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Forums » Smalltalk » Kudos in Real Life

As we started out the new year, a lot of my friends started posting their resolutions on Facebook. A lot of them were silly, but a couple of them were really serious. Turns out that I have quite a few friends battling some self esteem issues that I never knew anything about.

Then I remembered rpr and the kudos giving system. I thought for a minute, hey...wouldn't this be neat to do in real life? It seemed to go over really well here, and I'm thinking some of my real life friends would benefit from little supportive notes of why I think they're awesome/glad they are my friend. So that's going to be my resolution, to start giving out Kudos in real life. Shouldn't be too hard! Thought I would share with you all, and if it turns out well I'll let you know how it goes :)

Thanks for the great idea Kim! :D
Kim Site Admin

Loki, this is a brilliant idea.

Humans respond SO strongly to even tiny proofs of support and acceptance, it will bowl you over. Even when I set about to do something to surprise someone, I am always stunned by how strong the response is. Taking the time to actually write it down amplifies the effect massively, and gives that person an anchor to go back to when they are feeling down and need to be recharged. Short, sincere notes - especially hand written, if you can - have the power to change lives and change the world. I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit.

I cannot possibly give a strong enough endorsement to this idea. Go forth and make the world a better place!
Loki Topic Starter

Handwritten notes are a good idea! I have a whole bunch of little card sets that I've never used. My Mom used to get them for me all the time because she just thought they were pretty. I think this would be a good use for them :) For now I've been using Facebook since that seemed to be the easiest. I do really like the idea of something handwritten though. Seems more...meaningful :D
This is a wonderful Idea :). I've received a note like this before from a friend, and I still sometimes look at it when I'm down on myself :)
I really love this. :)

Another new year's resolution: Send out cards to a bunch of my friends who I know are having some tough times, and even those who aren't!
Lol they cann go back to it if they're not like me and lose anything paper wise I touch.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

This is a great idea!

Even a small note, a word or two of encouragement or just a reminder that someone cares can do a lot, from brightening the day to helping get out of a gloomy frame of mind.
This is a great idea Loki! I always forget about handwriting letters until I see one cross my desk, it definitely makes me feel better especially after stressful days.
Loki Topic Starter

First "Kudos in Real Life" Mission is a success! :D I sent out valentines to all my closest friends with hand written notes in them, and people really seemed to love them! Yay! Now to plan my next project ^_^

Ashli definitely loved what you sent her. Her smile was so bright it made my day too. Only half connected, but still thanks.

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