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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Iveth noticed her crew's hesitance and decided they'd have to know that she was in on this as well. Despite the risk, she released the mast, the ship moving down faster than she was until she found the opportune moment to grab on of the sails and obtain a loose rope to tie around her waist. Tying it with one hand and in free-fall was no easy task, but she got it done. Once it was secure she began to open up the sails as instructed and surely enough her crew followed the example.

"Someone turn on the goddamn gravity parameter!" she shouted, tiring in having to grasp onto things. Her arms were already weary from the climb although thankfully, not long after the command was said, the gravity was back on and it was easier to maneuver.

Their fall didn't last that much longer either when all the sails were successfully opened and they were ready to glide. Her eyes landed on Rogers expecting him to pull up since he was already at the helm. "We're waiting on you now map," carefully using the rope, she began down the mast and took notice to the damage they put upon the floor of the deck. "You're fixing that," she growled at the two. The material to make the ship wasn't cheap.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

He realized they had stopped being pulled away, the gravity machine pumped steam and used gears to push gravity back onto the ship. But this pushed the ship down too fast. Pulling even more gravity on a ship like this may work if they had just started falling but at this point it would be the end for them. "I'll fix this too," Rro laughed throwing his pistol into the machine breaking the weapon and causing an explosion.

The crew began to float upward again howling in discontent of his action, little did they know it saved their lives. "Hold on to your butts!" Rro spun the wheel making the ship spiral downward for a moment before the action caught the sails and threw the crew violently back on deck. The ship rose up and up and up meeting the edge of the gravity dip. "Welcome back to the ocean ya swashbucklers!" Rro looked back at the island of St. Dour. Whom ever put an island on the edge of a gravity dip was an idiot.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Every inch of Hiro's body was in pain at that point. The ups and downs from their gravity machine was a completely new experience to him, and his desperate attempts to right himself ended in slapping himself against the deck over and over again.

But he had trained for this! Trained to endure pain and dish it back! He stood himself back on his shaky legs and assumed a horse-stance, just in case gravity decided to do something weird again. Even so, he couldn't fight the urge to throw up after everything that had happened, so he rushed to the side of the ship, where his lunch promptly left him.

"This treasure... b-better be good," he moaned.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

During the dip, Skyra had to hold onto the rope attached to the sail as it was going down. Eventually he could not hold on any longer and let go. ...Fortunately, Rro got the ship back upright and Skyra landed on the deck just in time. But he still had business to attend to.

"Now, where was I?" Skyra asked. Eventually, Hiro mentioned a treasure. "Treasure? Is that what this is all about? Ay don't get the concept of treasure, is it anything like currency? We Scrauser don't have any real form of currency. We never found a need for it."
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Baka! Treasure is lots and LOTS of currency! Enough to do whatever you want!" He stood upright and folded his arms behind his head, a goofy smile now on his face. "When I get treasure, I go around world and pay masters to train me until I become greatest fighter ever!" He looked up at Ro, an distrusting look on his face. "If there enough treasure for everyone? If not, I break everyone leg and take it for me."
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro smiled keeping his eyes on the sea ahead and both hands on the wheel, "there is more gold in this garden then there are stars in the night sky." He chuckled. It is said this is the resting place of all dragons. It's why no one has ever seen a dead one. Their dragon brothers had taken their bodies to this garden to rest in peace. But when the last dragon laid down to die he cast a spell turning all of the dead dragon scales into golden bars. That, on top of the fact dragons collected treasure all the time, magical treasures beyond even his imagination.

"Even the trees on the island are plants that have never been see. Before with only the sweetest fruits and juiciest flavors," Rro's mouth watered just remembering this island. His old crew were the first people ever to step foot in the Garden of Dragons. But now that his crew was nothing but ghosts haunting the misty waters around the island, he was the only person alive to have ever been there.

"Get me there and take whatever you wish from the jungle of gold..." Rro genuinely from the fond memories, "as for me... This is my last adventure, I'm going to settle down there. So let's make this one good!" He said mostly to himself, then he turned his attention to the crew, "can I get an Yo Hoh??"
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

Hiro pumped his fist into the air. "Yo-ho!!" he shouted.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Garden of Dragons... "Dragons... They were one of the many things we Scrauser had to fight off to stay alive. Dragons ate Scrauser, and would often breath fire down our caves to flush us out another end. Shame they're all dead, cause I could go for a scrap with one right now." Skyra didn't look very intimidating... but looks could be decieving. Still, there could be no doubt that Skyra would not be able to take one by himself.

"I cannot think of treasure I could want, though," Skyra said. "But... I guess I got myself into this mess. I don't think I could get very far if I decided to jump ship or kill all ya. So, considering the options, I guess I have no choice but to tag along for now, at least till we get to land. ...Errr, Yo-ho?"
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

The sudden jerk of the ship had Iveth tumbling past the mast and to the bow of the ship. Thank
God for the railings. To be safe she took a few steps away from the edge, brushing her hair back and away from her face, looking rather exasperated when she turned back to the others. How did she come to end up with so many strange new faces on her ship? And none of them besides the map were invited. It was a bit too late to drop them off now though. They'd already been given a chance for the gold as well. Iveth supposed she could share if it was really as Rogers was putting it out to be. Besides this wouldn't be her last journey. There was much more she could get accomplished before her days of sailing were over.

As she was on her way to go claim back her helm, of all places, she stepped in the hole Hiro had put in her ship and was lucky she caught herself before she hit the ground. "I'm sure you'll all have enough to pay me for the damage you put on my ship," she muttered, but loud enough for them to hear as she jerked her foot up and away from the hole, sure to be wary of it next time.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"You get enough to pay for own ship," he muttered back to her. He redirected his attention to Ro. "So where we go first? How long we take to get there, Captain?" He then looked over at Skyra. "And why is pig-head here? He look useless."
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

"We must first we must get out of the Falling Sea," Rro said, "we have many monsters to fight, and trails to overcome." He looked at Iveth, "If your crew is too afraid they can stay at the next Island we come across." He knew the more people that came the more people would die. And Rro knew more then most that losing a crew is the most painful thing that there is.

You train them to follow your lead, answer your calls, then their loyalty to you gets them killed. "If you have any discontent lets just buy a new ship," Rogers laughed. Thinking back to his previous thought he wondered if Sesco was still sailing the Cannonball Jack as a ghost, still hunting him down. But that thought was interrupted by a crashing wave, "all hands! Another Aqua Void!"
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra immediately took offense to Hiro's comment. "Pig-head!?! Useless!?! I'm not a pig-head! How many times did I throw around the word "Scrauser?" You ever seen a Scrauser before?" Skyra already didn't like Hiro. But for now he would just have to wait it out.

"And if you think I'm useless, think again? You know how many times Scrauser have been put in danger? Scrauser had to deal with dragons, trolls, griffons, not to mention you humans! I've been through MANY of those threats. ...I'm still alive, aren't I? Not to mention these spears, which I am actually quite adept at using. How about a spar with me if you think I'm so useless?"

Skyra couldn't help but mention one more thing. "I'm not just a compitent battler. Can you seriously take one look at this long, powerfully grotesque nose and assume we Scrauser don't have a good sense of smell? I can imagine that would come in ha..."

And then a wave hit the ship. Skyra just stood there, not sure what to do, but seemed steady upon the impact. "But anyway, whenever you are ready if you accept."
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Her mouth opened to object the idea but she really couldn't. Once they had the treasure in hand there would be no need for her to make them pay for her ship. Well maybe there was but it would be too much of a hassle. Instead she settled for paying on her own though she was still planning to get them back for the damage somehow.

"My crew will be fine," Iveth glanced to a few individuals of her crew, the few she relied on the most. Of course she wouldn't send off her crew even if they hindered her from the gold she was looking into. Unbeknownst to them the gold wouldn't just be hers.

Her thoughts had to come to a pause due to he waved that tipped the ship a bit, making her shuffle slightly, but with years being on board she was bound to get a new balance down. "You look like a swine to me," she commented as she walked past the two, careful with each step as to not get thrown off her feet. "Don't make a mess," with a peek over her shoulder she glared at the two quarrelsome guests of her ship.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

As Hiro was about to accept Skyra's challenge, the wave hit, and he fell to his face instantly. He sat back up, holding his nose in pain. He jumped back up to his feet and readied his fists. "I break your spear over your head!" he barked. "Ikimasu!"

Suddenly, his groin muscles cramped up, forcing Hiro to collapse. "Ert!! I--get you next time!!"

((I am not familiar enough with Skyra's fighitng ability to determine the outcome of this fight. Hiro is really good, even against grownups, but he has limits... technically.))
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra looked down at the collapsed Hiro and put his spears down. "Alright then," he started. "Guess we'll have to put that aside for now." The waves kept crashing, causing Skyra to stumble a bit, but overall he seemed pretty well balanced, although being small and having a toe in the back of his feet helped him.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

The second Aqua Void was around the same size as the first, easy enough correct? The crew readied the sails, and the ship bowed down slowly, "damnit!" Rro turned the wheel flipping the ship to face the edge of the current. There was another ship rising inside the Aqua Void! If they began their decent now they'd hit the other ship with too great a force and both ships would plum it to their doom.

"All hands, sails to anti-current positions!" He hoped it would be enough. Wind was bursting out of the home in the ocean but if the couldn't handle this current for the next few minutes they would fall. "Save your battle!" Rro Called, "if your not on sail duty strap yourself in again!"
Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

Admiral Thorne had been on the edge of the falling see when the Telican, (message carrying pelican) flew him the orders to hunt down the escaped prisoner and the crew that freed him. They were crossing their Fourth Aqua Void on their trip to St. Dour when they looked up to see the described ship looming above them during their ascension to safer waters.

"Ready the cannons!" Thorne called, "we found our target!" He knew a full ship falling would end the lives of both crews, "prepare upward fire!" If the Navy ship could blow the pirate ship to bits before it reached there location they may make it. But either way Thorne knew with the currents around the Aqua Void the way they were they would probably fall before his ship reached the sea again! "Single shot... Fire!" Boom! a cannonball hurled upward making contact with the enemy ship!
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

As the crew tended to the sails, Iveth found herself latched onto the mast once again- or at least holding tightly to the thick rope wrapped around it to keep herself well balanced as they were pummeled again and again by the waves. As if she could feel Felicia's agony, she groaned until she caught sight of another ship not long before they made impact with it. It was a rattle to her brain, giving her a troublesome headache. "Listos los cañones!" she commanded though through all the turbulence she wasn't sure she was heard. Even so, the, what looked to be, a Navy ship beat her to it.

The cannon ripped through her ship, not touching the mast, but definitely putting a hole straight through the ship.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

((Prepare for stupid!))

Something happened in Hiro's mind. His muscles aches, but not with pain. They ached for the chance to throw a punch, to deliver a kick, to feel the subtle resistance of bones giving way under his might. That other ship was full of enemies, dozens of bodies ready to collapse under the weight of his fist.

He crouched down and slid down the length of the tilting ship. At the right moment, he jumped off the ship, gravity taking toward the enemy ship. He landed on the prow of the naval ship, standing upright on the tilting vessel. He gave a loud Kiai, and ran down the length of the ship, punching out whatever crew members he came across.
Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

Thorne did not smile his eyes planted on the intruder, "capture him!" The boy was strong but so many of the navy's best were on this ship, the boy had to learn he couldn't punch his way through every situation. The men grabbed the boy but a few of the newer officers were thrown backwards with broken bones.

Unfortunately for Hiro the masses restrained him, after they realized ropes couldn't hold him they strapped him down with chains! Unable to move the boy could do anything but lay there, "open fire!" Boom! Ba! Ba! Boom! Ba! Boom! Six cannons fired at Iveth's ship, most missing but a few making glancing blows.

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