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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Tangled Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Tangled Symbol in Epic Week 2023. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

Click here to visit the location of the Tangled Symbol
Ilmarinen Moderator

Methinks this will have to do with the Tangled movie or show!
I think you're right! There was a competition in the Tangled: The Series—a few in fact. It could possibly have something to do with S1 Ep 4, "Challenge of the Brave"? We'll have to see what the rest of the clues are :D
If im right, Challenge Of Brave is S1 Ep 6, just checked the Tangled wiki earlier and it said it was that one. Considering that the symbol is literally called tangled symbol. I do think it has to do with tangled because seeing that the sundrop flower in tangled and the flower that is depicted here look the same or resemble the same i think it definitely is tangled. Though i dont think its that episode personally because it has to do with science since the second clue and much ado (i googled it) has to do with heightened fuss or concern so i think it has to do with fuss or concern about something science related. When we talk about science in tangled, every tangled fan thinks about Varian since alchemy and science go hand in hand in my opinion.

The third clue is named from admiration so i think it has to do with an episode where Varian invents something new. So the theory i have right now has to do with if there is an episode where Varian invents a new something for a competition and that thing is then named from admiration but there happens some concern or the invention fails in some way or some how again. Im not sure if there is an episode like that because i dont really remember alot from Tangled: Before Ever After, but if there is one that has all those aspects in it i think we can find in that episode the clue for the word or words. Im sure there are much better theories to this or someone has come up with a much better idea but currently this is what ive been able to come up with and i hope this makes some sense because sometimes i just try to put what i think in my mind into words and then it fails.

update: Another clue maybe i think could be in the photo of the character itself. you can see stars around the hands and on the dress of the person so it might have to do with an episode that also has to do something with constellation, the sky, stars or the planets. Though i think this is highly unlikely.
I was thinking something constellation wise but I do agree with the path of Tangled however I'm not very good with that and won't be much help here.
The star mage sort of resembles a fortune teller?

Fernanda Pizazzo is a character in the tangled tv show who looks like a fortune teller. Shes also an inventor (much ado about science, clue 2) who took part in Corona's science fair competition (clue 1).

I tried different variants of her name but it hasn't worked yet.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "Cassandrium".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
Varian, designer of this riddle wrote:
My favorite episode of Tangled: The Series. S1 E08 "Great Expotations" In this episode, today is the Science Expo in the Kingdom of Corona! Cassandra is not really excited about it, especially since she's a lady-in-waiting and has a lot of duties to attend to, but Varian, who comes to visit from Old Corona, is super excited and has made a really cool invention he'll be revealing at the expo. Varian's machine is the Elemental Remorgifier, which takes pounds of sand and creates a purple jewel, he names "Cassandrium" after Cassandra.

There are two reasons Varian has joined the expo, one, to show off the power of science! Of course. He's a nerd. Two, to impress Cassandra. He has a crush on her lol
I literally had to watch the episode lol
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Well done! :D :D
Congratulations! You solved my riddle! :D
I'm glad I forced you to watch the episode! /jk

As Kim quoted, it is my favorite episode! :D

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