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Forums » Help » EGADS. The swag is no longer??

Is it just me, or are t-shirts and temp tats no longer available?
Is it a matter of finance?

And on that note, I think it would be nice if there was some way to donate to RPR! Y'know, for those of us with a little extra $ in our pockets and a desire to support one of the coolest websites ever ;)
Just sayin'.
Sanne Moderator

No idea about the shirts and tats, but you can buy epicness to support the site! :D
Kim Site Admin

The t-shirts and tats have been taken down for the next few months. They will be back (briefly) in the future.

The swag only makes sense financially and labor-wise when it is being bought at a good clip -- when it was up for a long time, purchases dropped off to now and again. This meant that after the first few weeks, it wasn't really paying for its own infrastructure, but almost worse, it was injecting totally random and unpredictable treks to the post office into my schedule. I really needed a break from not being able to plan when I was going to have to haul bags of stuff to the post office to fill out customs forms!

So, they'll be available for short durations during special events, like Epic Week and gift-giving holidays, when I can plan my trips to the post office and we have a better chance at selling bunches of things all at once. :)

About the donation idea... Can I ask, with honest curiosity, why getting a month of Epicness (or whatever!) in return for your support of the site is not as good as donating? XD This is not a totally unheard of suggestion, and I have been continually puzzled by the idea of people not wanting perks in return for their goodness.
Sanne Moderator

Kim wrote:
About the donation idea... Can I ask, with honest curiosity, why getting a month of Epicness (or whatever!) in return for your support of the site is not as good as donating? XD This is not a totally unheard of suggestion, and I have been continually puzzled by the idea of people not wanting perks in return for their goodness.

I'm curious as well. The only reason I can think of is that donating an amount straight to your Paypal might be easier than making a choice of account upgrade, going through the checkout process and then fiddling around with all the options. The idea of order complications can also be off putting. I know there are people who don't shop online at all because this process is intimidating or cumbersome, and they freak out at the idea that the transaction may mess up. Or they may just genuinely not be interested in the perks (no idea why!) and only want to contribute in the quickest way possible?
Libertine Topic Starter

Yikes, that does sound like a hassle, thanks for letting me know anyhow :}
Sanne wrote:
Or they may just genuinely not be interested in the perks (no idea why!) and only want to contribute in the quickest way possible?
This is why! Er, sort of. I have all the character slots and pages I could care for, a and I've already tried epic membership, so I may not purchase anything else for a long while.
Then again, it makes sense to just buy it anyways and have extra to support the page.
Kim Site Admin

Libertine wrote:
This is why! Er, sort of. I have all the character slots and pages I could care for, a and I've already tried epic membership, so I may not purchase anything else for a long while.
Then again, it makes sense to just buy it anyways and have extra to support the page.

Sure, if you're wanting to donate and expecting nothing in return, is there a harm in getting things you won't use (like decorating your profile with Epicness) or else giving it away to the zillions of people who really want it but can't afford it? XD

I want to take a moment here and make sure I thank you specifically for wanting to support the site!! My questions about method are not meant to diminish how sparkling and wonderful that impulse is. <3
I can understand a donation thing too I think! Some peeps can be pretty broke but still want to support the site. An option to donate could let them give what they could afford. That may just be a dollar but forty people donating a dollar is forty bucks.

Getting gifts for people is a good way to give without receiving but sometimes we can only give a very tiny amount. Or even a very specific one (like clearing out a PayPal account that has like $2.71 in it or something random lol).

I always liked donation options because I've been able to support sites I like easier that way. Especially during times of financial instability. :)
Libertine Topic Starter

MadRat mentioned my last reason- just the ability to donate an exact amount. But sending gifts is a good idea, too!

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