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Forums » RP Discussion » Find your Character's Alignment

I've had a few friends of mine wonder how to determine their Character's Alignment, as they don't know what exactly is the difference between alignments.

I found this neat and handy "test" to find the correct alignment for your characters. Just select the answers that your character would choose! I find it really handy, and it's free :).

EasyDamus Alignment Test!

Hope this is some use :).
That's something I always wondered. What exactly my characters alignments would be. I think I'm gonna try it out now.
This looks like the alignment test on D&D's official website, which I've used before, so I can attest either way that this is useful for figuring out the alignment of a character. Go figure~.
Dragonfire Moderator

Haa. It pegs Rhae as being neutral good, which I don't entirely agree with. There're a couple of answers that just aren't quiiiiite right for her, either way. She's close enough to 'chaos' anyways, by how the points added up in the end, so I'm going to continue with that, hehe.

Serenne got lawful neutral, though, which I figure is about right.
Javan Topic Starter

I'm agreeing with you here, it has got a couple of questions that aren't quite suited to my character. However, I go with what the guide helps me with, then make my own decisions accordingly. Please link any more awesome quizzes that may help people, too! :).
For a bit of discussion value(hey it's called 'RP discussion' so..), I've actually always had issues with the whole alignment thing. It's on one sight, really objective, as many characters come from different cultures they have different ways of reasoning and acting in the same situation while the might make a different choice/have a different reasoning that just doesn't make them good/neutral/evil in my opinion.
On another note, it might also depend on the character they interact with, as the character they interact with might be from a certain faction which manages to change a great deal. For example: My recent Dragonlance character is a Solamnic Knight, which is basicly an order of knights that quite resembles the typical good guy paladins and try to help people etc. and my solamnic knight does help people, doesn't kill captured prisoners of battle and such, but when it comes to a certain faction, his opinion entirely changes and characters from that faction he'll strike down without second thought.

Anyway, that's just my opinion of alignments in short: Don't like them, very objective, unnecessary and glad Dragonlance dropped them.

Anyway my two cents, anyone else feel like discussing in this discussion forum?

Edit: That thing really doesn't work for pirates.
Sanne Moderator

Wow, all these questions are based around family/friends, and those are topics that rarely, if ever are raised with 90% of my chars. I can't honestly answer those questions and expect a proper alignment result, plus the list is so long..... :( I'd rather Wiki the DnD alignments page and pick one that sounds most like my char, it's quicker and not subject to the context of family and friends. Alignments are expressed in more ways than that.

It's a good find! I just can't find any use for it, personally, because of my characters. :P

According to this test...

Hramn: Chaotic Neutral -- A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions -- Yes, that fits, haha.

Pulchra: Lawful Good -- A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly - Yup, again, appropriate

My two 'extremes', so far as differences in culture and background go.
I ran Scars through it, and there was rarely an answer that actually fit him. The very first question doesn't have an answer which even sort of fits him, since he'd just ignore the critics without trying to besmirch them- that's the one I eventually chose, but it still doesn't fit him at all, because he's not vengeful or the type to really care if someone's talking bad about him.

The test said he was lawful good, by the way. I laughed for about five minutes straight. ^^

Still, it's good for a bit of fun. I'll stick to my own judgment actually labeling my characters' alignments.
Javan wrote:
I'm agreeing with you here, it has got a couple of questions that aren't quite suited to my character. However, I go with what the guide helps me with, then make my own decisions accordingly. Please link any more awesome quizzes that may help people, too! :).

These quizzes are useless, this one I found interesting but overall, waste of time
Unfortunately, D&D alignments are based around Lawful Good perspectives.

They aren't very useful IMO.

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