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Forums » RP Discussion » Collaborative OC: a saucy space pirate

I wasn't sure if I was gonna join the Collab OC event, but here I am!

I have a few starting ideas and possible questions to expand them.

1. whoever they are, they're saucy and a space pirate. Aka, they're a pirate but in a sci-fi setting. (are they high or low on the pirate food chain?)

2. they were previously married. (Why aren't they now?)

3. their skin color is one that is not in the human range of skins colors. (what color/s?)

I can't wait to hear ideas! They can be in relation to the above and/or something completely unrelated.
Yay saucy space pirate! I love this idea. So here are a few ideas to help flesh it out for you.

1. Their ship is small and quick with a bunch of illegal modifications that make it hard to catch. It's slim, sleek but really cramped (intimate) inside so everyone has to kind of live on top of each other ala a submarine. It's called The

2. I think their former spouse was/is also a pirate. They pirated around for several years, gathering up booty and terrorizing trade routes. But they were more...ruthless in their approach. Much more killing and torture and shooting people into space. They wanted more than just the 'middling' profits the pirate crew were earning hitting up basic scores. They tried to convince saucy pirate to start carrying slaves and trading in weapons. It caused many arguments and full on fist fights. Eventually pirate spouse stormed off and joined up with space mafia and is now a recurring villain for saucy pirate. The divorce papers have been filed but are still languishing in space bureaucracy limbo.

3. BLUE!

I...I just really like blue. But maybe blue with orange tattoos.
MercyInReach Topic Starter

I'd love more ideas from people!!
MercyInReach wrote:
1. whoever they are, they're saucy and a space pirate. Aka, they're a pirate but in a sci-fi setting. (are they high or low on the pirate food chain?)

2. they were previously married. (Why aren't they now?)

3. their skin color is one that is not in the human range of skins colors. (what color/s?).

A few ideas that floated through my head...
1. They either captain or are the first officer of an Orion class Raider ship. (I stole that from Star Trek)
2. Maybe they have been married a couple times before? Maybe they're still married but doesn't know it? The divorce was never finalized, etc.
3. Blue-green?
Kim Site Admin

Some random ideas that came up while brainstorming with the fam:
  • Grand Admiral Zek'Nupp
  • Ship is called the Saucy Sue
  • A paragon of piratical menace usurped her husband's power and fleet in a single night of vengeance, after he wronged her somehow. Perhaps she had a lover among the ship's officers, who he put to death out of jealousy even though they supposedly had an open relationship.
  • She now sails the galactic ocean, leading her grand fleet where she raids colonies, transports, and even the occasional war ship if the mood takes her.
  • The "grand fleet" might not actually be that grand, perhaps with about a dozen ships in it, but Zek'Nupp is convinced that spreading rumors is how to build soft power. She keeps the ships hidden in a nebula most of the time, only emerging to prey upon passing ships, so it is very hard to tell how many she actually has.
MercyInReach Topic Starter

I love everyone's ideas. I can't wait to create this character and weave together some of these pieces!

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