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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Treasure Man (Finished.)

Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

"Just put it in the cup," Griffon told the bartender, gesturing to the stone piece he had just been drinking out of. He turned back the man who had introduced himself as Raul, like Paul but with an Rrrrr. "My names Griffon, Griffon Pardoner," he said, holding his hand out to Raul, like Paul but with an Rrrrr. Griffon knew his last name may not be known by a lot in this place. Most of those that knew his family name were themselves storytellers, bards, or nobility. It was Griffon's own job to make sure they knew his first name.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

"Well met friend," Rro took a sip and laid down his mug belching loudly. His eyes wandered from Griffon and found a poster for a wanted sign with his face on it the bar tenders assistant had just put up. "Damn," he muttered under his breathe, Telecans were sure fast. "Hey are you full of Silvers?" Rro asked taking a drink, "if so I'll challenge you to a drinking contest on your pocket." The pirate glanced around making sure no one near by was listening, "if I win you fix my ship so that we can set sail again, that's probably close to a hundred Silvers!" Rogers thought for a moment, "maybe one fifty, and if you win..."
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

She'd successfully filled up her arms with seven bottles max, three of wine the other four of ale. As she turned to leave she caught sight or Rro engaging himself with a friend though she couldn't hear their conversation over the dull roar of voices filling the bar. Instead she left him to be and maneuvered through the crowd, careful not to drop any of the bottles she had earned through quick performance. Soon, though, she was out and heading back to the ship, bringing along the party in her arms. She was also curious of Skyra and Hiro's whereabouts.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"You no start trouble, there no be trouble," said Hiro.

The two of them had long since left the ship and searched around for whatever it was Slyra was looking for. All they had managed to find so far was garbage, trees, and the occasional babbling idiot. "How long this will take?" Hiro groaned. "Captain say to meet at ship at high noon. We be late if take too long."
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

When searching, Skyra stopped. They were near a cliffside. Skyra saw two rocks on the ground, and a huge boulder near the cliff. "Over there," he said as he went over to the boulder. Behind the boulder was a crevace. Skyra went down the crevace and saw what he expected, a nicely sized Scrauser community.

Most of the Scrauser were actually much bigger than Skyra, except for the elderly who were about the same size. An adult Scrauser was almost the size of an adult human, but Scrauser shrink considerably when they age. ...The question was... were THESE Scrauser friendly? ...Also none of them had bandages on their head.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Shaking his head, the storyteller replied, "I don't drink, sorry." Although he wasn't truly sorry. Staying sober helped him stay on top of everything. If he was drunk he wouldn't be able to remember stories. "However," he said, "I have been looking for a way off this island. And I'm willing to go through great lengths to get off of it. What's your price for passage?" From his stone cup Griffon took another sip. He would have to liquidate all of his assets here on the island, but it would be worth it if it meant he could continue his travels.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

A fair rate would be twenty to thirty Silvers for a passage on a ship. Maybe as low as fifteen depending on where the traveler was headed. But the ship wouldn't be going anywhere in these waters without a new mast. "Sorry friend but I don't really have a choice but to ask about a hundred Silvers," his cider touched the table, "Sober Leaf Tea please," he put a coin on the table, fiddling with the two left in the stollen pouch.

"Our mast was damaged in a brawl over one of the Aqua Void's and we are almost in the middle of the falling sea," most travelers where headed to Reygo. A town with very little in it other then a famous joint called The Lonely Lion and the smell of vomit. But it was at the edge of the open waters and was the last land mass port before the real exiting sea began. "Also were not heading to Reygo, were going further into the open blue..." The bar tender traded the cider for the tea and took Rro's coin. Rogers was ready to sober up, it was nearly two in the morning.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

The premature fix-up soon became a party when Iveth arrived with her arms full of favorable alcohol. She and her crew spent the time chatting, very few rejecting a drink to work on the ship. Iveth, however, found it in her best interest to have a cup or maybe three though it wasn't enough for her to get drunk. Five would do the job, but she knew figured that waking with a headache would be no good for the work to come so she kept her drinking maintained. She didn't know if she could say the same for Rro and if he wasn't feeling to well when the next day came that'd give her a bit of an advantage to take back command over her crew.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Why you so scared? They just little pig people." Hiro hopped right into the hole. The pig-nosed people inside had all stopped in their tracks and stared at the brash boy. To Hiro's surprise, a good number of them were actually taller than he was, and absolutely none of them were happy to see him. Hiro began to bristle, his flists clenched. "You all got problem?!" he shouted.
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra raised his spear, hoping to silence the other Scrauser. "He's with me," he said. ...Of coarse, this was not Skyra's colony. The Scrauser here did not know very well who Skyra was. "Maybe I should talk to them in our native tongue," Skyra whispered to Hiro before walking over to a tall Scrauser.

"We come in peace," Skyra said. "We just wish to seek help from a mechanic." Psych! A Scrauser's main language actually was English. They actually never adopted their own language, and learned English through books and papers scattered over the land.

"Go away, and take your human with you," the tall Scrauser said, rejecting any friendlyness Skyra had to offer.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

Griffon coughed in surprise. "WHAT!?" He exclaimed. "I was ready to go twice the average price, but you're asking quadruple!" Griffon settled down a little, looking the man in the eye. "I'll go seventy five, and I'll perform for the moral of the crew. Take the offer or leave it." The storyteller's hand stretched out towards the Pirate, ready to seal the deal. A smile slid onto his face.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

Rro extended his hand, "that'll do fine." He shook the mans hand and stood up heading for the door, "Dock four, were the ship with the broken mast," He chuckled. Rogers hoped that Iveth and the others had enough money to pitch in to get it repaired. He stepped out into the brisk air of the night and began to walk. He would need to do some preparations before the morning. But as he looked out over the sea a ghostly ship caught his eye. "Damnit..."

His last crew flew a black flag with a red skull on it, same flag that this ghostly ship portrayed. "We must be close to the Dagger Gates." This was a sea in the Open Blue that if you are killed in you don't die. And when Rro's first crew were and their ship the Cannonball Jack was sunk they were just outside the Dagger Gates. It was called that because their were three islands and the triangle that they made was the area where death wasn't possible.

Rro had seen a man with no head walking around because he had lost it inside the Dagger Gates. The ghostly ship began to sail off and Rro headed back to the ship. He had a feeling his old first mate was on the ship, and his cannon men, and the rest of his crew. "They had been to the Garden of Dragons before and Rogers knew that when the time came the crew would seek revenge on Rro. He never did anything wrong but he was captured by the navy and they sunk the ship as soon as he was aboard. It looked as though Rogers had bargained for his own life but he hadn't. A sell out or not, his old crew of zombies and ghosts wouldn't be an easy fight. And they had waited this long so they would continue to wait until the opportune moment.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

The entire crew had been put to sleep either lolled out on the ground or had the sense to make it back to the lower deck. Whatever bottles Iveth had brought were scattered on the floor of the deck, adding to the pile of debris, some still in the hands of the men. At least the ship had quieted down to the soft waves rolling against the ship and the low creek of the damaged, wooden deck.

Iveth had managed to remain seemingly sober, left to wonder where the guests of her ship had gone. It wasn't the topic on her mind for long before she moved on to other things and she sat herself on the crow's nest, thankfully, sensible enough to get herself up there. From there she could see who all was on their way back, furthermore it was a great view of what was beyond the harbor. Strange how land was a foreign place, but she knew the sea quite well despite its expansive size.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Hey! Pig-face, two-finger, bad-smell, dirt-people should no talk to me dat way!"

Mere moments after saying that, Hiro and Skyra found themselves runnin for their lives from a mob of angry Scrousers. "This all you fault!" Hiro screamed as they jumped out of the entryway to the tunnels. Still, before they could catch their breaths, a small handful of them continued chasing them even from there. "Haa!! RUN!!"
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra was not pleased with Hiro right now after what he said. "MY fault!?" He exclaimed. "You're the one who insulted them, you idiot! This is why I didn't want to carry you along! You don't even use your head before shooting your mouth off like a gatling gun!" Eventually they made it back to the ship where the others were.

"Don't you EVER follow me to a Scrauser community ever again you disrespectful slug!" Skyra said angrily before marching forward to the ship.
Griffon Pardoner (played anonymously)

"I'll be there as soon as I get my money," Griffon told Rro. He left shortly after the man did, heading out to liquidate the assets he had accumulated over the weeks he was on the island. After retrieving his coin purse from his room, and withdrawing part of the room's down payment, Griffon then sold any small belongings he had accumulated for his stay at the island. By the time he made it to the ship, about two hours later, he had almost one hundred silvers on him. After the deal, he would walk away with about twenty five. The fact that he wasn't going to the regular travel location didn't faze him. To him it was another opportunity for the adventure's he had missed.
Rro Rogers (played by RoyaleX318) Topic Starter

"Crew," Rro called once everyone was around the ship once more, "this is Mr. Pardoner." Rro took the money Griffon had given him and tossed it to Iveth. "Send your men to get the new mast set in place and I'll go over the route with you guys." He waited for the woman to send her men off and he sat down on the ship spreading out his stollen map. "We are in the Falling Sea right now," he began, "but believe it or not we have a lot to go."

His fingers ran along the cloth drawings, this triangle of islands is called the Dagger Gates, or the sea death can not sail." He assumed the crew would understand his meaning. But for now they still had another few days, maybe over a week of sailing through the Falling Sea. "After the Dagger Gates we will have left the falling sea and we will sail threw a few patches of Windless Waters." These were common all over the Open Blue. A few miles where there was no wind at all and to even move the ship the crew would be forced to row.

"After that we will stop at a port somewhere at the outside edge of the Exploding Sea, that will be our half way mark." Rro laughed, "we must stop then to gather supplies because every few months the islands in the Exploding Sea literally blow up! Not to mention the water in this part of the Open Blue is boiling hot as far as temperature goes." But they wouldn't have to worry about that all just yet, only the Aqua Voids, Navy Ships searching for them, Zombies, Rowing, the Ghost Ship hunting them down, diseases, other pirates, and the insane chemistry of the crew. It was sure to be a fun couple of weeks.
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Iveth's hand immediately shot out, grasping the sack of money, but she didn't count it. Her attention was conscientious on the new man known as Pardoner. One more person added on her list to be wary of. She recalled seeing him with Rro earlier when she found it in her best interest to have a drink for herself. Hopefully Roger's wouldn't bring in any more strangers who he had come to like. If so she hoped it was for something reasonable, and here she was yet to see the reason behind bringing Pardoner, however she did as was requested and brought over one of her crew members, dropping the money in their hand.

From afar she listened in on the path they would be taking and the more he said the wider her grin became. It would be by far the most dangerous trek she'd ever take, but it would be well worth her while. She hoped it would be worth her while. Either way, it was intriguing and whether it was for the gold or not she would undoubtedly take the journey for the experience.
Hiro (played by ConnanBell)

"Good! We get new mastu--" Hiro stopped mid sentence to try again. "Mastu... Ma--eh up-and-down thing, then we get treasure!" Hiro's face suddenly broke out in a wide grin. "Eeeeeh!! I cannot wait! I get to go everywhere eternally! I become best martial artis in entire world!" He threw a flurry of punches, one kick, then fell over. "More rest... Need more rest..."
Skyra Ravul (played by MugoUrth)

Skyra could not help but shake his head at Hiro's actions. "It's a good thing you found someone, cause I had no luck at the Scrauser colony. ...No thanks to Hiro." Skyra then walked over to Griffon and smiled. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Skyra. Mind the bandages, they help me see. That works because they dull my X-Ray vision and allow me to see up-close objects I couldn't normally see. I... I am not sure if I really have any real reason to go along, but..." Skyra then looked at Iveth then back at Pardoner. "I suppose I have my reasons."

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