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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Dark Screen Mode

I'm almost positive someone has asked for this before, but I can't search exclusively in the suggestions & development discussion forum to see, unless I want to click through all the pages lol

I was wanting to suggest more dark modes. I like the brown tones of the site I have selected, and the white lettering, but I also know I'm not the only person whose eyes might strain when staring at a screen too long.

I know a few of these are already there, I just think some more options would be nice!

I hope this makes sense lol I was folding clothes while typing!
Claine Moderator

You can change your display settings in your Settings Menu.

There is a low contrast setting that may be easier on your eyes :)
Kim Site Admin

Although I'm always on the lookout for ways to be more accomodating to people, to consider this, I would need to know more about what types of other options you're looking for. The low contrast mode was basically a direct build from the suggestions of people on the forums who said the original dark mode hurt their eyes.

Full disclosure, I very rarely use dark modes myself and find that even on long days at the computer, I tend to do better with light modes. It's just how my eyes work. So it's very hard for me to know what others would find pleasant in a dark mode, particularly when there are already two that feel equally less pleasant to me. >.>
LadyCrow27 Topic Starter

Claine wrote:
You can change your display settings in your Settings Menu.

There is a low contrast setting that may be easier on your eyes :)

I am currently running the low contrast mode, and it is much better than the others. I have chronic migraines so light is a pain, always lol.
Kim wrote:
Although I'm always on the lookout for ways to be more accomodating to people, to consider this, I would need to know more about what types of other options you're looking for. The low contrast mode was basically a direct build from the suggestions of people on the forums who said the original dark mode hurt their eyes.

Full disclosure, I very rarely use dark modes myself and find that even on long days at the computer, I tend to do better with light modes. It's just how my eyes work. So it's very hard for me to know what others would find pleasant in a dark mode, particularly when there are already two that feel equally less pleasant to me. >.>

I understand, I appreciate you hearing me out at least! I did a bit of research, and it seems according to surveys grey schemes are preferred by migraine sufferers.



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It's not official, but I did make this greyscale skin for RPR a few years back.
LadyCrow27 Topic Starter

konnie wrote:
It's not official, but I did make this greyscale skin for RPR a few years back.

Love this! Thanks Konnie!

I had no idea about this even though I've been on that settings page before. Dark mode is exactly what I needed! Thanks for the heads up

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