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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » United Deities(Closed)

Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

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Darius (played by Harvest)

"Then why do you think I want to warn them? No doubt his minions will try to carry out his deeds, if they know about, they can prepare for it. They can defend themselves against anything they know about." Darius replied. "What else do you expect me to do? I refuse to stand over my people like a shield."
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

"Ah, but I never said I was a threat. I just said I could sabotage them." Archer said jumping down from the tree. He followed the god, and the Shadows put out the fires that the god already passed, and pulled the dead animals into the shadows. "Thanks for the free meals." he said as he walked closer. "And really? You really think an Arch-Angel can beat me? You are way too over-confident about them."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"You seem to be 'way too over-confident' in your abilities mortal."Ottahrr repeated. "I am familiar with your abilities to some degree. "If an Arch-Angel is slain, it returns to the heavens, regains it's strength, and returns to continue fighting. If your kind die, they rot and fade away as though they never existed."Ottahrr said, still igniting trees. Despite Archer's efforts, much of the forest had been engulfed in flames due to the sheer number of Ottahrr's followers, many of which had spread out, away from Ottahrr and Archer. "Besides. I know for a fact you are no match for a God. You might be able to annoy one for a good while as you are now, but if one of my brethren really wanted to, you'd be dead before you have the chance to blink."Ottahrr said.

Volther sighed. "I'm not saying not to warn your people, I am saying it's ultimately useless. If Ottahrr succeeds, he won't need to face your people, neither will his followers. They'll just cease to exist, along with everything else from this universe."Volther said. "Look, I'm asking for you to help us. You'd definitely be able to put up a fight with Ottahrr."Volther said.
Jane (played anonymously)

" hello Jane " a harsh and raspy voice called from the shadows " you look tired what Can I help you with "
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Aurora ran back and sighed."it looks as if some of the fires in a forest are going out......which is odd considering ottahr would never destroy his work and they'd burn forever most likely.......things really are changing. How terrible...." She said and looked up at the sun.
Darius (played by Harvest)

"Then I expect to be rewarded appropriately." Darius replied. "I will still warn my people, but I shall help you. And help does not come without a price." Darius added.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer shook his head. "You know, you are really annoying to work with." he said, suddenly getting an idea. "I wonder..." As he said this, tendrils of shadow crept toward the god slowly until they got close enough, where the shot out at the god's head. And more kept coming behind them. It was an onslaught of shadows.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

The shadows disipated into smoke due to Ottahrr's influence. "If you want to throw away your life so badly I would suggest jumping in frontof a... what are they called? Train?"Ottahrr said, continuing on hsi way, still igniting trees alongside hsi followers.

Volther rolled his eyes. "Fine."He said. "But I'm not the official gift giver guy. Hardly got any mortal followers left."He added. "So where is your temple on Earth? I'm only accustomed with Australia, Europe, and the Americas. Never been to Asia, Africa, or Madagascar."The dragon xplained.
Jane (played anonymously)

Jane walked slowly toward a mirro mounted on the far side of the room " Karin I want you to find ottahrr for me I have a proposition "
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

She watched everything unfold into her vision. She didn't even know what was going on, she turned away from the two and began walked towards the fire. She watched as flames burned and animals ran and also burned.
It was quite depressing even for her.
Darius (played by Harvest)

"Middle East, and there is a smaller one in the American Sierra desert." Darius replied. "What do you plan to do? Are you to follow me, or do you have other plans?"
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

"Fine, I'll leave you alone." Archer said, still following the god. "But answer this first. Why do you want to destroy everything, and what will you do with what's left?" He was now curious.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"I am OTtahrr, the God of the Future, and the force of change."Ottahrr explained. "I have decided this universe has come as far as it needs to, and so I want to start again."Ottahrr said. "And there will benothing left of my conquest to use."He added.

"I gess we'll follow you for now. We can figure out a course of action on the way to your temples."Volther said.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus