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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Forever Fall Campgrounds

Raphael (played by Alliyus)

"No worries." With a flick of his wrist, and a snap of his fingers. Her thesis was on paper, right in her hand before she even finished the sentence. He smiled.
Esmeryle (played by Noah-Bear95)

Raphael wrote:
"No worries." With a flick of his wrist, and a snap of his fingers. Her thesis was on paper, right in her hand before she even finished the sentence. He smiled.

Holding onto the finished thesis, her eyes widen in awe. "Oh, wow!" She exclaims, wriggling to sit up properly in Joot's arms before she checks over it. "Yep, this is the one. Anatomy of a Cephosseous; How Evolution Shaped A Wonder Of The Natural World."
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Woaaahhh.... Those are a lotta big words... You're so smart Esmy!"
Hailey (played by Alliyus)

"Ello Mates!"
A blond, topaz-blue eyed girl appeared hanging upside down with her legs around a tree branch, right above Raphael, who didn't even flinch.
Esmeryle, Hailey, Hailey Esmeryle."
Hailey smiled, she was a Sand Crawler just like Raphael. She waved softly at Esmeryle.
Esmeryle (played by Noah-Bear95)

Hailey wrote:
"Ello Mates!"
A blond, topaz-blue eyed girl appeared hanging upside down with her legs around a tree branch, right above Raphael, who didn't even flinch.
Esmeryle, Hailey, Hailey Esmeryle."
Hailey smiled, she was a Sand Crawler just like Raphael. She waved softly at Esmeryle.

She waves back at Hailey, before introducing her to her adoptive brother. "Don't mind Joot, he's basically my caretaker." She then beams with pride at her brother's compliments, but she didn't know if it was him being nice.
Hailey (played by Alliyus)

Before Esmy was even done talking, Hailey was standing next to Raphael, who was around 6'7, and she was 5 feet tall, so the height difference was enthralling.
Anthony (played by Alliyus)

A tall young man with short white hair, with dark golden eyes, was sitting there at the campfire with the Sand Crawlers. He had on a white cloak with the Sand Crawler flag on it, seeming that he was a Sand Crawler, just like them. But he was someone higher. Someone who could go out without his uniform on. Raphael eyed Anthony and tensed then relaxed. Hailey pouted, the air was thick & tense. Hailey knew when there was a rivalry. And there was one between Anthony and Raphael. Same rank, different cities. Raphael was from Kemet, while Anthony was from Aquil, a far stronger, well known, and luxurious.
Adelle (played anonymously)

The black wolf emerges from the forest. She wasn't here to harm anyone, or cause any trouble. She was curious about the campers, it was quiet grounds until the campsites moved on. It was nice to see others returning to nature and outdoors.

She pads up to the bonfire, looking up at the huge blaze as the fire casts a warm glow to her fur, yielding to the soft texture m. She then wanders away from the fire and walks by the tents. The wolf would not take their food, neither look through their belongings. But she was amused that tents resembled dens in a way. She decided to linger around the camp for a bit to check out the man-made structures and elements.
Anthony (played by Alliyus)

Anthony was sitting next to Raphael. Both of them were sitting near the campfire. They both wore black cloaks, the standard for Snow Drifters/Crawlers. Both of them were relaxing, looking forward.
Dante (played by FictionDragonborn)

*walks in*
Aston (played by Alliyus)

Aston was sitting next to Anthony. He looked up at Dante.
Hala (played by Alliyus)

Hala, the Founder of the Sand Crawlers, was sitting criss-crossed on a tree branch above them all. She was silently sleeping. She wore a large black cloak around her, covering everything. She had a black hood over her head, and a full black mask covering her whole face.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha walks over to the campfire treats buffet and works on making a campfire cone. Putting marshmallows, chocolate and white chocolate chips, and drizzling in some chocolate syrup. She then takes some aluminum foil and a cone cage with an extended handle.

Then she walks over to the fire and sets the cone on a grilling shelf near the fire. Waiting a few minutes for the cone to cook on the inside. After waiting a bit she pulls the cooking basket away from the fire and uses tongues to peel back the aluminum, seeing the melted contents of the cone inside. Carefully she picks up the warm cone, then sits down on a log by the fire while eating her cone.
Arisu (played by Alliyus)

Arisu was sitting next to the campfire, she was the sister of the Hala, the Kemet Founder. She was part of the Kemet Leadership. She eyed Natasha with bright topaz-blue eyes. "Good day. How are you?" Her voice was as sweet as honey, welcoming.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha looks over at the new person to the campsite, after taking a few bites of her cone she wipes her mouth and smiles, "Hello, nice to meet you. I am Natasha." Her gold eyes glow in the fire light.
Arisu (played by Alliyus)

Arisu smiled then nodded in greeting. "My name is Arisu, lovely to meet you. I am the Co-Founder of the Sand Crawlers, Kemet." She introduced herself. She was part of the Kemet Leadership Foundation, which is in charge of people like Raphael, who is a Sand Crawler.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

She nods, "How nice. I'm not part of anything big like that, I just work at the local bar so that I can live in the finer parts of life. Maybe a little dabble in luxuries. I just bought a condo." She grins proud of her own achievement. Then looks at the fire as though she's looking through scenes of her past.

"When I was a kitten, I lived on the streets with my parents, slept in cardboard boxes and ran from the many dangers, especially as a black cat." She shivers at the things she's heard and seen, just from the way she's been treated alone. "It was a tough life, and I have no clue if my parents are alive. Or if I even have any other family. I'm all alone." She looks thoughtfully at the fire. "But I worked to have every penny to my name." Her stance stood straight for the pride she carries.
Arisu (played by Alliyus)

He nodded in understanding while sitting there. Her sister was the Founder, and she seemed small compared to her, even though she was the Co-Founder. She smiled softly. "When you think about it. What we do out there isn't that big."
Kemet Leadership (played by Alliyus)

"So, you heare--"
Arisu began.
"Shut up!"
Hailey groaned, sitting in her corner of the room.
"So, you ever wonder what it is like to become one of the Founders?"
Raphael gestured over to Hala and Arisu with a gesture of his finger.
Arisu glared daggers at Raphael.
"it's quite exhausting, wouldn't you think?"
Raphael blinked, his dark golden eyes staring at Arisu's bright blue eyes. He tilted his head to the left.
"No, but do you?"
Arisu started getting up.
Hailey put both of her hands up in a stopping motion. Silencing both of them.
"That's enough drama for one day, don't you think?"
Raphael glanced at Arisu and grinned.
Arisu groaned and sat back down, annoyed.
Natasha Kitty (played anonymously)

Natasha finishes her campfire cone, and washes her hands at the eco wash station. Then goes off to hike Amber Trails.

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