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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Guestbook bugs: Help me solve it!

Darth_Angelus Moderator

I am now a happy Sith Lord <3

EDIT: I mean >:(
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That is definitely weird, Minerva.

Thanks everyone for helping me test this out. There are still a few kinks for me to work on, but overall we are in a much better place than we were an hour ago.

I'll pick this issue up again tomorrow. Right now I have to go walk the dog and get back to doing actual paid work. :firefly-is-over:

Aw. And yay, two red rupees now! I think that's, what, like 40 rupees? >.>
Darth_Angelus Moderator

Yep, 40 it is :)

If anyone who posted on my guestbook is wondering where all the notifications have gone, I deleted it. No need to report that as a bug :)

Man... I have more digital rupees than paper rupees. >/
I meant pretty much any amount of replies beyond a common 2 or 3. I've had past experiences where if comment replies on guestbooks got to a certain point, some more than others, things would just kinda...blip out so to speak. These incidents didn't occur here on RPR but I just figured I'd use past experience to assist in the same or similar problems occurring here as well. Normally it was amounts in excess of about 10 or so but I've seen it happen off of less.

There might have just been a general limit per page on a site when there was about ten.
Perhaps but a lot of people had complained about various things. Me personally I never experienced any of the things they spoke of but maybe I just got lucky. Some were general complaints...wanting more posting limits per page...some wanted less. But among those were the hidden ones who nagged about things messing up when they got around those amounts and what not. Either that or those people were just idiots and it was some kind of operator error type thing.
I totally just noticed my notifications are showing double posts of guestbook comments even when there aren't double comments. What's that all about?
Darth_Angelus Moderator

We were having that problem last night. If you've not already, please send Kim a bug report, it makes it easier for her to keep track of these things :)

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