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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Darik Sharpe (played anonymously)

Sam sighed, picking up one of the gas bombs and lighting it. He waited for the fuse to get relatively low before dropping it down into their life boat. "Them I'm sorry that it has to be this way ma' lady" the gas bomb burst purple gas and the life boat filled with the toxin. The crew heard two bodies collapse and three crew members in really old wooden looking masks climbed down and grabbed the two pirates bodies. They pulled the two into the brig but it would still be probably a handful of hours before they came to their senses.

They were locked in cells right across from each other. Hiro was eventually put in heavy iron chains with Cannon balls weighing him down to the edge of the cell. And Iveth was just in simple rope bindings, all weapons, items and other such were taken. And the two sat asleep into their individual cells, unknowing that the battle for captain was about to take place.

((OCC: Now fade to black as the battle between Griffon and Skyra is about to decide the ships captain. Skyra is up!))
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra looked at a cup of booze and started to smell it. "Hmmmm, I've never had this kind of drink before," he said before taking a swig. ...But he immediately spit out. "Blargh! You humans drink this stuff? Phoey! I've never tasted anything so vile!" Skyra decided he would rather skip the drinking contest. "Why don't we just fight?"
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

A silent sigh, then a shrug. "Sure. We can just 'fight'," he said. Stepping out into an open part of the deck and drew his sword. "Are you ready to just 'fight'?" He said to Skyra, his hands moving with his speech, the sword waving around as he did so. Griffon dropped his packs and pouches and tossed them across the deck out of harms way. His sword, which was in his right hand, dropped to his side. The tip of his cutlas rested near his left boot. "It's the Dra'malar Streeatul all over again."

Griffon would stay relaxed until Skyra entered the clear area. As soon as te Scrauser did this he would attack. The first would be a step to him, closing distance, and a upwards slash from the bottom right to top left of his target. As soon as the blade cleared he would twist it to add another, light, attack.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

The crew chanted on, voices getting thicker, more brutish. Did they believe in Skyra? Maybe he did have the passion to win but no matter the victory here, as soon as Iveth returned it wouldn't matter anyway. But if Griffon wins then he would try to keep as far ahead of her as he could. The crews chanting rose to a louder volume as the Scrauser entered the ring. A first quick series of attacks made the captain smile, maybe he should have more faith in his champion after all.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra decided to go into battle with only one of his spears and held the head of the spear closer to him than usual. The old Scrauser actually looked pretty confident. Griffon made the first few swipes, which Skyra managed to dodge. Skyra tried to look for the perfect moment to strike, and when a blade got close enough to him, he thrust the spear at Griffons sword and his hand, getting the sword in between the spear, and with a twist of his wrist, he quickly spun the spear around, hoping to disarm his opponent. If he was succesful, he would try to retrieve the sword before Griffon did, giving Skyra an even greater chance of winning.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

((I'm a little under the weather. Sorry for the delay! This is the RP I'm popping on to reply to before sleep.))

Griffon's last attack left his hand high over Skyra. When the spear came up to his sword, Griffon brought his weapon down and back towards himself. With little distance between them, having closed the gap by stepping up previously, Griffon moved his left leg to kick the Scrauser in front of him as his sword hissed against the sspear.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rogers chuckled at Skyra falling backwards, for a disarming kind of fighting style he hadn't yet used his skill yet. If this had been a battle between knights, or samurai, or they were surrounded by anyone with honor then a kick to the face would have been frowned upon! But hey, they were pirates so anything goes! "Take off the wrappings!" Rro yelled still laughing as the hog head, "he won't be able to see without them!" Despite the level of disinterest Rogers had seemed to have in the members of his crew he had been faking. Always learn everything you can about anyone you may have to fight against, and Skyra's vision was a perfect weakness.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

OOC: Uhh, if Skyra takes the bandages off, his vision becomes worse. Remember, he has X-ray vision, and the bandages dull that.

Skyra was caught off guard and immediately hit in the lower jaw by Griffon's boot after his disarming technique failed. But it would take more than that to beat Skyra. Eventually, Skyra countered by thrusing his spear at Griffon's leg, the one that wasn't shoved up Skyra's chin, hoping not only to pierce griffon's leg, but to trip him as well.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

((Rro was helping Griffon))

With a quick manuever Griffon deflected the spear. While it didn't pierce his leg, the tip did tear flesh as it went by. There was blood, but not nearly enough to stop. He countered by knocking as the spear to move it farther away for an attack. Simultaneously, having heard Rro, Griffon's free hand reached out forte bandages. He was already within arms reach.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Without bandages the pig would be blind, the crew knew this and began to boo. Not all of them did however, most enjoyed this little fight, it lightened their moods. But Rro did see the Aqua Void off in the distance and gave looks to some of the crew making them aware that no matter who the captain was going to be they had to work together to make it over this death trap or else the ship would no longer need a captain anyway. "I'll put one Silver that the hog head gets his wrappings back!"

He was attempting to bond with the crew and it seemed to be working a little bit. It may be false friendship but a man raised his hand, I'll take that bet! now the crew began to gamble and bet on things other then victory. Like would Skyra disarm Griffon, would he get his bandages off, would he lose a floppy ear, and most importantly would someone be pushed overboard.... This was exiting!!
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

It looked like Griffon was about to fight dirty after he knocked his spear to the side and then went for his bandages. If Skyra lost his bandages, it would be harder to see Griffon. That's when Skyra swayed away and decided to up the ante.

"I didn't want to do this," he said. "But if that's your game, here's mine." Scyra spinned around and quickly grabbed the other spear before thrusting it at Griffon again. He then held the other spear and waited for a counter attack. Using BOTH spears would be a bit heavy, but Skyra thought he could pull it off.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

To Griffon a fight was a fight. He saw no disgrace in is tactics. As the pig spun around and grabbed a second spear, Griffon stepped back in anticipation of a strike. He was right. The thrust of spear went right into where Griffon had just been standing. Although his opponent now had duel weapons, the storyteller could tell they weighed him down. Spears were mid ranged weapons. At six feet and wild wielded by a two foot champion they would typically be two handed. Griffon knew this meant Skyra was stronger than he looked.

However, Griffon saw the spears waver as they were heavier for the Scrauser. Griffon used this to his advantage. He lunged forward, knocking the spears away. He left his sword net the spears as a defensive precaution, but he left face made it's way to the too of the Scrauser's head. The next time a spear moved near him Griffon would move to step on it, which would essentially work to disarm it if he was successful.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

The waves were growing stronger and stronger but the sails were ready. The pirates eyes strayed from the blind bacon bit and the burly bard. "Place you bets but I need the sail crew at their stations," the crowd around the battle lessened but did not grow any less quiet. All were still exited at the battle, some were even rooting for Griffon now. What an interesting turn of events, bring the crew together, giving the hoggie some ship cred, and insuring the crews loyalty to hopefully him by means of the pirate code.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Griffon managed to get in close. Bad for Skyra, as that put him at a disadvantage. He was making use of the longevity of the spears against Skyra. Skyra didn't even dare try to counter attack, and tried to back away. ...But with one quick swipe at Skyra's face, some of his bandaging came off, which exposed one of his eyes. Skyra stumbled back to the crowd away from Griffon.

Skyra's vision started to blur. His vision saw the deck on the floor, but at the same time saw below it. And the crowd seemed to flicker in visability. Everything near him did. With one eye still covered, he could still see everything, but barely. This was where most people in Skyra's condition would throw in the towl and call it quits.

...But not Skyra. Skyra stood up and stood his ground. This time waiting for Griffon to make the next move. It was hard to tell, but now Skyra was getting serious.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Now with Skyra handicapped, Griffon took a step back. He spun his sword in his hand, taunting the Scrauser. "You can give up now," he told Skyra, "I wouldn't think any less of you." Griffon was unfazed by the gruesome look of the Scrauser's scar. He had seen worse, and been threatened with worse. Relapsing back to when his life was on the line every day for events like this, Griffon was just getting started.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Sails all ready to go, most the crew focused on the fight from where they were. The ones still circling the two shouted bets at each other. "Let him have it Bard!" Despite how much fun Rro was having just watching these two go at it his limited status of captain was on the line. They approached the Aqua Void faster and faster. A few minutes more and they would be at the drops, Rogers looked away from the fight, "you got this story teller," he whispered to himself.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra didn't budge. He stood his ground and waited for Griffon to make the next move. He didn't think Griffon would be the type to pass up the chance for first strike, and Skyra was giving it to him. "Think you can finish me?" Skyra asked. "Give me your absolute best, Griffon."
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

"It really would be easier if you just surrendered. I'm not looking for a bloody finish," he explained. Griffon would not make the first strike. He saw the chances of this battle getting very bloody, and he wasn't interested in that happening. However, he would not back down because of that fact. He just would not be the start of the blood bath. It helped that he figured that defunct eyesight would possibly start to make the Scrauser nauseous, but he only thought it was possible. He did not really know.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

"Someone bloody attack already!" Rro called and the men all cheered. If this wasn't wrapped up in the next few strikes the battle would go airborne. Or rather anti-gravity as the ship falls before updraft, and to be quite frank Rogers didn't care if it got bloody. The men would probably enjoy it more but he figured the story teller would be squeamish when it came to blood.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

"Sorry. I still got one eye left," Skyra said. "I am still capable of beating you." Skyra slowly advanced toward Griffon to show he meant business, but refrained from going in for an attack. He was still trying to goad Griffon into attacking. "Well? Let's go." Skyra was either dumb, brave, confident, or all of the above. But at this point, it was still anyone's fight.

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