Welcome to a different kind of sweet treat!
The annual Halloween carnival has come to town, and this year, there is a kissing booth. A few young adults have volunteered their time to hand out a whole different kind of candy.
A sign is posted on either side of the kissing booth with the rules. The signs state the following;
Rule 1. The default kiss is an innocent closed-lip kiss on the mouth. It is up to the kissing booth volunteers whether you get any more or any less.
Rule 2. One ticket per kiss. Multiple tickets are allowed.
Rule 3. Be respectful.
Seriously, we mean it.
Rule 4. No photography unless both parties consent to it.
So come down to the carnival, eat, drink and be merry!
Rules of the RP!
-18 Plus ONLY. This is a kissing booth, please be respectful of that.
-Supernatural characters are allowed, but this is a human world, so they must pass for human/use their human form.
-This is not mature content, but it is adult content. Please refrain from childish antics, as we find it disrespectful. Act your age, not your shoe-size.
He jumped down off the table after hanging the rules sign. He had been volun-told he was going to be participating in this year’s fundraising Kissing Booth. He had never been involved in a kissing booth before and the idea intrigued him completely. Gand was never one to do things halfway. He had arrived early and set up some rather large speakers and a DJ mix table. He had no intention of playing DJ tonight beyond just playing some music to draw attention but, who knows? The kissing booth could get crazy, and a DJ would be warranted. He started a song; it was a dance mix of a popular song and turned up the volume to get some attention on the booth. Along with the music he also set up a small bar. He figured if the volunteers had a little liquid courage, they might be more prone to let loose and provide some amazing kisses.
Gand had chosen to go Victorian with his costume. He had modeled his wardrobe after the 2004 film adaptation of the The Phantom of the Opera. He had liked the black mask and opened shirt The Phantom had worn during the Past the Point of No Return scene. There were slight differences to the appearances, of course. Gand was platinum blonde and had much shorter hair so it couldn’t be slicked back so well. He instead let it just do what it wanted. His eyes, through the black of the mask, were an even more striking blue. He leaned against his DJ table and waited for the other volunteers to arrive.
Gand had chosen to go Victorian with his costume. He had modeled his wardrobe after the 2004 film adaptation of the The Phantom of the Opera. He had liked the black mask and opened shirt The Phantom had worn during the Past the Point of No Return scene. There were slight differences to the appearances, of course. Gand was platinum blonde and had much shorter hair so it couldn’t be slicked back so well. He instead let it just do what it wanted. His eyes, through the black of the mask, were an even more striking blue. He leaned against his DJ table and waited for the other volunteers to arrive.
Halloween was Rayna’s favourite time of year. The lights, the decorations, events and oh my god, the costumes. Rayna picked hers, carefully, playing the stylish leader of the freaks and beasts alike. A white corset top, a black tie, black fishnet stockings, white gloves and a black steampunk hat, complete with little gears and chains, along with a blunt-tipped whip on her side all attributed to the perfect Ringmaster, and this Ringmaster had some fun activities in mind for the night.
She had signed up to the carnivals ‘Kissing Booth.’ She had never participated in one before, but the spirit of the evening made her a little more adventurous. She had no idea who the other people involved were, but as she stepped up to the booth area, she loved it. She looked around for barely a moment before seeing the Phantom of the Opera dance around while he set up the area. She also noticed there was a bar, and grinned as she stepped closer to the Phantom. “Hey! I love your costume.” She beamed to the man standing there. She requested a drink, which she found out quickly was alcoholic, and began to chat with him as they waited for others to join them.
She had signed up to the carnivals ‘Kissing Booth.’ She had never participated in one before, but the spirit of the evening made her a little more adventurous. She had no idea who the other people involved were, but as she stepped up to the booth area, she loved it. She looked around for barely a moment before seeing the Phantom of the Opera dance around while he set up the area. She also noticed there was a bar, and grinned as she stepped closer to the Phantom. “Hey! I love your costume.” She beamed to the man standing there. She requested a drink, which she found out quickly was alcoholic, and began to chat with him as they waited for others to join them.
Halloween had never really been something he was interested in. He had never gone costume shopping before and wasn’t too excited about it now. But he had signed up for some kissing booth and needed to get something to wear. He didn’t want to get a costume that was going to cover his face. No kisses would be obstructed by a stupid mask. He pulled out the plaid, ripped, sleeveless shirt and slipped it on, leaving it open to show off his sculpted abdomen. He reached back and grabbed the furry hood with wolf ears that were attached to the shirt and pulled it over his head. He looked in the mirror and lifted one of his eyebrows. He exhaled and shrugged to himself. He turned and started heading towards the carnival.
The kissing booth was easy enough to find. Some dude dressed like a vampire at a masquerade ball was already there with music thumping. Talking to the vampire-looking guy was some hotty dressed as a sexy magician. Rowdy, feeling the beat of the music and thinking this experience might not be a total waste, headed for the table. As he approached the booth, he let out a loud howl to get their attention. With an impish grin he slid up next to the duo and seeing the cup in the ringleader’s hand asked, “There’s drinkables here?”
The kissing booth was easy enough to find. Some dude dressed like a vampire at a masquerade ball was already there with music thumping. Talking to the vampire-looking guy was some hotty dressed as a sexy magician. Rowdy, feeling the beat of the music and thinking this experience might not be a total waste, headed for the table. As he approached the booth, he let out a loud howl to get their attention. With an impish grin he slid up next to the duo and seeing the cup in the ringleader’s hand asked, “There’s drinkables here?”
Cameron was a practical girl. Smart, reliable, determined. And yet somehow, she had been dragged into this ridiculous fund raising event. She wasn’t actually mad about it, but what she didn’t want to do was find a costume. She had a lot of studying to do, so why in the world did she spend all afternoon all over town looking for something? She must say though, as she pulled the blood red hood over her long, curly red hair, that she liked the effect. She switched the short cape for a long one, one that went to the floor and could wrap around her easily.
As Cami stood infront of the mirror, she smoothed a hand over the red and white checkered dress, and looked down at her shoes. She went with red boots to complete it, and picked up her little basket that contained her phone and keys. She headed straight to the festival to locate the kissing booth, and couldnt help but smile as she got there.
Seeing a phantom, a ringmaster, and a cute guy with the laziest werewolf costume she had ever seen, she couldn’t stop the smile as she slid up to the group. “Hey everybody. I’m Cami. Or Little Red. You guys look great.” She told them as her dual coloured eyes, one a striking green and the other an electric blue, turned to look at each of them, finally ending on the wolf, as she smirked and eyed him playfully.
As Cami stood infront of the mirror, she smoothed a hand over the red and white checkered dress, and looked down at her shoes. She went with red boots to complete it, and picked up her little basket that contained her phone and keys. She headed straight to the festival to locate the kissing booth, and couldnt help but smile as she got there.
Seeing a phantom, a ringmaster, and a cute guy with the laziest werewolf costume she had ever seen, she couldn’t stop the smile as she slid up to the group. “Hey everybody. I’m Cami. Or Little Red. You guys look great.” She told them as her dual coloured eyes, one a striking green and the other an electric blue, turned to look at each of them, finally ending on the wolf, as she smirked and eyed him playfully.
"ARRRRRR!” he said playfully laughing as he joined the group gathered in the kissing booth. Undertow had chosen the pirate look for his costume. He had on leather boots, black wrap pants, a thick leather belt with a fake sword at his hip, an off-white poet shirt, a classic pirate captain’s long coat, and a black head wrap. He hadn’t shaved in a few days, giving himself that scruffy look for effect.
The group so far seemed to be a motley crew or characters. Masquerade guy, corset girl, lazy werewolf, red riding hood and now a pirate. Wanting to make them laugh he said jokingly, "Aren’t we a ‘Breakfast Club’ kind of group.” he chuckled softly to himself as he added, “All we need is the princess, right?”
The group so far seemed to be a motley crew or characters. Masquerade guy, corset girl, lazy werewolf, red riding hood and now a pirate. Wanting to make them laugh he said jokingly, "Aren’t we a ‘Breakfast Club’ kind of group.” he chuckled softly to himself as he added, “All we need is the princess, right?”
There was no event in the world that involved clothes and dressing up that Catherine ever missed. A student of high-fashion, and quite popular, she was a fashion statement wherever she went. She accessorized everything all the time, and her Halloween costume was absolutely no different. For weeks, Catherine shopped for the perfect dress, shoes, jewelry, and had already spent at least three hours on her dark brown hair. It was curled, lovely, pinned and beautiful. Atop her head sat a very shiny crown.
Her dress was floor length, and was the colour of a storm cloud with black lacing all the way through it. Her shoes were sparkling as she slipped them on, and she smiled as her gloved hand picked up the masquerade mask that completed the outfit. A beautiful mask of gold and silver, sat on a long black handle to pick up and hold as she needed too. She held it now as she left her dorm, and headed towards the carnival. Despite her appearance, Catherine could actually be quite nice, and upon hearing the pirate upon approaching the group, couldn’t help but jump in with; “Ask and ye shall receive, dear pirate.”
Her dress was floor length, and was the colour of a storm cloud with black lacing all the way through it. Her shoes were sparkling as she slipped them on, and she smiled as her gloved hand picked up the masquerade mask that completed the outfit. A beautiful mask of gold and silver, sat on a long black handle to pick up and hold as she needed too. She held it now as she left her dorm, and headed towards the carnival. Despite her appearance, Catherine could actually be quite nice, and upon hearing the pirate upon approaching the group, couldn’t help but jump in with; “Ask and ye shall receive, dear pirate.”
All of the volunteers have now arrived, and are in place.
The Kissing Booth is now open!
If there is a pair of lips within the booth, you are welcome to kiss your choice for a ticket!
The Kissing Booth is now open!
If there is a pair of lips within the booth, you are welcome to kiss your choice for a ticket!
A kissing booth? The sounded like a right spot of fun, Aubree thought as she looked at the carnival flyer. Plus, this year, Aubree was….almost in costume. Her blue eyes looked down at her big black boots, the jeans that had a little blood on them, though whether it was real or fake was to be determined, and a bright white shirt that stated “This Is My Halloween Costume,” with a ‘bloodied’ handprint under the words, underneath a black and red leather jacket.
Weaved in Aubree’s long blonde hair was a headband that had obvious wolf ears, and was the only real clue as to what she was supposed to be. Deciding that this was good enough for the Halloween Carnival, she stepped inside the grounds, and bought a ticket or two, just to help out and to check it out. Several scents hit her nose at once, but she followed her way to where the booth was, and saw all the beautiful people inside of it. She gave them all of a friendly greeting as she surveyed her choices.
One in particular made Aubree’s eyes shift to him. There was only one with a costume similar to hers, and it was enough to make her smile as she stepped up to the wolf and held out her ticket to him. “I believe I’m supposed to give this to you, in exchange for a kiss?” She sounded amused, but she was still trying to figure out the concept of the idea.
Weaved in Aubree’s long blonde hair was a headband that had obvious wolf ears, and was the only real clue as to what she was supposed to be. Deciding that this was good enough for the Halloween Carnival, she stepped inside the grounds, and bought a ticket or two, just to help out and to check it out. Several scents hit her nose at once, but she followed her way to where the booth was, and saw all the beautiful people inside of it. She gave them all of a friendly greeting as she surveyed her choices.
One in particular made Aubree’s eyes shift to him. There was only one with a costume similar to hers, and it was enough to make her smile as she stepped up to the wolf and held out her ticket to him. “I believe I’m supposed to give this to you, in exchange for a kiss?” She sounded amused, but she was still trying to figure out the concept of the idea.
Rowdy had gotten some flack for his costume choice from his co-volunteers. It hadn't bothered him. He laughed it off and joined some of them in a drink as they waited for anyone to come by desiring a kiss in exchange for a ticket. When the first customer approached, they all turned to watch her make her choice.
Rowdy's steely blue eyes ran over the contours of her body as she headed for the kissing booth. Her costume attempt, not that much different from his, made him smile and chuckle softly to himself. When the ticket holder chose him from the group, he drained the contents of his red solo cup and set it down by the bar. He made his way up to the thin plywood that would separate them.
He took her ticket and stuffed it into his pocket. He then placed both his hands on the plywood edge and leaned forward so she could kiss him.
Rowdy's steely blue eyes ran over the contours of her body as she headed for the kissing booth. Her costume attempt, not that much different from his, made him smile and chuckle softly to himself. When the ticket holder chose him from the group, he drained the contents of his red solo cup and set it down by the bar. He made his way up to the thin plywood that would separate them.
He took her ticket and stuffed it into his pocket. He then placed both his hands on the plywood edge and leaned forward so she could kiss him.
She wasn’t exactly sure why she was doing this, but the spirit of the evening and the hilarity that two people had the same costume idea had amused her enough to let herself go with it. She hadn’t been sure how to approach at first, but was glad when she quickly figured it out.
As he stepped up to the booth, she smiled at him, and watched as he leaned forward. She listened to the breathing all around her, but focused on him instead. She leaned forward, letting the build up come quickly before her mouth touched his, lightly and innocently, at first, but the biting urge for more would be present. There was always something about a first kiss, even one like this.
It wasn’t a long kiss, as it wasn’t meant to be, but she still smirked when she pulled back from him. “You’re a good kisser.” She told him as she leaned back. “And I love the costume.” She commented before turning to scan the others, stepped out of the path of their customers, and stood while deciding what to do with the remaining ticket.
As he stepped up to the booth, she smiled at him, and watched as he leaned forward. She listened to the breathing all around her, but focused on him instead. She leaned forward, letting the build up come quickly before her mouth touched his, lightly and innocently, at first, but the biting urge for more would be present. There was always something about a first kiss, even one like this.
It wasn’t a long kiss, as it wasn’t meant to be, but she still smirked when she pulled back from him. “You’re a good kisser.” She told him as she leaned back. “And I love the costume.” She commented before turning to scan the others, stepped out of the path of their customers, and stood while deciding what to do with the remaining ticket.
Innocent at first it certainly was. Their lips met and it took them both a few seconds to give in to the tension and deepen the kiss. The kiss wasn't long, but it was nice. There were all the normal sensations and excitement that were brought on by the first kiss of a stranger.
The kiss ended naturally, them both pulling away. Rowdy would have expected an awkward moment but there was none. He took a step back, a boyishly charming smile on his lips. "Thanks. Your kissing talents are impressive yourself." His eyes trailed over her again as he commented on her similar costume, "Great minds."
He stepped back, putting some space between them. She was lingering, pondering what activity to indulge in next. Rowdy went to fill up his cup and rejoin the group.
The kiss ended naturally, them both pulling away. Rowdy would have expected an awkward moment but there was none. He took a step back, a boyishly charming smile on his lips. "Thanks. Your kissing talents are impressive yourself." His eyes trailed over her again as he commented on her similar costume, "Great minds."
He stepped back, putting some space between them. She was lingering, pondering what activity to indulge in next. Rowdy went to fill up his cup and rejoin the group.
Darian didn't really enjoy Halloween. In fact it was one of his least favourite festivities. Perhaps in the old days, when it was simply All Hallows Eve, it was okay, but to think that such holiday destined for people to be wary of the supernatural, to educate and protect the children from these foul creatures of the night, had turned into a festivity that celebrated depravity.... No, he really didn't like this. And even less did he like to go out and put on a costume. But this year, his twin sister Ella had insisted that he needed to let loose a little bit... and she'd been so insistent that he'd eventually acceded to come with her to the carnival just so she would shut up.
She'd told him to dress up as something scary, so naturally he dressed up as the thing he found most repulsive— a demon. Satan, in particular. For this he decided to wear a dark red shirt over which he laid an elegant black blazer and some matching black slacks and shoes. And obviously he wore some red horns on his head. Ella had said that he looked too mundane, so he also put on some yellow contact lenses that would make his gaze far more unsettling.
"I thought we were picking 'scary' costumes... why on earth did you dress as a priest?" Darian annoyedly asked his sister, who currently was pulling him towards this 'Kissing booth' thing. Ella eyed him a moment and then smirked. She was wearing a rather ornate clerical tunic and a bishop's hat. Her blue dyed hair had been pulled back into a bun that was supposed to make it look like it was short. "Well what's more scary than the patriarchy imposing their views and customs through a catholic institution?" Ella asked with a grin earning a suffering glance from her brother. "You're impossible." He sighed. "I'm not sure I want to go in there.." He complained though he knew there was no stopping his sister.
"You need to let loose a little, alright? A kiss should lift your spirits!" Ella said, cheerfully pulling at his arm. There were some people there, and honestly all their costumes looked amazing. So much so that Ella was beginning to feel a bit self conscious about her own costume. After all, even if was easy to tell what she was dressed as, it wasn't exactly a pretty outfit. Still she went to get two tickets, one for her and another for her brother. "I think you're supposed to pick one of the girls and hand her this for a kiss." Ella instructed. "Or one of the guys, they're pretty hot too, no judgement, I'm not sure which way you swing..." She added elbowing Darian teasingly. Darian rolled his eyes. "Seriously you are insufferable, let's just get this over with." He sighed and then stepped over to the woman dressed as a masked princess.
"Excuse me miss.." He'd begin before clearing his throat a bit awkwardly. "Or should I say your highness?" He would make a bit of an attempt at curtsy, the corner of his lips curling into a bit of a smile. "I um.. believe this is how it works..?" He'd ask softly, handing her the ticket.
Ella watched her brother with pride, giving him a thumbs up and then looked around in the booth, though her attention was immediately drawn by The Phantom of the Opera himself. "Alright." She would say under her breath to reassure herself, stepping over towards the man. "Is this inside my mind? Because I see the Phantom of the Opera is here." She would almost sing laughing a bit to herself, though she could hardly keep herself from fan-girling about his costume. That must have been the lamest ice-breaker ever, but it was already out there. "I... got one of these and I suppose I have to hand it to you?" She'd ask softly, already blushing a little although she was trying to play it cool.
She'd told him to dress up as something scary, so naturally he dressed up as the thing he found most repulsive— a demon. Satan, in particular. For this he decided to wear a dark red shirt over which he laid an elegant black blazer and some matching black slacks and shoes. And obviously he wore some red horns on his head. Ella had said that he looked too mundane, so he also put on some yellow contact lenses that would make his gaze far more unsettling.
"I thought we were picking 'scary' costumes... why on earth did you dress as a priest?" Darian annoyedly asked his sister, who currently was pulling him towards this 'Kissing booth' thing. Ella eyed him a moment and then smirked. She was wearing a rather ornate clerical tunic and a bishop's hat. Her blue dyed hair had been pulled back into a bun that was supposed to make it look like it was short. "Well what's more scary than the patriarchy imposing their views and customs through a catholic institution?" Ella asked with a grin earning a suffering glance from her brother. "You're impossible." He sighed. "I'm not sure I want to go in there.." He complained though he knew there was no stopping his sister.
"You need to let loose a little, alright? A kiss should lift your spirits!" Ella said, cheerfully pulling at his arm. There were some people there, and honestly all their costumes looked amazing. So much so that Ella was beginning to feel a bit self conscious about her own costume. After all, even if was easy to tell what she was dressed as, it wasn't exactly a pretty outfit. Still she went to get two tickets, one for her and another for her brother. "I think you're supposed to pick one of the girls and hand her this for a kiss." Ella instructed. "Or one of the guys, they're pretty hot too, no judgement, I'm not sure which way you swing..." She added elbowing Darian teasingly. Darian rolled his eyes. "Seriously you are insufferable, let's just get this over with." He sighed and then stepped over to the woman dressed as a masked princess.
"Excuse me miss.." He'd begin before clearing his throat a bit awkwardly. "Or should I say your highness?" He would make a bit of an attempt at curtsy, the corner of his lips curling into a bit of a smile. "I um.. believe this is how it works..?" He'd ask softly, handing her the ticket.
Ella watched her brother with pride, giving him a thumbs up and then looked around in the booth, though her attention was immediately drawn by The Phantom of the Opera himself. "Alright." She would say under her breath to reassure herself, stepping over towards the man. "Is this inside my mind? Because I see the Phantom of the Opera is here." She would almost sing laughing a bit to herself, though she could hardly keep herself from fan-girling about his costume. That must have been the lamest ice-breaker ever, but it was already out there. "I... got one of these and I suppose I have to hand it to you?" She'd ask softly, already blushing a little although she was trying to play it cool.
Catherine was enjoying herself with this little kissing booth. The others were quite entertaining, and she found herself laughing at their antics quickly. She had secured herself a red solo cup, and was sipping it lightly, enjoying the mix of flavours as she lightly chatted with the Ringmaster. All of them stopped and watched as their first customer came, with the two lazy werewolves kissing and giving them a show. The blonde blushed, but lingered as if she couldn’t decide what to do.
Their next two customers came soon after, this one, a guy and a girl. Honey brown eyes looked over the two people, the guy dressed as a demon, Satan himself, in fact, started to approach her. “Welcome to the booth, dear Satan. You look great.” She smiled her beautiful smile, bowing with the elegance of a real princess, then straightened as she took his ticket as he held it out. “That is correct.” She responded, and stepped to the plywood. She leaned forward slightly and waited for him to complete the kiss.
Their next two customers came soon after, this one, a guy and a girl. Honey brown eyes looked over the two people, the guy dressed as a demon, Satan himself, in fact, started to approach her. “Welcome to the booth, dear Satan. You look great.” She smiled her beautiful smile, bowing with the elegance of a real princess, then straightened as she took his ticket as he held it out. “That is correct.” She responded, and stepped to the plywood. She leaned forward slightly and waited for him to complete the kiss.
Gandrell smiled politely at the ringmaster as she approached and was quick to serve her a beverage. The lazy werewolf was the next to join the posey and, honestly surprisingly, the first one to trade a ticket for a kiss. They were then joined by a little red riding hood, a pirate, and a princess. The group was complete. Gandrell, not being to partake in the consummation of the beverages, kept their cups full and the music going. They were a fun group. Snarky, playful and full of life. Gand was just enjoying the ambiance.
When the first customer lingered, Gand was curious if she wanted to see if anyone else was brave enough to come test out the kissing booth. She was still close by when a pair approached the booth. The vampire, parading around as The Phantom of the Opera, let his eyes wander over the demon. It was a nicely put together costume. Would he compliment the devil? No. That just seemed too cliché for him. He would admire but remain quiet. The female next to him was dressed a priest. He wasn’t sure if her costume was meant to mock or to mimic. He guessed if she was walking around with Satan, it must be a mock. Their eyes met as she took a breath, seemingly to ready her courage.
Gandrell pushed away from the DJ table and approached her slowly. The sultry look he had been giving her was lost as he was caught off guard when she almost sang a line from the actual song The Phantom of the Opera. In response, without missing a beat, he responded in a confident voice, "Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you, grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me to glance behind. The Phantom of the Opera is here; inside your mind." He was no Michael Crawford, but he was probably better than your average novice.
From just behind them, Rowdy – Mr. Lazy Werewolf – piped up with a mocking reply to Gandrell’s attempt at seduction by quoting a ling from the heroine of the play’s love interest, “There is no Phantom of the Opera… Rowdy’s voice was rich and bold. He smirked, “What?”. He didn’t try to break them up, only simpered from his spot by the bar. “I’ve seen that show, too, ya know.”
Gandrell turned his attention back to the priest who was holding out the ticket to him. He took the ticket and tucked it into a pocket inside his cape. His piercing blue eyes gazed at her from the eyeholes of the black mask. He didn’t break eyes contact with her until he leaned forward and let his eyes close. He would let her initiate the kiss as it was choice what kind of a kiss she wished from him.
When the first customer lingered, Gand was curious if she wanted to see if anyone else was brave enough to come test out the kissing booth. She was still close by when a pair approached the booth. The vampire, parading around as The Phantom of the Opera, let his eyes wander over the demon. It was a nicely put together costume. Would he compliment the devil? No. That just seemed too cliché for him. He would admire but remain quiet. The female next to him was dressed a priest. He wasn’t sure if her costume was meant to mock or to mimic. He guessed if she was walking around with Satan, it must be a mock. Their eyes met as she took a breath, seemingly to ready her courage.
Gandrell pushed away from the DJ table and approached her slowly. The sultry look he had been giving her was lost as he was caught off guard when she almost sang a line from the actual song The Phantom of the Opera. In response, without missing a beat, he responded in a confident voice, "Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you, grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me to glance behind. The Phantom of the Opera is here; inside your mind." He was no Michael Crawford, but he was probably better than your average novice.
From just behind them, Rowdy – Mr. Lazy Werewolf – piped up with a mocking reply to Gandrell’s attempt at seduction by quoting a ling from the heroine of the play’s love interest, “There is no Phantom of the Opera… Rowdy’s voice was rich and bold. He smirked, “What?”. He didn’t try to break them up, only simpered from his spot by the bar. “I’ve seen that show, too, ya know.”
Gandrell turned his attention back to the priest who was holding out the ticket to him. He took the ticket and tucked it into a pocket inside his cape. His piercing blue eyes gazed at her from the eyeholes of the black mask. He didn’t break eyes contact with her until he leaned forward and let his eyes close. He would let her initiate the kiss as it was choice what kind of a kiss she wished from him.
Julie stood at the crossroads of Halloween options with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. As she pondered her plans for the festivities, she couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in a holiday that was supposed to be fun. This year, she debated whether to attend a lively costume party with her friends or stay home, handing out candies to the trick-or-treaters who might brave the chilly autumn air to visit her. But even this idea left her feeling deflated; who would actually come to her house? After all, her home was something of a dull little fortress, lacking any signs of Halloween cheer. There were no cobwebs draping from the corners, no carved pumpkins lighting up her porch, and certainly no fancy costumes hanging in her closet ready to be rented for a night of revelry.
As the day drew closer, a new thought began to take shape in Julie’s mind: what if this year, instead of waiting for others to bring Halloween to her, she simply embraced the holiday on her own terms? Perhaps she could skip the traditional expectations and instead head out to experience the festivities among others. A mild thrill of independence washed over her at the prospect of joining the community in whatever way she could.
Ultimately, she settled on the idea of transforming into her own version of a vampire, a character that always fascinated her with its mysterious allure. After all, dressing up didn’t have to be extravagant; it could be as simple as a touch of theatrical flair. She rummaged through her belongings and found an old pair of vampire fangs that she had kept from last year’s Halloween. Pale skin? Well, she had that covered, thanks to her naturally fair complexion that she often felt self-conscious about. All she needed was to throw on some dark clothing and maybe a splash of dramatic makeup to complete the look. With this simple yet effective outfit, she was ready to capture the spirit of Halloween, even in her own understated way.
As Julie strolled through the neighborhood, absorbing the sights and sounds of Halloween, she found herself curiously drawn to a nearby kissing booth that had been set up. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, wondering how people were getting their tickets for such a curious attraction. It was all part of the celebration that buzzed around her. Mustering up her courage, she approached the booth, noting the lively atmosphere that surrounded it; children in costumes dashed by her, clutching their candy bags, while adults laughed and chatted over warm cups of cider. To her left, she spotted a guy dressed in a pirate costume.
“Hi, nice costume there, sir!” she said, smiling at the pirate, trying to connect with him amidst the bustling crowd. The moment felt oddly liberating, a chance to mingle and enjoy the festivities without the weight of expectations hanging over her. Whatever she had thought would hold her back was fading away, and she could just be Julie—a casual, vampire-esque version of herself—leaning into the spirit of the holiday with newfound confidence.
As the day drew closer, a new thought began to take shape in Julie’s mind: what if this year, instead of waiting for others to bring Halloween to her, she simply embraced the holiday on her own terms? Perhaps she could skip the traditional expectations and instead head out to experience the festivities among others. A mild thrill of independence washed over her at the prospect of joining the community in whatever way she could.
Ultimately, she settled on the idea of transforming into her own version of a vampire, a character that always fascinated her with its mysterious allure. After all, dressing up didn’t have to be extravagant; it could be as simple as a touch of theatrical flair. She rummaged through her belongings and found an old pair of vampire fangs that she had kept from last year’s Halloween. Pale skin? Well, she had that covered, thanks to her naturally fair complexion that she often felt self-conscious about. All she needed was to throw on some dark clothing and maybe a splash of dramatic makeup to complete the look. With this simple yet effective outfit, she was ready to capture the spirit of Halloween, even in her own understated way.
As Julie strolled through the neighborhood, absorbing the sights and sounds of Halloween, she found herself curiously drawn to a nearby kissing booth that had been set up. She raised her eyebrows in confusion, wondering how people were getting their tickets for such a curious attraction. It was all part of the celebration that buzzed around her. Mustering up her courage, she approached the booth, noting the lively atmosphere that surrounded it; children in costumes dashed by her, clutching their candy bags, while adults laughed and chatted over warm cups of cider. To her left, she spotted a guy dressed in a pirate costume.
“Hi, nice costume there, sir!” she said, smiling at the pirate, trying to connect with him amidst the bustling crowd. The moment felt oddly liberating, a chance to mingle and enjoy the festivities without the weight of expectations hanging over her. Whatever she had thought would hold her back was fading away, and she could just be Julie—a casual, vampire-esque version of herself—leaning into the spirit of the holiday with newfound confidence.
Undertow had been mildly arguing with the Phantom guy before he had been lured away to kiss some blue haired priest. Apparently, when Undertow had made the Breakfast Club remark the others got curious. Of course, the masked princess was the princess. The lazy werewolf was the jock. Little Miss Riding hood was the brain. Corset girl, he didn't know what she was - a magician a ring master? Whatever. Anyway, she was the basket case and himself was the criminal. And, of course, Mr. Masquerade was all like 'Who am I?' to which Undertow told him he was the Vice Principal. So... naturally, a small argument ensued.
With the Phantom off in a lip-lock, he just hung out and people watched. That is until a young lady dressed as a vampire engaged him. He swaggered to the front of the booth, putting a little Jack Sparrow into his mannerisms for fun. "Welcome to the kissing booth, love. Fancy a little sweet treat?" He was being over the top, but he was trying to be entertaining in his role.
In a respectful way he admired her costume. "Let me guess..." He crossed his toned arms over his chest and eyed her. Playfully he started offering guesses as to what she was dressed as. "Fashionista? Misunderstood youth? Homicidal maniac?" He raised his shoulders in a dramatic way, showing he was just joking with her
With the Phantom off in a lip-lock, he just hung out and people watched. That is until a young lady dressed as a vampire engaged him. He swaggered to the front of the booth, putting a little Jack Sparrow into his mannerisms for fun. "Welcome to the kissing booth, love. Fancy a little sweet treat?" He was being over the top, but he was trying to be entertaining in his role.
In a respectful way he admired her costume. "Let me guess..." He crossed his toned arms over his chest and eyed her. Playfully he started offering guesses as to what she was dressed as. "Fashionista? Misunderstood youth? Homicidal maniac?" He raised his shoulders in a dramatic way, showing he was just joking with her
Darian almost cringed at being called Satan. It wasn't the woman's fault of course, she was perfect and she was in fact giving him a compliment. He was the one in the devil costume. Hell, he should be glad someone had 'recognised' him even if he hadn't exactly put a lot of effort into it. But he simply loathed demons and now he realised he probably shouldn't have dressed up as the most infamous of all of them.
The woman was polite and sweet and she moved with an elegance that caught Darian's eye the very moment he'd walked in. He knew it was Halloween and that this was just a costume, but the way she carried herself around, the lovely smile and the gentleness of her words made her look like a real princess right out of a fairy tale. Darian was truly mesmerized. So much so that her compliment even if she was probably just being considerate, left him speechless for a few moments before he'd chuckle softly.
"You look stunning yourself, your highness." He responded with a smile as she took his ticket. Then she leaned in, inviting him into a kiss and Darian in turn mimicked the gesture, his fingers carefully touching at her chin only to lightly tilt her head up so their lips could meet. The gesture wasn't forceful, if anything it was a tender caress. He felt the thrill then, this special and characteristic one that comes before a first kiss and using the momentum it provided, Darian let his lips tentatively brush hers before he'd kiss them gently. The kiss lingered briefly and it was just as delicate as the prior touch, carrying a carefulness that speaks of respect but also the desire to savour this moment of connection.
Then he'd slowly pull back, looking in her eyes for a moment before he'd let a smile tug at his features. "That was lovely, thank you." He said, finally taking a step back and becoming aware of his surroundings which had very much vanished into a blur while he'd been kissing this woman.
The last think Ella had expected was for the Phantom to sing for her and she had to repress an excited squeal, her eyes lighting up, a bright smile playing on her lips as she listened to him. He had a beautiful voice and she softly clapped at his performance, though she immediately stopped, looking over at the man who sang yet another line at which she lightly giggled. These people seemed nice, really, she was glad she'd brought her brother into this booth. Her eyes however shifted back to the Phantom at whom she smiled with bright eyes. "Okay, that was a-mazing!" She cheered, clearly excited about the whole ordeal. "And you look great." She'd add looking into his striking blue eyes. Honestly she couldn't help but wonder what might he look like behind the mask. Surely he was handsome.
Then he took her ticket and she felt his intense stare as he leaned in, then closing his eyes for her to kiss him. Shit. Suddenly Ella felt her heart racing. This is for fun. She reminded herself. Just for fun. Slowly she leaned in, eyes fluttering closed. A bit of a trembling breath would caress the man's lips before she'd kiss him. Not even she knew why she got nervous all of a sudden. Or maybe it was just the excitement. When their lips met the contact was gentle but electric. His lips felt soft against hers and though there was some hesitance in the beginning Ella gathered confidence shortly and subtly smiled against his lips, letting herself lean in just a little bit more to add just a tiny bit of intensity into the kiss before she'd slowly pull back.
"You know... you can come haunt my opera house any time." She joked lightheartedly with a soft giggle. "The kiss was amazing. I hope my robes didn't make it too awkward for you." She added still in a playful note, bitting at her bottom lipid looking into his eyes before she'd realise that she probably should move away and leave room for the next costumer. "Well, I... should be around, heh. It was nice to meet you." She'd say finally, stepping away and waving goodbye with her hand.
The woman was polite and sweet and she moved with an elegance that caught Darian's eye the very moment he'd walked in. He knew it was Halloween and that this was just a costume, but the way she carried herself around, the lovely smile and the gentleness of her words made her look like a real princess right out of a fairy tale. Darian was truly mesmerized. So much so that her compliment even if she was probably just being considerate, left him speechless for a few moments before he'd chuckle softly.
"You look stunning yourself, your highness." He responded with a smile as she took his ticket. Then she leaned in, inviting him into a kiss and Darian in turn mimicked the gesture, his fingers carefully touching at her chin only to lightly tilt her head up so their lips could meet. The gesture wasn't forceful, if anything it was a tender caress. He felt the thrill then, this special and characteristic one that comes before a first kiss and using the momentum it provided, Darian let his lips tentatively brush hers before he'd kiss them gently. The kiss lingered briefly and it was just as delicate as the prior touch, carrying a carefulness that speaks of respect but also the desire to savour this moment of connection.
Then he'd slowly pull back, looking in her eyes for a moment before he'd let a smile tug at his features. "That was lovely, thank you." He said, finally taking a step back and becoming aware of his surroundings which had very much vanished into a blur while he'd been kissing this woman.
The last think Ella had expected was for the Phantom to sing for her and she had to repress an excited squeal, her eyes lighting up, a bright smile playing on her lips as she listened to him. He had a beautiful voice and she softly clapped at his performance, though she immediately stopped, looking over at the man who sang yet another line at which she lightly giggled. These people seemed nice, really, she was glad she'd brought her brother into this booth. Her eyes however shifted back to the Phantom at whom she smiled with bright eyes. "Okay, that was a-mazing!" She cheered, clearly excited about the whole ordeal. "And you look great." She'd add looking into his striking blue eyes. Honestly she couldn't help but wonder what might he look like behind the mask. Surely he was handsome.
Then he took her ticket and she felt his intense stare as he leaned in, then closing his eyes for her to kiss him. Shit. Suddenly Ella felt her heart racing. This is for fun. She reminded herself. Just for fun. Slowly she leaned in, eyes fluttering closed. A bit of a trembling breath would caress the man's lips before she'd kiss him. Not even she knew why she got nervous all of a sudden. Or maybe it was just the excitement. When their lips met the contact was gentle but electric. His lips felt soft against hers and though there was some hesitance in the beginning Ella gathered confidence shortly and subtly smiled against his lips, letting herself lean in just a little bit more to add just a tiny bit of intensity into the kiss before she'd slowly pull back.
"You know... you can come haunt my opera house any time." She joked lightheartedly with a soft giggle. "The kiss was amazing. I hope my robes didn't make it too awkward for you." She added still in a playful note, bitting at her bottom lipid looking into his eyes before she'd realise that she probably should move away and leave room for the next costumer. "Well, I... should be around, heh. It was nice to meet you." She'd say finally, stepping away and waving goodbye with her hand.
Smacking a werewolf for being a smartass wasn't a good look for him. Mustering up the patience of his long existence, his attention was turned to the blue haired angel before him. With his eyes closed he felt her hesitation and gave her the time she needed to close the distance. When their lips met something happened within him. A chemical reaction occurred within him. Some would call this reaction love; though it couldn't possibly be. This was just a kiss. An incredible kiss. But just a kiss all the same.
One of his hands lifted from the thin wall separating them and ventured up to her cheek, brushing it lightly with his cool fingertips. She made the move to deepen the kiss and he responded smoothly, transitioning with her and adding his own kind of intensity. This was not a kiss he would have had the strength to end. So, when she pulled back, he complied and pulled back as well.
His eyes opened to look at her. They were still close, mere inches away from the other. She made him laugh then with her invitation for him to haunt her. Feeling that cheeky excitement that an incredible kiss could bring on, Gandrell was all too happy to be flirtatious. "Kissing a priest wouldn't be the craziest thing I've ever done in my life. I actually find it amusing to be a temptation to a clergy member."
She made to leave then, but her possible invitation to find her later wasn't lost on him. It would be something he considered. She would certainly be someone he would like to get to know. "I really liked meeting you, as well. If you're serious I might come find you when we're done here. Maybe..." that flirty look touched his face again, "...you can teach me to pray."
One of his hands lifted from the thin wall separating them and ventured up to her cheek, brushing it lightly with his cool fingertips. She made the move to deepen the kiss and he responded smoothly, transitioning with her and adding his own kind of intensity. This was not a kiss he would have had the strength to end. So, when she pulled back, he complied and pulled back as well.
His eyes opened to look at her. They were still close, mere inches away from the other. She made him laugh then with her invitation for him to haunt her. Feeling that cheeky excitement that an incredible kiss could bring on, Gandrell was all too happy to be flirtatious. "Kissing a priest wouldn't be the craziest thing I've ever done in my life. I actually find it amusing to be a temptation to a clergy member."
She made to leave then, but her possible invitation to find her later wasn't lost on him. It would be something he considered. She would certainly be someone he would like to get to know. "I really liked meeting you, as well. If you're serious I might come find you when we're done here. Maybe..." that flirty look touched his face again, "...you can teach me to pray."
Catherine hadn’t had any idea that she might’ve offended him, but he didn’t say anything to make her think otherwise. Her pretty, curled head bowed to him as he did her, and through her mask, her brown eyes watched him. He was quite handsome, she thought. She had also stunned him without realizing it, which only made her smile brighter as he stood there.
That soft smile continued playing on her lips as they watched each other for one moment, before Catherine stepped up and started leaning in, and moments later, felt his warm touch on her face.
Her face was tilted up, a natural movement that her body went with, before feeling the delicate touch at first. It surprised her a little bit, and made her blush a little behind her mask. It spoke of respect, which made ger smile deepen for just a moment. Then he really kissed her, and she was kissing him. It was still delicate, but it held the underlying desire that made her naturally react. It deepened for just a second before it broke, and Catherine smiled back at him. “That was incredibly lovely. Thank you for being my first kiss of the evening.” She told him softly before she stepped just slightly back to give them both a little space.
Her head tilted at him as she looked at him for another moment. Her eyes scanned him once more before moving to meet his eyes once again, but she wasn’t sure what else to say, so she only let that beautiful smile play on her lips while she waited for another word, or another customer.
That soft smile continued playing on her lips as they watched each other for one moment, before Catherine stepped up and started leaning in, and moments later, felt his warm touch on her face.
Her face was tilted up, a natural movement that her body went with, before feeling the delicate touch at first. It surprised her a little bit, and made her blush a little behind her mask. It spoke of respect, which made ger smile deepen for just a moment. Then he really kissed her, and she was kissing him. It was still delicate, but it held the underlying desire that made her naturally react. It deepened for just a second before it broke, and Catherine smiled back at him. “That was incredibly lovely. Thank you for being my first kiss of the evening.” She told him softly before she stepped just slightly back to give them both a little space.
Her head tilted at him as she looked at him for another moment. Her eyes scanned him once more before moving to meet his eyes once again, but she wasn’t sure what else to say, so she only let that beautiful smile play on her lips while she waited for another word, or another customer.
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