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- No mentions of NSFW, this is a public forum y'all!
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- IC questions are encouraged, but OOC are just as great!
- Replies may include a drawing related to the question
(this post was inspired by user varianofoldcorona's ask varian post
Michael Afton (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

"would you be down to help me scare my lil bro?"
Valentine Theroux (played by gardeninggraves) Topic Starter

Michael Afton wrote:
"would you be down to help me scare my lil bro?"

"I think you've got this one covered, actually. I'm not quite known as a particularly frightening individual, so I might just get in the way. Best of luck to you though, with.. scaring your sibling?"

what's your favorite vegetable?
Valentine Theroux (played by gardeninggraves) Topic Starter

fig wrote:
what's your favorite vegetable?

"The first answer would probably be Zucchini. It's the main ingredient to a dish I ate often as a child, Dovlecei pané. The other answer is probably gourds. Me and my phen would use them to make little bird houses as kids, painting them bright colors to hang up in the garden."
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

(( Ah! I'm glad I could inspire you! This makes me happy! ))

Varian smiled brightly, his bucktooth showing; "Are you familiar with hot cocoa? If so, have you had it before?"
Valentine Theroux (played by gardeninggraves) Topic Starter

Varian Rüdiger wrote:
(( Ah! I'm glad I could inspire you! This makes me happy! ))

Varian smiled brightly, his bucktooth showing; "Are you familiar with hot cocoa? If so, have you had it before?"

"Actually, yes I have. One of my traveling companions - Sorel - Insists on making the drink whenever the weather turns cold. She says it reminds her of home, and while I don't quite share those feelings of nostalgia, it's delicious none the less."
Sherlock Holmes (played by Atheist)

"Well, well," Sherlock chimed in thoughtfully. "Aren't you a fascinating sort. Despite my predilection for never stating the obvious, I fear, in this particular case, it is inherently called for. I am clearly out of my element."

Sherlock then fell into a state of speculation, and his features assumed that characteristic ruminative appearance. He carefully examined the other with such intense scrutiny that the deep furrow of his brow could practically knit a sweater.

"From one fellow truth-seeker to the next," he finally spoke with imperative shrewdness, "you must divulge your methods to me. How do you go about your search for this forbidden knowledge? And what, pray, is it that you hope to find?"

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