance,” Linota would say to Cairo after a while, when there was a lull in the attention she had garnered.
Carabia (played by Robyn)

Carabia pauses for a moment, taken aback by being asked directly, yet after some contemplation, she answers first with a light shake of her directed to Lio. "Similar territory, but no, not a Demon." Carabia shares simply enough, retrieving a few vials to offer her 3 total. "These heal minor wounds, the swiftness of healing taking a few moments for say, scratches and bruises and mild pain, or several minutes for open wounds. If an injury is life threatening on the other hand, Gods forbid, then these will still dull some of the pain and buy the fallen one time for more potent healing or medical means." They clink together gently as they're passed to Lio, all 3 containing the same blue liquid as before.

Both her attention and gaze slips to Linota after another direct question, rosy lips parting to answer when her companion actually conveys her own thoughts. "Yes, precisely." She smiles warmly at the Giant before words are offered to Lin. "While my homeland is a diverse place, I am frequently met with racism, be it hostility or fear if I spend time travelling elsewhere. So, I opt to shed this later, after initially meeting someone new." Carabia adds as an afterthought with a gesture to the cloak, for she is not at all ashamed of heritage. Goodness, no. But it does turn less heads when the goal is to leave point A and arrive to point B. The inquiry of earlier distaste reaches her ears again. While possessing no desire to out Linota, on the other hand? Her gloved grasp takes Suraj's, squeezing it in gentle reassurance. "All is well." Ironically making fires and attempting to put out another, perhaps. The defense is registered from Lin, but it isn't paid any mind.

For a time she's content to hear him address the gathering, his contribution beautifully put, in her eyes. "Alebeck it is." Carabia adds warmly with another bow of her head given to Lio. "We wish you well. May your efforts bring justice to that fellow, or much-deserved karma on its' own." She adds, rooting for them aloud.
Suraj Zeffyl (played anonymously)

Immortal stares at the child as she speaks to him, eyebrow quirks in confusion. There was not a single moment when it was suggested that he had any intention in stopping their quest to kill their mutual affliction. No, he didn’t care what they amused themselves with, not to mention if they felt the need to go get killed by a master they disliked that just happened to possess godly weapons? Certainly not his problem.

Suraj takes a moment to look at Carabia in a quizzical way to find whether his confusion at her seemingly random proclamation was confusing to her as well, before shaking his head. …..I…Plan to?” He responds with the hints of a smile aimed her way, due to her allowing a deity to do as it wished. Kids.

His gaze stays locked onto Linota, and it will hover there for a time, he’d found it clearly, the source of hostility that was aforementioned, she is focused on only for a moment before his attentions wane, returning to the fire. “Even me.” Immortal repeats lowly with a light rumble of a laugh and a soft shake of his head.

Unless otherwise addressed, he would have Carabia interact with the group hence forth, there was nothing to gain in antagonizing the young thieves.
Linota (played by DoogieMeowser)

Linota looked at Suraj when he spoke to her, with equal confusion. “You asked for me to put myself in your shoes,” she told the purple entity slowly. “You asked what my reaction would be if you spoke to me the way I spoke to you and I answered.”

She threw her hands up in a shrug, at a loss for the not-demon's confusion. She felt herself relax at the realization that he wasn't so unlike a human after all. No omniscience here! She shook her head at him and easily returned her attention to Cairo, facing her back to the both of them.

What she had told them was true- if she was met with gasps and fear, she would continue doing whatever it was that she wanted to do. Including going on a ‘quest’, as they put it. No amount of judgment would sway her.

“So what's the plan?” Linota asked Cairo and looked at Liothryth to rope her into the conversation. “Is she your partner or..?” Lin pointed at Assallya.
All memory of just having tried to rob the elven duo seemed to be forgotten.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren woke up somewhere odd. Nearby, he saw a familiar face who was with a group of people, "az...umi....", He called out to someone. His mind felt distorted, he couldn't remember anything about his last mission other than Finn threw him, Azumi, and the rest of his squad mates through several portals,. He felt angered at the fact that Finn was just trying to save them". He knew better than this. No, there was no other way, he was chosen by that madman. He stood up staring at these individuals, nervously grabbing his blunderbuss and pointing it towards Cairo and his group.

"F-friend", He said as loud as he could, "O-or F-foe?". His hands were shaking. It didn't look like he could pull the trigger at these strangers.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Friend, Rawx", A Fox, whose fur was white as snow appeared from a puff of smoke, wearing a black hoodie just like Ren, "It's alright. I think they're just adventurers". She offered her tails to Ren who immediately pet them, stopping his shakiness altogether and dropping his blunderbuss in the process.

"Why did he...", Ren sobbed slightly.

"It's alright Rawx, we have to keep moving right? He told us", but Azumi couldn't hold her tears any longer. Soon, she cried with her bond, mourning the loss of their closest friend and family.

((Is it alright if I use two characters? They're meant to be together almost always since Azumi is Ren's familiar and can't be too far away because it'll hurt both of them. I'll just make both of the posts short enough :) ))
Liothryth Terandes (played by Mirafin) Topic Starter

Lio addressed Carabina, first. "I'll look forward to seeing you in Alebeck, but if I heard right, you already have commitments, so I'll understand if I don't. As you rendered me service, I will do so for you. I don't know what help I can be, but if I can assist you, I will."

Then she turned to Linota. "I hired Assallya to help me when I was in Pendel. I said I was mostly unsuccessful, not totally." She had softened towards the...young person. It was so hard for her to judge the ages of humans anymore, but she was starting to think that Linota and her friend didn't fit the words "girl" and "boy" anymore. "I'm going to need you to tell me a great deal about this Radigan person. I'd rather not meet with too many surprises."

At Ren shout, Lio threw a large protection spell over everyone in the clearing. "Who are you and what do you want?" She shouted in return.

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