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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Porter's Courtyard and Garden (Open) (FFA)

Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"I see. You seem to have alot of friends with you. It seems nice."
Cecilia Evergreen (played by Alliyus)

Cecilia chuckled softly and nodded as Lailah stood there, silent.
Cigil Gergen (played anonymously)

"Lailah, do you want to try riding Vici?"
Lailah Springfield (played anonymously)

She chuckled. "No thanks. I don't ride animals."

Cecilia eyed Lailah. "but you ride Ajax perfectly."

Ajax being Autumn's black stallion.

Lailah shook her head, apologetically.
Ronal (played by randomentity777)

Ronal continues to enjoy the garden. "Seems like a nice enough place."
*sighs and picks up the book that Horizon dropped*
Belmont the Philippine Eagle (played anonymously)

A Philippine Eagle flew over head, silent like a predator. It soared over them from the skies. It looked like a wild animal, but there was a tag on its left wing that said it had an owner.
He would turn his head back to watching the fountain.
*lays down Under a tree*
Belmont the Philippine Eagle (played anonymously)

The Philippine Eagle flew down and landed, wings folded, right next to Jin. It was looking forward, watchful.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha was out on a stroll, enjoying the warm sun as it dances on her fur. During her stroll she comes across the vast garden. She walks slowly and lead by the wonder. A slow twirl "This place is beautiful." She says in awe. Walking a line of cherry trees, and their spring snow of petals.
Belmont the Philippine Eagle (played anonymously)

A Philippine Eagle flew over her, soaring through the sky at around 50mph. It dove to towards the ground and picked up a squirrel with its talons. The talons crushed the squirrel, making it unable to move as it flew through the sky towards a tree.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Looks up as an eagle flies overhead, admiring the way it flies, and its strength. She watches as the eagle takes its prey. "Nature is incredible." She smiles before turning back to the cherry trees. Starring up at the delicate pink petals and inhaling the light aroma.
Alpine (played anonymously)

A short girl sat there on top of a tree branch on the cherry tree. Her presence was so strong, it seemed like it had unlimited strength to it. She was a puppet. Her moves weren't her own. She eyed her calmly with pure white eyes. She was a puppet for someone who was so powerful, they couldn't show themselves. So they used her like a puppeteer.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Stayed mesmerized by the pink blossoms, until she realized someone was sitting in the tree. Her gold eyes shine with alarm and curiosity. Looking at the white eyes of the person. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." To the tree she puts her forehead to it and closes her eyes. "I just love cherry blossoms."
Alpine (played anonymously)

The girl on the branch waved a hand in dismal that it was fine. She eyed her with white eyes that didn't seem real, but they were there. The girl just sat there, admiring the view from the branch.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Nods to the person and then turns around and sits with her back to the tree and then sits down. Sitting in a relaxed position with one leg straight and the other bent and closing her golden eyes.
Phantom (played anonymously)

A girl sat there next to the first one on the tree. They were identical. They were both puppets.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha stirs, blinking open her golden eyes and waking under the cherry blossom tree. Looking around she sees her black fur decorated in little pink petals, she smiles at the contrast. Then she slowly moves and rises to her feet and shakes off the petals. Her gold eyes survey the gardens, and then turns back to look a the blossoms leaving a small smile before continuing to stroll through the garden to see what other mysteries she can find.
Slightly stirring from what felt like a long dream, Noah let out a big yawn. "Rrrugh~." Blinking his eyes, he had found himself resting on his back, looking up towards the shade of an oak tree. But as he tries to get up, he flops onto his stomach with a squeak.

"W-whah?" He asks, muttering as he rubs his nose. "Had no idea oak trees could grow this large. Maybe I tripped on something?" He then looks to the ground, only to notice his paws were smaller and fluffier than he remembered. This prompted him to roll onto his back, as he asks himself in a mixture of awe and confused worry; "How did I get here?"

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