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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » United Deities(Closed)

Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Aurora turned to the God and shrugged. Then she thought for a moment."....I do believe that the prediction made earlier is correct. He would have gone to the sand God. Possibly either turned down or not rejected. Either way, there is most likely to be a war of change." She said and turned to leave .

She didn't have time for this. She needed to make sure the sun cycles were still in check. She ran to the pool of light and to her delight one of the changes was not her sun. It still rose and set in the correct places.
Darius (played by Harvest)

"My people have survived with much change." Darius called after him. "They'll survive whatever you have planned for this world." He shouts. Darius, towering over his sand soldiers went back to his throne, sitting down.
Kariah Retsyuah (played by Katia)

Kariah shook her head as well when asked about Ottahrr and said. "While I may not know where he is, I would like to offer my aid in finding him. The more searching for him, the better after all."

With that the goddess was enveloped in soft light which shrank down before fading to reveal a completely human form. While Kariah generally preferred to retain some aspects of her true form when taking a human form, she recognized that in this case, they would likely be a detriment.

It was then that Jane made her plea to Volther to forgot about everything and join her in some of her specialty. Jane was a goddess that the feline goddess wasn't very fond of, however they rarely had anything to do with each other since their dominions had absolutely nothing in common.

"Jane! Can you at least exercise enough self control to refrain from trying to sidetrack Volther during what could possibly be our greatest crisis ever?!"

The goddess's voice was uncharacteristically fierce and full of righteous fury. While she doubted that that Jane could be made to feel shame for her actions, she at least hoped that she could be cowed into behaving.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

The next morning, Archer woke up a little hungry. He made a fire before heading out to hunt. He found a rabbit and shot it with his bow. On his way back to his fire, he killed another rabbit. He cooked his rabbits and ate them while he waited for the Shadows to report what they found.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Ottahrr continued on his way. "Let's hope you can survive these changes old friend."Ottahrr said to himself as he headed down to Earth. Ottahrr found himself in the same forest as Archer, summoning several of his followers. "Destroy this forest and any mortals that get in your way."Ottahrr ordered his minions, as they charged off, gaining torches from transmuted sticks.

"Unless you tell me where Ottahrr is there isn't much you can give me that I can't get with Mortals."Volther hissed at Jane, growing tired of her efforts to draw him from his investigation. He turned his attention to Kariah. "Thank you." He said, both in agreement with her statement to Jane, and her offer to help find Ottahrr. "I imagine we should start with Darius as Aurora suggested." Volther said, folding a wing to the ground to allow Kariah onto his back.
Jane (played anonymously)

" no " she whimpered quitely to her self knowing what was to come next the destruction, pain and suffering Ottahrr was going to unleash terrified her to her very core " no " she whimpered again this time falling to her knees and bringing her hand to her head. She failed to protect the only person not to look down on her, to judge her , the only person to actually want to be her equal not just keeps her at arms lengthy ignore her or worst of all treat her as a child. "I failed" she murmurs to her self repeatedly.
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Her ever watchful eyes were grazing a map of the earth and other planets. She watched as a forest was being demolished. It angered her. She ran to the others and sighed. She would keep this little detail clean for now. She walked to the others."if we want to remove the threat of changes prior to them happening, we should move...NOW! She said half growling. Normally she was a very moderate and kind goddess. But when things such as light or any form of nature changed, despite her not being a goddess of nature, she would NOT stand for it.
Kariah Retsyuah (played by Katia)

Kariah was thankful that Jane had ceased in her attempts at distracting Volther. Instead Jane had fallen to her knees in despiar as having be rejected. Had it not be for the current situation, Kariah would have gone over and try to console the sorrowing goddess, but now was not the time.

She approached Volther and climbed onto his back. "Let us hope we can find him and then Ottahrr quickly."
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

While Archer was waiting, he noticed fire in the near distance. He disappeared, reappearing near the fire. "Can't let this get out of control, now can we?" he said as shadows swarmed the fire, flowing all around it quickly. The shadows were so dense, the fire couldn't be seen. Suddenly the shadows disappeared, the fire gone. "There we go."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Suddenly a force slammed Archer to the ground. "YOU DARE STOP OUR MASTER'S RIGHTEOUS QUEST MORTAL?!"A shrill voice screamed. The owner of the voice was a tall, lanky being. It raised its sword, preparing to strike Archer.

"Anyone else coming?"Volther asked glancing back at the small group of gods.
Jane (played anonymously)

As the physical embodiment of fundamentally opposing ideology debauchery and elegance janes psych always had to maintain a precocious balance. If she indulges too much she loses her elegance if she refrains from her desires she losses her debauchery. This precarious balance had all but been destroyed with the arrival of ottahrr. That mans lust greed and raw madness terrified her , no it did more than that it thrilled her called to her very being and with each passing moment the call became stronger and stronger.she knew what she had to do. Jane whimpered softly as she got up and dusted her self off even on the brink of madness she still had an image to keep up.
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Aurora walked over to the shape shifting God and sighed."I'll go. However I need to hear the other side of the story. She said and looked at him . Her smile was light and showed clearly how she was worried. Her eyes turned to Jane."do not fret Jane. I'm sure you'll be just fine without such debauchery for a small while. If not, I'm sorry."
Darius (played by Harvest)

The sands shifted and changed, Darius, his sand soldiers, the desert, and his fortress shifted, fluidly changing. Upon the throne of Darius sat a barefoot woman. She was in deep thought, before deciding on something. "I'll need to send a message to my people. They must know, and they'll trust this form." Darius' religion was set up where a group of females sat atop a fortress high in a mountain in the middle of the desert, seldom seen by the world. But Darius knew what it was. No one lived in the fortress but his sand soldiers, to keep out intruders. The women who lived there were Darius, giving messages from him to his people.
Kariah Retsyuah (played by Katia)

(I really don't have anything to say so skip me.)
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer grunted when he was slammed to the ground. When he looked up, he saw the sword. "No thank you." he said, disappearing right as the sword would have cut him. He reappeared from a tree. "Careful, someone might get hurt." He leaned against the tree. "Now, mind telling me what's going on?" As he asked this, if one paid close attention to the shadows all around, they would see that the shadows appeared to be moving.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

"You vile little... I'll have your Head!"The being said, preparing to attack again, before being cut off by a large being, clad in what seemed to be mixed armors. "Don't waste your effort. This Mortal cannot stop our ultimate goal. No Mortal, or collection of Mortals can."Ottahrr said walking passed Archer without even bothering to glance at him.

Volther allowed Aurora to climb on to his back before taking off. Volther soared through the sky, heading in the direction of Darius's temple.
Jane (played anonymously)

I have nothing either so just skip me
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

She looked at him and sighed climbing up. She secured herself properly so she wouldn't fall off and her eyes scanned the ground for anything she may have dropped.

She then looked at the shapeshifter and sighed gently.".....we have the possible risk of losing a war here...depending on be prepared....I know you are anyway...."
Darius (played by Harvest)

The ever changing fortress of Darius soon came into view, massive and hard to miss. No doubt Darius sat inside. Darius could feel them coming, as they flew over his sand he could feel them. His trip would have to wait.
Kariah Retsyuah (played by Katia)

(Nothing for me to really say until they are actually at Darius's.)

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