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Forums » Forum Games » Guess The Character From The Gif

Oh- Well, my bad for not knowing!-

(also yeh lol. Lemme just uh, move this out the way rq-)
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

Taro_Nuke1 wrote:
Oh- Well, my bad for not knowing!-

(also yeh lol. Lemme just uh, move this out the way rq-)

It's okay! :)
All good
Sorry! I forgot it was my turn!

twistedvictorian Topic Starter

TheCaffeineQueen wrote:
Sorry! I forgot it was my turn!


My brain instantly screamed The Secret Garden, but I know that isn't it because I've watched it way too many times-

But that indeed is a character played by Maggie Smith, right? Am I wrong?
Indeed that is Maggie Smith, but it is not Secret Garden!
I’ve never watched the show, but is that her character from downtown Abby? That like… the only thing i know her from other then professor mcgonagal in Harry Potter.

I believe the character’s name… violet crawled from my searching.
twistedvictorian Topic Starter

SoulHeart57 wrote:
I’ve never watched the show, but is that her character from downtown Abby? That like… the only thing i know her from other then professor mcgonagal in Harry Potter.

I believe the character’s name… violet crawled from my searching.

She's in Downton Abbey too? I didn't know that.
I lowkey wanna watch Downton Abbey, but I don't know if I'd like it. <_<
Yes! This is Violet Crawley from Downton Abbey. She is an absolute gem in that show and literally carries the humour. I love her character so much.
Oh my, I kinda forgot about this, I'm sorry about that. I wasnt expecting to be right, but it can get a gif up tomorrow. Or unless someone else wants to go, that's also fine.
Okay, well. Nobody has posted in this in quite a few days soooo.....


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