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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The land of algesia (private)

Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

The announcer yelled. "Everyone out of the arena now!" The citizens ran away ad far as possible and took refuge in the hotel. Ignus transforms like Seren did. "You better listen to your boyfriend there. You might just die." Ignus moved at a blinding speed and was behind Sam in less than a second. "Fool..."Ignus sent a sword towards Sam's torso but Seren took the stab. He coughed up copious amounts of blood. "Sam I won't say it again... Transform, please..." Seren was pleading now.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam quickly transformed and helped Seren up. ''You can heal that with your powers, right?'' She said, trying to strike the guy with her axe.
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

He wiped his mouth. "No. My healing methods will not work with his attacks. The same goes for him. Neither of us can heal using magic if were attacked by each other. Gods of all the times to come he chose now." "Aww well isn't that cute. Your girlfriend is trying to help you up. To bad she'll die with you as well." "Sam take a step back. This man's going to die."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Sam frowned. ''I'm not just going to sit and look at the fight! That's not honorable. Even if i die, i dont care! I will participate to the fight!'' She said, growling.
Damion Stratis (played by YinYangBalance)

Damion warped in, fire spell ready, "Sorry about that, got lost in time and space for a bit, it happens sometimes if I meditate too long. What'd I miss?"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

''DAMION! FINALY! HELP US BEAT THAT JERK UP!'' Said Sam, poiting the giant guy.
Ok, guys. I'm done with this RP. Thought it was supposed to be shorter, but clearly we don't understand exactly what we're doing, hence prolonging the gameplay with unwanted filler. Most of which, of course is ridiculous romance between Seren and Sam. See ya.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

(Actually.. i just love the fighting.. it's awesome.. so.. the romance scenes.. i dont really create them.. see ya.)
If I may, it's also a little hard to keep up with you. Last time I posted was approximately 30 pages ago. It's nearly impossible for me to actually participate fully. I did appreciate roleplaying, but I just can't.
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

Yeah, it's true. I understand. Myself, if i saw 30 pages to read, i would read just the last one.. maybe even 0. Now that i think of it, it's really long.. plus, it has about 1254 answers.. ._. And now that you mention it, it's kind of true that we definitly dont know what were doing.
Damion Stratis (played by YinYangBalance)

(See ya man.)
Damion launched a fireball at the Giant, engulfing him in flames and shrouding him in smoke. "Did I just kill it?" He asked surprised. The giant leaped out of the smoke and smashed the ground near the group, who all barely dodged his attack. "Apparently not!"
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

(Actually it's not a giant.. i just meant to mean that he was tall XD)
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

(Well dor my first hosted rp this was fairly well. We're in The hundreds with pages and have a somewhat decent story. As far as I'm concerned you all have kept up with this pretty well."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

(So, is this the end? We've been roleplaying for about.. 3 good months i would say..)
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

(This is the technical final battle. I'm sure everyone has PLENTY of other roleplays there in. Algesia was a good first hosting but it might be time for it to close. For now..."
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

(Well, it was fun to roleplay. See you in other roleplays people! :D )
Seren Anhrefncoatl H (played by Dracon25697) Topic Starter

(May we meet again in another roleplay. I seriously just referenced a fire emblem game.)
Sam Wilson (played by Blu_Dino)

(Well, bai bai!)
Damion Stratis (played by YinYangBalance)

(Yeah! It was fun!)
Niena Elensar (played by Solame)

(Oh wow I missed a lot. Well, its been fun)

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