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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Demon Hunt (Anyone welcome)

Orithaumos waited for them. They knew about its presence here, but they would not know its power. So it waited, smiling at the thought that anything on Earth could possibly defeat, let alone kill, it.

Orithaumos was roughly forty meters tall, with black skin that seemed to absorb all light. It had the lower body of a scorpion, with human arms in place of legs. It had six arms, one of which had translucent strings reminiscent of puppet strings. It had no discernable facial features other than two perfectly round, glowing white eyes.

It wouldn't show them its third eye, not yet at least.
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

Stepping into the corridor, coattails flapping behind him Murcary stops and turns on his heel now facing the monster. "Well aren't you big" he said looking up towards the monster "Seems like you have a lot of power" he said sneering at Orithaumos, "I want it!" He says sneer turning into a devilish smile as he unsheaths his katana pointing it toward Orithaumos a dark blue mist flowing off the blade.
Anakisuto Topic Starter

Murcary heard a child's voice in the distance, and Orithaumos's hand moved a little. "You won't want to kill me," it said. "Many children will die, and their blood will be on your hands." It turned to face him and looked down at him.
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

"Oh is that so?" he said, "Well that is a shame, but then again any children with relations to you cant be all that innocent" he said challenging Orithaumos.
Anakisuto Topic Starter

((Didja forget or something?))

Orithaumos smiled, revealing rows upon rows of sharp, brilliantly white teeth. The child spoke again. "Is that so?" It asked mockingly. "You wouldn't believe that my influence can be avoided by mere children?"
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

"Your influence means nothing to those of Strong Will, and those that may succumb to it are Obsolete" he shot back at the child. "Those so easily influenced aren't to be trusted and should go down with their influencer" He said before slicing the Child's head clean off. "Now Lets Start This Party!" he said as he uses the tip of his sword to flick the head up and then smack it towards Orithaumos using the side of his katana like a Bat, Using it as a distraction as he dashes towards The Giant Demon.
Also I didn't forget about this Rp (kinda) ive been busy with some important issues
Anakisuto Topic Starter

The demon laughed. "Not softie, huh?" Its voice made the room shake. "Too bad. You'll fall just like the rest of them did." Orithaumos didn't seem to notice the head flying at it. It jabbed its stinger in Murcary's direction and moved with blinding speed in the opposite direction if he were to dodge. He could feel its blank white eyes watching him intently.
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

Quickly he strikes against the Orthaumos's stinger, Parrying the attack and pushing it off to the side. grabbing the tip of the stinger Murcary swings up onto Ortiaumos's tail running up it, dragging his sword across the skin of the tail. "Nice attack but its gonna take more than that!" he shouts as he jumps up bringing his sword over his head for a helm breaker attack.
Anakisuto Topic Starter

The instant Murcary's feet left Orithaumos, it leaped across the battlefield, knocking him out of the air. When it got to relative safety, it jabbed at him again, leaning left.
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

"Damn Nice shot" he says getting up, running his hand through his hair pulling it back. "Time to get serious" He says as he stands up, the Blue mist flowing off his sword now flowing off of him as well. Striking Orithaumos's stinger as soon as it comes into range knocking it back, then rapidly swings his sword around envoloping himself in a cloud of blue mist. Then within a instant he shoots out of the mist lighting fast like a bullet, right into Orithaumos's face sinking his blade in the place where a nose would be.
Anakisuto Topic Starter

When Murcary leaped out of the mist created by his sword, Orithaumos decided it wanted to stop playing around with him. An enormous blue light appeared on its forehead, enveloping Murcary. Translucent strings appeared on its hand, and he felt something deep inside him being pulled toward it like a bug to a candle.
Murcary Levi (played by TemtoeZ)

Feeling himself being pulled to the light like a magnet he pushes away as the force grows stronger. Suddenly he throws his arm into the air, The blue mist pooling around his forearm before dispersing revealing a dark gauntlet with a glowing aura to it. Quickly he smacks it down into Orithaumos's Face releasing a gigantic blast staggering Orithaumos and sending Murcary flying off. gripping his sword Murcary slams the blade into the wall using it as a handle while hanging off the wall waiting for Orithaumo's next attack.

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