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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Clove (played by PANGAEA)

To Iveth's fortune she and Rro didn't have to communicate hardly at all during the remainder of the journey. She kept a watchful eye over the ship, seeing Hiro progress in his health while from time to time she'd have to make brief trips to Griffon and make sure he wasn't already dead. She saw no real use in the story-teller and assumed that he would over-exaggerate whatever stories he got out of this adventure. Then again, it wouldn't be appropriate to say that things hadn't been extreme. Dinosaurs weren't something people encountered everyday nor did they take dives into aqua voids so deep and live. There was death abroad as well, which she was sure he would make as sullen as a funeral, but, truth be it, it wasn't even mourned over. No tears shed, no grief, only the motivation to move on, although for Rro it was two less inconveniences to worry about. Of course Iveth knew that she was very well the third which she was proud of. If she turned his thoughts sour, good.

It wasn't long until they laid eyes on the shore of Fireball Island, and Iveth redirected the ship slightly as she searched the harbor for a convenient spot. In the corner of her eye she anticipated Rro's approach though she didn't spare him a glance. Even after weeks she was agitated by him and would continue to be from hell and back, but at the moment all the anger stored for him was low-key. He was again laying out instructions, giving her a short list of things to do as if she were a child on a chore. Nonetheless, it was sensible and would be done whether she agreed to do it or not, and it'd be a waste of time if she didn't go ahead and get these things out of the way. In her silence she conceded, her elbows perched on the helm thought still directing.

The admiral's ship had definitely not made it's place amongst other harbored ships, having great damage, looking like it could fall apart on a whim. Iveth then made her way down to the lower deck and almost begrudgingly approached Griffon. "Well, we see where telling stories has gotten you," she muttered lowly under her breath before she took one of his arms and pulled it over her shoulder in order to hoist him up. It was still unclear to her whether he could walk on his own or not.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

After everything that had happened, Hiro wasn't sure whether to trust a man who wielded the kind of power he did. But for everything that had happened, Hiro wanted something in return. He wanted that power for himself, and after the hell he had been through, that was the least that Ro owed him.

His body still ached from wounds and exertion, from bruises and scrapes, but all the same, he confronted Ro, saying nothing. His eyes were hard and narrow, unwavering, unflinching, expectant of Ro to act.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon was in and out of consciousness the few days it took to get to the island. One moment he would be back home, listening wide eyed to the stories his father would tell him by the fire each night. The next moment he would he awake and in a great deal of pain. This continued for days. When Iveth came to get him he was listening to another story. It wasn't until he was pulled up by the pirate lord that he was also pulled out of his dream. The storyteller groaned, able to walk just barely with help. "Issa good stery," he slurs slightly in response.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Roger hopped off the boat and gestured for Hiro to follow, "Your training begins today..." Over the next few months Rro trained Hiro in the art of water manipulation and eventually in the ancient vampiric art of Blood control. The two studies first as teacher and student but eventually as more of a father and son kind of team, training for that one day when they would return to the seas and find the ultimate treasure. Rogers could manipulate up to two different people one with each hand where as Hiro could still only control smaller animals, and only one at a time but if he put in the work and gave it his all, one day his skills would be unmatched across the seas.

Before Rogers left he had written a letter for his friend Icias the Bearon of Ship writes. The Polar Bearon had been an old friend and during the time Rogers was training with Hiro Icias had taken the Navies beat up ship and had been constructing the fastest, strongest rig he could. He had ship writes from all over the world and designed it to Rro's specifications. The ship was Dark black wood with golden colored steel bracing the frame. The wood was strong against cannon fire and at the head of the ship was a golden bird mounted on the front of the ship. It was named in honor of their fallen crew who passed in the falling sea, The Sky Rah.

Six months passed on the island and Icias finally sent word to Rro that the ship was complete. "Thank's friend," Rogers said upon seeing his bud again, "we are now even for the Ember incident." The two laughed and Rogers boarded his ship. Griffon had spent most his time being tended by some doctor named Ortho, and no one really knew what Iveth had been up to this whole time. "Hiro, find Iveth and the Bard and tell them we are ready for them..." As the boy left Rogers walked to the wheel and looked out at the sea, "we sail, tomorrow at noon.... for the next half of the Open Blue...."

Treasure Man.... Part 1: THE END!

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