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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Official event: Winter Masquerade 2022

Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Makes a snowball about the size of his head and sneaks up on a random person and throws it at them with his tail at almost point blank range
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

Mimi shivered, absolutely covered in snow by this point. The little crystals clung to her dress and hair, and yet she refused to give up! As long as she kept moving, she could stay warm enough... So that's what she did, dodging when she could, hitting the giant at every opportunity, and mostly just getting further covered in snow. A wide grin was spread across her face; this was exhilarating!
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

Madelyn is getting out of breath from running around, near constant snowball throwing and the chill setting in. Nevertheless she is laughing and having a grand old time pairing up with Tabetha to deliver an onslaught of frosty goodness! She even manages to chuck a couple more at the frost giant before needing to take a breather. She sits down behind some cover and raises an arm to gesture she's done for at least a few minutes, just to recover!
(( lmao- ))
Koi slowly began to get out of the of the table fort, only to get hit by a large snowball. Well, that was great
She turned around, the snow blending into her hair to see who threw it and saw the small dragon. Then, gathering a chunk of snow into her arms, she threw it at Mini Might, covering him in the powder snow while giggling
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The Duchess, absolutely glowing with excitement, holds up her hands as well. She doesn't get cold from mere snow, but she is quite sensitive to the needs of her guests, and she sees that many of them are starting to get chilly and perhaps one or two are even perturbed. "We must either defeat it swiftly, or negotiate a truce with the Frost Giant so that we might serve hot cocoa!" she announces, looking around at those assembled.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Plays with the snow that he was hit with and smirks at Koi with a lop sided grin as if saying -haha got you!-
The Hitchhiker (played anonymously)

Normally the drifter managed to be in warmer climates during the winter months, but this year had him up in the Yukon Territory for most of the summer and well into the Autumn. He unfortunately started his trip south quite late, and this had the semi-truck he had hitched a ride with slide off the road. He was stuck walking…

Mysteries on ice would always come, especially after eating some of the dried mushrooms he had in the pocket of his parka. This night, the drifter saw a wonderful place open up before him. the trees parted to reveal a grand manor, its eaves softly glowing with tiny, flickering white lights. Surely he was tripping, and likely didn’t realize it was also some form of enchantment. The adjacent field has been prepared for a banquet, filled with cloth tents embroidered with holly, tables laden with food and sweets rim the area, and a band plays beside a temporary wooden dance floor, their music intermingling with the sound of crashing waves far below. The whole area is bathed in the hushed blue light of a full moon

“Far out man!” He said to nobody in particular before dodging a couple stray snowballs coming from a heated fight. Stepping his way to the table, he sampled some of the food and got a hot chocolate from a ceramic pot hung over a fire. He wasnt sure what he had stumbled into, but he knew he wasn’t cold anymore! His hands cradled the cup of hot chocolate and he looked around at al the diverse people around him making merry…
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy perked his head up slowly, " hot cocoa." He noted, before avoiding a snowball.
She stuck her tongue out, before throwing another armful of snow. Then, she turned to the direction of The Hostess
"Oo, hot chocolate?"
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"HEY, FROST GIANT!?" Mimi suddenly piped up at top volume. "COULD YA PLEASE STOP FIGHTING US NOW??? WE'RE COLD AND WE WANT HOT COCOA! WE'LL SHARE SOME WITH YOU, IF YOU CAN DRINK IT SAFELY!" Why was she yelling so unnecessarily loud? Who knows. "THIS WAS FUN BUT IT'S STARTING TO GET OLD!!!"
The Hitchhiker (played anonymously)

“Hey man, yeah, cocoa is where it’s at man!” the drifter said as he filled another cup to hand to the kids.
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Sticks his tongue back out at Koi and throws another ball of snow at her then hops away to hide behind the Duchess
Interdimensional Handyman (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The handyman sniffs, adjusting his belt as he looks at the hitchhiker offering "Barry" a cup of hot cocoa. He was feeling some kind of conservative disapproval of this shaggy drifter, but he held his tongue. Hot cocoa was, in fact, where it is at, after all, and the kid did appear to need something to warm up with.
The Black Rock Hearted Boy (played anonymously)

The boy thought that the drifter reminded him of someone he knew who acted...similar.
He gently took the cup of cocoa and waited for it to cool off a slight, tiny bit so he wouldn't burn his tongue.
Madelyn (played by Sanne)

Now THAT caught her attention! A hot cocoa after a snowball fight? HECK YES. But were they going to defeat this creature, or strike a truce? She scoops more snowballs together and finds the strength to unload another salvo of snow at it, giving it all she has in her.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The Frost Giant had just cocked its arm back to throw another watermelon sized glob of snow at Mimi, but pauses when shouted out, cocking its head quizzically too. It mimes blowing on a cup of cocoa and sprinkling ice cubes into it, as if asking if the beverage could be made cold. But then, attack! It turns and hurls the massive snowball, already made ready, at Madelyn instead.

The Duchess turns to scoop up the tiny dino/dragon, plopping him onto her shoulder so that he could have a better vantage point. "Welcome!" she calls to the new drifter that has arrived, though still a bit distracted by the situation with the frost giant.
Koi began to quickly chase him, with a cup of the hot chocolate she took and a snowball in the other.
"Get back here!" she laughed, jokingly, before The Hostess scooped him up. Then she turned to watch Mimi and the Giant, curious
The Hitchhiker (played anonymously)

“Oh wow man! Who is that elegant woman with the dragon on her shoulder?” the drifter said in general. It wasn’t the first time he saw dragons… that time he sat in a big cement pipe in a construction area reading The Hobbit had him slip into Middle Earth that time…
Mini Might (played by Dragothemonk)

Snickers and sits like a scaled scarf around the duchess's neck back feet on one shoulder front feet on the other and sticks his tongue out in a blown rassburry at Koi
Mimi (played by Ultimate.Gaymer)

"Y'KNOW, I BET WE COULD GET YOU A COLD CHOCOLATEY DRINK!" Mimi shouted to the giant, offering a smile. It wouldn't really be hot cocoa... More like chocolate milk... But that was semantics!

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