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Forums » Help » Images

Mizure (played by Kirsty)

I read that you can add images to your acc and edit them around, I put the right brackets [img]so and so in, but when I go to view, I see no image only the links. Same applies for a template I am trying to create, i am very new to this site so help is appreciated. seems only thing I get with the link is the videos. >.<[/img]
Kim Site Admin

Can you post the code you are trying to use for the images?
Mizure (played by Kirsty) Topic Starter

Two problems - one is the link (because Photobucket is weird), one is that your tag is slightly off.
  1. Use the "Direct link" (unless you want the image to link to the image page, in which case grab the one marked as "URL") from "Links to share this photo" to the right of the image.
  2. For the closing tag, at the end, there should be a slash / between [ and img.
Mizure (played by Kirsty) Topic Starter

Thanks! I will try this :D
Kim Site Admin

One of the benefits of using BBCode for styling is that it is designed to be safe. It does its best to verify that the thing a person is trying to embed is a real image and not, for example, a virus, before it will embed it.

So the image link you posted up there does not check out. For one, it doesn't end with a valid image filename (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png), and it has a ton of query variables (used in code) attached to the end of the filename (all of the stuff after .html?). So using a direct link to a real image will yield much better results, like Nova said! :) Otherwise, BBCode will refuse to do the embedding if it can't verify what you're posting is a real image and contains no extraneous code.

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