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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » United Deities(Closed)

Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

A wall of Shadows blocked the path of the large being in mixed armors. Archer walked up in front of the being. "Mind sharing these plans of yours?" he asked. "And why it involves destroying this innocent forest?" As he was talking, the Shadows surrounded the three of them, pushing the first being, the one that attacked Archer, towards the middle. "Oh, and do you have an ego of sorts, calling me a Mortal like you were a god?"
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Volther circled Darius's temple before landing, coming to a halt in the temple. His form shrunk once the others got off. "Darius!"He called, looking for the sand god.

"I AM a god you foolish mortal."Ottahrr declared. Forcing his will over small area(About 9ft in each direction), Ottahrr slammed his foot into the ground. A flash of light ignited, cutting through the shadow walls and blinding the thin being and Archer. When the light subsided the three were standing over circle of crystaline matter, a sign of what Ottahrr had planned for the future. "It would be in your best interest, mortal, to avoid me and my followers."Ottahrr said, before continuing on.

Oop: I figure that Ottahrr could make small changes to an area with little difficulty.
Jane (played anonymously)

She'd gone mad and she knew it. Whatever semblance of control she had over her duel personalities had just been shattered. As Jane wearingly stumbled into her sanctuary she had but one thought on her now psycotic mind Volther
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Aurora sighed and clambered down from his back. Her dress rested amongst the sand and she looked at it."I can feel something is very strong. I just don't know if we are too late. Would Darius ever betray us?"
Darius (played by Harvest)

Someone stood at the gates to Darius' fortress. It was the gods female human vessel, he only used it when he was about to visit the mundane world. She stood, an army of sand soldiers behind her. She stared at the gods approaching, arms crossed. "Why, do you approach me, especially when I intend to visit my people?" Her voice was the demonic roughness of his regular voice, and her eyes were glowing yellow.
Kariah Retsyuah (played by Katia)

(I think I am going to drop out of this rp. I'm sorry, but I just have no interest in continuing due to certain reasons. )
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

When the bright light appeared, Archer quickly melted into the ground. He reappeared a few feet in front of the god, his feet still in the ground. He moved backwards while he spoke. "Ok, but you still haven't told me these plans you have." he said. "Besides, maybe I could be of use..." He then gave a slight smile. "Cause some chaos maybe? Something like this, perhaps?" He then raised his hand towards the god's follower. The Shadows arced through the air at his head. When they hit, they barraged his mind with pain and suffering and emptiness and everything else that could make one go mad and need a mental hospital.
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Ottahrr's effects o nthe being were evident the madness didn't last long before it had changed to a knew mental state, a system Ottahrr created to keep his 'angels' sane. "I have no need of a chaos bringer Mortal." Ottahrr said continuing on his mission, grabbing a torch and igniting a tree.

"We're looking for Ottahrr. Has he been here recently?"Volther asked, looking down at Darius.
Darius (played by Harvest)

Cut for wrong posting order.
Karin (played anonymously)

A small frog like creature sighed in annoyance as she scanned the afternoon sky " there they go " she mumbled to her self as she watched a dragon with what looked like two women on his back fly over head
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

She didn't even turn her head at the sound of volt hers voice. She stared on ahead at the San God. She had heard about him but always missed meetings , so she never saw him. Her eyes scanned him and everything around him. She made sure no possible attacks would be present. At least not unto them.
Darius (played by Harvest)

"Yes. He has." Darius replied. "Offering me a place in his new world conquest." Darius added. "He wants to end this realm, start anew. My old ally came to me for help, and I turned him away. I do not see such change necessary.. For now."
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer watched as the effects of the Shadows were undone. "Impressive..." he said before turning to the god. "May I ask a question? How many followers do you have? Enough to make a small fighting unit?" He snapped his fingers and the Shadows swallowed the being into the ground, spitting it out 50 yards ahead of the god the next second. "A means of fast travel? An effective spy?" he asked. "You see, I could be more useful than you think."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Oop: Sorry for the late reply, thought I had already posted i =n this

"What use do I have for a Mortal spy? The only beings I have anyhint of worry from ar ethe other gods of the Pantheon."Ottahrr said. "AndI don't care what other Mortal kind are doing. Even if the yattempt to stop me, it's not like I'm soem back alley psychopath. I am a God! There is nothign you mortals can throw at me that I can't handle. My followers may be capable of being over powered by a mortal, but I am not."Ottahrr said.

"Hmmm.... why would he.... Did you see where he went by chance?"Volther asked.
Jane (played anonymously)

Jane sighed as she contemplated the events of the past few days volther abandoning her the sudden and dramatic change in the worlds order and finally her mental breakdown. She laughed her crazed eyes twitching her body once the picture of elegance now a disheveled mess she laughed again as she got up from her bed and headed towards the pantheon she had work to do
Aurora Goddess of Li (played by LawOfJohnson)

Aurora searched Darius secretly. She wondered what on earth the God could be thinking. Her eyes then traveled to the smoke in the world."........a.......fallen star?" She asked and then shook her head to the other two."im going to look at what that is......if you could, please help us. " she didn't really know what to do. All of this change wasn't bad. Maybe some of it was overboard.

However she began to float to the source of smoke.
Archer (played by AshAngg2000)

Archer stood there for a moment before picking up a small rock. He turned to the nearest tree and tossed the rock at it. The rock disappeared when it would of hit the tree. A second later it would pop out and hit the god in the back of his head. Archer then melted into the ground, reappearing behind the god, poking him. He repeated this a few times. "Then how about this." he said. "I could annoy or sabotage the other gods for you." He then reappeared on a tree branch.
Darius (played by Harvest)

"No, I did not see where he went." The human female incarnation of Darius said. "I was just about to leave so I could warn my followers, so I took the form of a member of my elite worshippers. They will listen to this form with rapt attention, and Ottahrr will not be able to spread chaos among them." The god added. "If you request for my help, then I expect to get something of value out of it."
Niche Characters (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T) Topic Starter

Oop: Ash, try to stick to the post order bro

Ottahrr wasn't bothered by the rock. "You? A threat to a god?"He asked. "You may have those fancy teleportation and darkness tricks, but an Arch-Angel would slaughter you with no trouble. You're no threat to a God. You'd be lucky to even be considered a nuisance Mortal. I will admit, you do have a godly sense of humor. Perhaps your the God of Jests?"Ottahrr said, continuing his mission, having his followers ignite the tree and grass and kill any animals that got in his way.

"Well... I'd imagine your followers get to survive. From my understanding Ottahrr doesn't just go out and start trouble for the sake of causing trouble. He thinks there's a reason the world needs to change. HE won't try and spread chaos amongst your followers. He'd have them killed, along with his own worshippers, mine, Aurora's, everyone's!"Volther said.
Jane (played anonymously)

Skip me I have nothing

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