rolled 1d20 and got a natural 4.
12. Is your OC comfortable in a position of power, or would they prefer to be the one following orders?
Rudvent sneers, "I don't like taking orders from anyone."
12. Is your OC comfortable in a position of power, or would they prefer to be the one following orders?
Rudvent sneers, "I don't like taking orders from anyone."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
"Let me see what Zhan Tiri has blessed me with on this fine day..."
"Well. Home for me used to be the lovely Kingdom of Equis ran by King Trevor himself. But since my past lead me to a different home... I suppose I'd say the campsite near an abandoned cathedral in a location I'm...not quite sure where it is, is home. After all, my family lives there with me. Not my original family, but...It's better than being alone." Dominick tugged at his hood.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15. wrote:
15. What does ‘home’ mean to your OC?
"Well. Home for me used to be the lovely Kingdom of Equis ran by King Trevor himself. But since my past lead me to a different home... I suppose I'd say the campsite near an abandoned cathedral in a location I'm...not quite sure where it is, is home. After all, my family lives there with me. Not my original family, but...It's better than being alone." Dominick tugged at his hood.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
Rolling again.
I love these games...
"Most dedicated to? Ah, that's a... That's a hard question." He looked around, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. With an adjustment of his glasses, he replied; "Zhan Tiri." He looked to the person asking the question.

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19. wrote:
19. What is your OC most dedicated to-their cause, their loved ones, themselves?
"Most dedicated to? Ah, that's a... That's a hard question." He looked around, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. With an adjustment of his glasses, he replied; "Zhan Tiri." He looked to the person asking the question.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
19. What is your OC most dedicated to-their cause, their loved ones, themselves?
"My dedication and loyalty lies with Eywa and my family, I've already risked my life to save family before and I will do it again."
The young male's tail flicked with contempt, rage in his eyes, "One day I will be allowed to fight alongside my brothers and sisters against the Sky People."
"My dedication and loyalty lies with Eywa and my family, I've already risked my life to save family before and I will do it again."
The young male's tail flicked with contempt, rage in his eyes, "One day I will be allowed to fight alongside my brothers and sisters against the Sky People."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
third time let's gooooooo
6. What is guaranteed to piss your OC off?
Dominick frowned, furrowing his brows. "Well, when I'm dragged into something crazy by the other members. Especially when it can get me in trouble with Father, or worse, disrespect Zhan Tiri herself." He adjusted his cloak and looked away, then adjusting his glasses next. "A lot of the members take advantage of me. Thankfully, some of them don't. Varian is one of those that don't. Nice kid." He said.
6. What is guaranteed to piss your OC off?
Dominick frowned, furrowing his brows. "Well, when I'm dragged into something crazy by the other members. Especially when it can get me in trouble with Father, or worse, disrespect Zhan Tiri herself." He adjusted his cloak and looked away, then adjusting his glasses next. "A lot of the members take advantage of me. Thankfully, some of them don't. Varian is one of those that don't. Nice kid." He said.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.
Note: shake shake
"What does the dice hold for me, I wonder."
10. What are your characters weaknesses?
"Untrained in combat. So if I end up in a confrontation that'll end badly, I'm just a sitting duck."
10. What are your characters weaknesses?
"Untrained in combat. So if I end up in a confrontation that'll end badly, I'm just a sitting duck."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Sudalorm crosses his arms over his chest.
Edited: Huh my edit didn't go through.
16. What was the biggest challenge (personal, physical, social, anything) your OC faced in their backstory?
Sudalorm taps his wrist pad, bringing up the translator.
The automated voice speaks for him. "Trails, defeat, acceptance." Being a Grelek and part of the Tidal clan means he had to fight for his place to become a space traveler. It breaks his clans traditions. But Sudalorm did not want to be just a good fisher for his people, he wanted freedom to travel to planes the stars sit on.
Edited: Huh my edit didn't go through.
16. What was the biggest challenge (personal, physical, social, anything) your OC faced in their backstory?
Sudalorm taps his wrist pad, bringing up the translator.
The automated voice speaks for him. "Trails, defeat, acceptance." Being a Grelek and part of the Tidal clan means he had to fight for his place to become a space traveler. It breaks his clans traditions. But Sudalorm did not want to be just a good fisher for his people, he wanted freedom to travel to planes the stars sit on.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.
19. What is your OC most dedicated to-their cause, their loved ones, themselves?
"I would have to say I am most dedicated to myself. Mainly because I have no loved ones and my cause is forced but hey! If I ever find a good cause then maybe we can change it!"
"I would have to say I am most dedicated to myself. Mainly because I have no loved ones and my cause is forced but hey! If I ever find a good cause then maybe we can change it!"
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
Im doing another because I love these lol))
11. Which one of your OC’s memories makes them smile in private when they recall it? ... Okay, here we go!
Okay, sure Nix is still young but there are quite a few memprites that would do this. though he is often shown smiling so you wouldnt really notice much.
"Oh there are so many I can think of, but one is from when I was real young, maybe about four or five and I saw my very first bird and it was amazing because it was when I first met my best friend, and I just cant stop smiling when I remember it because it was this grey-blue bird I had never seen before sitting on the shoulder of the most handsome boy I would ever see.... even if I cant see him anymore..."
11. Which one of your OC’s memories makes them smile in private when they recall it? ... Okay, here we go!
Okay, sure Nix is still young but there are quite a few memprites that would do this. though he is often shown smiling so you wouldnt really notice much.
"Oh there are so many I can think of, but one is from when I was real young, maybe about four or five and I saw my very first bird and it was amazing because it was when I first met my best friend, and I just cant stop smiling when I remember it because it was this grey-blue bird I had never seen before sitting on the shoulder of the most handsome boy I would ever see.... even if I cant see him anymore..."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
(Lesse what the dice has in store for my gorl-)
11. Which one of your OC’s memories makes them smile in private when they recall it?
Aris pressed her lips into a thin line, just taking a moment to think to herself until she settled an answer, "When I was young, during the summertime, most of my time was spent with my nephew, Micah. We made a blanket fort in the living room, raided the cupboard for snacks, and spent the evening playing on our DS's. This was one of the few happiest moments where we got to enjoy being kids, instead of well... lab rats to be studied or freaks to be gawked at."
11. Which one of your OC’s memories makes them smile in private when they recall it?
Aris pressed her lips into a thin line, just taking a moment to think to herself until she settled an answer, "When I was young, during the summertime, most of my time was spent with my nephew, Micah. We made a blanket fort in the living room, raided the cupboard for snacks, and spent the evening playing on our DS's. This was one of the few happiest moments where we got to enjoy being kids, instead of well... lab rats to be studied or freaks to be gawked at."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
5.) What teacher/tutor/mentor influenced your OC the most?
Marty has never really had a mentor or anything like a teacher, but I'd say her parents have influenced her quite a bit. Probably expected, but they have helped her deal with parts of herself that she never quite liked, and overall taught her to not be an absolute animal around others. 😂 The latter was more so done for their own sake. But yeah, her parents live rent free in her head when she isn't being a complete hooligan and a public menace.
Marty has never really had a mentor or anything like a teacher, but I'd say her parents have influenced her quite a bit. Probably expected, but they have helped her deal with parts of herself that she never quite liked, and overall taught her to not be an absolute animal around others. 😂 The latter was more so done for their own sake. But yeah, her parents live rent free in her head when she isn't being a complete hooligan and a public menace.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.
6.) What is guaranteed to piss your OC off?
For the most part, Xail is pretty docile and hard to rouse with aggression- despite being a fighter and not a lover. Can she be borderline feral? Sometimes, but she's often unresponsive to typical threats; usually opting to push buttons to test boundaries, laughing, or simply walking away. She likes to play with people, and she'll do that if they haven't managed to make her uncomfortable. If we are talking general anger- Xailah can get upset if she's persistently bothered when she is seeking quiet. If in reference to true, unhinged anger, you'd have to start trying to take away things most important to her: her freedom, her cat, and her car/horse... Come to think of it, I kind of just described John Wick. So yeah. Catgirl John Wick I guess. She might also start fights in the instance someone in her company is being belittled. We'll call her a morally grey castigator.
For the most part, Xail is pretty docile and hard to rouse with aggression- despite being a fighter and not a lover. Can she be borderline feral? Sometimes, but she's often unresponsive to typical threats; usually opting to push buttons to test boundaries, laughing, or simply walking away. She likes to play with people, and she'll do that if they haven't managed to make her uncomfortable. If we are talking general anger- Xailah can get upset if she's persistently bothered when she is seeking quiet. If in reference to true, unhinged anger, you'd have to start trying to take away things most important to her: her freedom, her cat, and her car/horse... Come to think of it, I kind of just described John Wick. So yeah. Catgirl John Wick I guess. She might also start fights in the instance someone in her company is being belittled. We'll call her a morally grey castigator.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.
Note: ✨
12. Is your OC comfortable in a position of power, or would they prefer to be the one following orders?
“Hmm… it depends on the circumstances really. I am not that much of a leader, but I have learned that when it comes to being in a band, one has to take the lead at times, but also follow along. I guess I have to say I’m neutral on this ‘either/or’ question.”
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 12.
Note: What am I answering…
2. What is the one personality trait your OC is trying to get rid of and is embarrassed of?
"I don't like talking about things I don't like about myself," she started, "We'll be here all day if I do that."
It was an attempt at a self-deprecating joke, but, as usual, it fell flat.
"I don't think I'm trying to get rid of any, to be honest. Chloe always tried to drill into me that I shouldn't change for anyone, not even her. But things I'm embarrassed of? Too many." She picked at her worn-out jeans, "There's one that I think is equally bad as it is good. I like to take photographs of, well, everything. There was a time I goaded a classmate into doing a skateboard trick and I took a picture of him laying on the floor when he accidentally hit himself in the groin."
Max bit her lip to stop herself from ruefully smiling, "That's another thing. I don't really think before doing stuff. A bird once flew into Chloe's mom's windowpane and died from the impact. I ended up rewinding time to open the window and let the bird in- it didn't leave their house for a week straight and kept pooping everywhere! I don't really regret it though."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
[Rolled an 8]
"It's been my lifelong goal to eventually reach the shores of Akavir, if I could take even just a few steps onto the beaches of this mysterious land, I believe I could die a happy Khajiit."
"It's been my lifelong goal to eventually reach the shores of Akavir, if I could take even just a few steps onto the beaches of this mysterious land, I believe I could die a happy Khajiit."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 8.
10: What are your characters weaknesses?
Joot: His own stupidity
Mine Laru: His lack of wanting to work with others
Query: Pretty girls, handsome guys, his own stupidity, his simpery
Joot: His own stupidity
Mine Laru: His lack of wanting to work with others
Query: Pretty girls, handsome guys, his own stupidity, his simpery
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Isa tossed a twenty-sided die like it owed her money. The result was. . .
17. When they were a child, what did your OC want to do when they grew up?
The eldritch woman stared into space. Luck had decided to give her the one question that she did not have a readied answer for. She awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "I'm not sure if what I had could even be sold to a general audience as a childhood. I mostly just slept for eons after my birth, subconsciously learning and absorbing information about nearby universes until I was fully grown. To clarify, this was back when I was in my true form," she stated with uncertainty. A rare frown graced her face.
"I suppose if we count my first real desire after I awoke, I'd say it was the desire to rule. I had thought that having swathes of people do various things like worship me, sacrifice themselves to me, or fight in my name would have been satisfying, but in the end, it just . . . wasn't." Her trademark smile slowly returned, though more muted from thoughtfulness as opposed to her usual enthusiasm. "I think this particular dream could be my childhood one, as I know better now and am certainly happier than I was back then."
17. When they were a child, what did your OC want to do when they grew up?
The eldritch woman stared into space. Luck had decided to give her the one question that she did not have a readied answer for. She awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "I'm not sure if what I had could even be sold to a general audience as a childhood. I mostly just slept for eons after my birth, subconsciously learning and absorbing information about nearby universes until I was fully grown. To clarify, this was back when I was in my true form," she stated with uncertainty. A rare frown graced her face.
"I suppose if we count my first real desire after I awoke, I'd say it was the desire to rule. I had thought that having swathes of people do various things like worship me, sacrifice themselves to me, or fight in my name would have been satisfying, but in the end, it just . . . wasn't." Her trademark smile slowly returned, though more muted from thoughtfulness as opposed to her usual enthusiasm. "I think this particular dream could be my childhood one, as I know better now and am certainly happier than I was back then."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 17.
Concepting this guy, which means FORUM GAMES!!
20. How does your OC handle relationships, platonic or otherwise? Do they forge bonds easily, or prefer to not get attached?
20. How does your OC handle relationships, platonic or otherwise? Do they forge bonds easily, or prefer to not get attached?
"I prefer not to get attached to anyone." He replied with a flat tone. "Family, friends, romantic relationships, pets.. None of them. I can remain on my own, with no one else by my side. I have too many things to do and focus on to bond with people."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
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