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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Arctic Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Arctic Symbol in Epic Week 2023. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

Click here to visit the location of the Arctic Symbol
I'm pretty sure Tooth Walkers is another name for Walruses Thouuugh it's not a Walrus x3
Might this be that camera drone disguised as a rock that the BBC used? Or a stealth camera thing?
Prescience wrote:
Might this be that camera drone disguised as a rock that the BBC used? Or a stealth camera thing?

In episode 4 'The Poles' of Spy in the Wild 2, they use a drone disguised as a walrus to spy on actual walrusses. You might be dead-on, but I'm not sure what the exact answer would be.
Other riddles in this block seem to be related to people/names, so a shot in the dark could be David Tennant (who narrates the episode), or just "Spy in the Wild" or something
On my way to give orders to my walrus troop. Let's go!!!
I was thinking that the 3m tall oil and air filled camera spy-walrus might be whats discussed here. It filmed fights between walruses until one of them turned on it and speared it.
This isnt something to do with starlink? The ability to control and view cameras remotely 'working from home'. Modern solutions for modern problems.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "Walrus from Space".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
Ilmarinen, designer of this riddle wrote:
"Walrus from Space" is a crowdsourced project by the World Wildlife Fund to help locate and count groups of walrus via satellite imagery. The goal is to analyze how walrus populations are being affected as sea ice vanishes due to global climate change. You can be a part of the project too--all you need is a computer! Check it out!
An additional note from Kim: Tooth walkers is another name for Walrus. Their scientific name is Odobenus . The compound Odobenus comes from odous (Greek for 'teeth') and baino (Greek for 'walk'), based on observations of walruses using their tusks to pull themselves out of the water.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Great job solving this riddle guys! And be sure to check out Walrus! From! SPAAAAACE!
Who solved this, and HOW?
Prescience wrote:
Who solved this, and HOW?

I did! I found a youtube video about it BY CHANCE XD XD XD, I had read walrus are really susceptible to Anesthia for tracking purposes and that got me thinking it might be via sattelite which is probably how they do Whales too since big ocean and all that. x3

You can see the video here

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