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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » X shield hood

Alex Raven (played by yukiyuro)

The room was completely bare except for a metal table ,one light, and one camera.

Nick Fury entered the room slamming down a thick file on the table .

Alex had shackles around his wrist and legs. His hands were completely covered . A sack was pulled tauntly around his head .

"How is the head?" Alex sounded muffled through the sack .

Nick Fury's lip twitched slightly . Nick Fury's right arm reached out ,and slammed Alex's head against the table." Now do you understand the situation!"

" Ow", Alex groaned in pain . He lifted his head up . " Honestly no. Why don't you explain it in nice slow nice terms. I might be a bit dense"

" I need to know what the Brotherhood is up to." Nick Fury opened the file.

Alex snorts ," remove the sack".

Nick fury leaned back studying the completely covered Alex ." No I do not trust you."

" Good you shouldn't. But I would like to breathe non sack air . I will tell you all I know."

Nick fury motioned to the camera . The door to the interrogation room opened. A robot with human like hands entered. The robot moved slowly toward Alex . When the robot was close enough to pull the sack off Alex spoke.

" New precautions".

"Against you yes". Nick fury responded.

The robot removed the sack .

Nick waited for Alex to speak .

" I know nothing. The Brotherhood and I had a falling out. I left ." Alex spoke slow and deliberately.

Nick slammed the file shut. "The sack goes back on." He stormed out of the room.
Kelly Riedo (played by Exaala)

In the apartment adjacent to his a male voice started to yell and two dull thuds followed after as his current neighbor knocked his fist twice against the wall. It came at a bad moment, Kelly couldn't spare the man enough attention to decipher his complaint that was growing into a speech. As he ransacked the room in search of something that could hold water the only words he could clearly make out were swears and if he weren't in such a haste to prevent a fire he would had been impressed with the creative ways they were combined.

There wasn't much in the cheap hotel room, a bed that was now in danger of perishing by fire, a nightstand and a couple of drawers that he'd just gone through and found nothing useful in.
Left with few options, he acted on the first idea that popped into his head, gathered up the bed sheets and rushed to the bathroom with the fabric slowly burning in his arms. The lousy cloth was to blame for the entire thing, it must had been highly flammable, Kelly was sure he hadn't lost control this time. He'd drifted off for only a moment, and even though he'd grown angry, thinking back to what had happened a weak before, it shouldn't had been enough to cause trouble like this.

He sighed as he soaked the fabric. It occurred to him that he must had looked funny, scrambling through the room in a panic, but since he was the victim in the entire story he wasn't very amused. On top of everything, he was out of money but he realized that only a few minutes later, after putting all of his belonging back into his backpack and returning the key to the apartment he'd just turned upside down. It was too late to change his mind, he would had been too embarrassed to go back inside even if there was, instead he headed down the street, reassuring himself that he wasn't that far from where he was heading.
Alex Raven (played by yukiyuro) Topic Starter

Alex's jaw dropped. He stared after Nick Fury with an irritated expression. Who knew how long he was going to be here. Not to mention this place was uncomfortable. That sack was not going over his head again. Who knew where Nick Fury would toss him next. Alex knew Nick Fury was not going to risk even an inch of his skin showing.

Nick Fury knew what he was capable of . Alex constrated on the sack. The sack tugged lightly as the robot positioned it over his head. He tried again .

The sack tugged roughly finally hitting the floor.

The robot in a sudden motion quickly grabbed Alex by his throat . Slowly choking him. The other arm extended to the floor picking up the sack. Every second that went by the robot's grip grew tighter.

Alex could feel the constriction. As it grew he began to feel lightheaded. His breathing was rapid. He could not get enough air in. In and out he kept telling himself.

Two shield agents were watching the monitor. One was a man and the other was a woman. The woman looked at the man panic over taking her senses. " Greg stop he is just a kid! He is choking Greg!" The male ignored her focusing on the controls to the robot .

The female grabbed the keys and ran toward the door. She exited the room . Greg jumped up screaming after her." Tweety do not go in there!I repeat do not go in there!"

Tweety ignored her coworker running toward the interrogation room. She quickly unlocked the door. Sprinting over to him she unlocked his hand cuffs . She bent down and did his feet.

Tweety stood up, and tried to pry the robot's fingers off of Alex's throat . Every second she tried . She began to feel a tab weaker. " You're going to be okay! You're going to be okay!" She kept repeating more so for herself. She wanted to rescue him.

Greg watched helpless as his coworker tried .

Alex felt better as her fingers accidentally hit his throat . He could see her move closer bending down. She should have stayed away. He felt her grow weaker by the moment . His freed hand grabbed Tweety by her hair forcing her to his cheek . He started to absorb more of her essence. He glared at the camera mouthing the words let me go or she dies.

Greg had no choice. He pressed the button for the robot to relent.

Once he was free Alex stood up dragging the agent with him. " It's nothing personal dear. But I do need an escape route ." He accessed what he had absorbed of her. The lay out of the building seemed rather easy .

Greg alerted the remaining shield agents that there is a hostage situation. Before they could fully assemble Alex was leaving the building . He found himself in an alley way . He tossed the agent carelessly into a garbage pile . He exited the alley to come face to face with the outside world.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

As Alex reached the outside world he was welcomed to the warmth of mexican sun and sand. The blistering heat made it hard for anyone to run and if the attempt was made, they'd soon realize, there's not a sign of life for as far as they can see. Water was only sourced inside the base as well as cool air and a bed.

The sand under Alex's feet shifted and swirled, a large shadow sheltered him somewhat from the sun. The X-Men's Blackbird hovered over him which caused the unrestlessness of the sleeping sand.

Dean walked to he edge of the cargo door and looked down, he saw his target below. He wasn't assigned this mission but he sure as hell wasn't going to rules stop him from having a little fun. The Blackbird hovered overground from a tremndous height but that didn't stop Dean from leaping out, flipped in mid air and swooped down, spinning and landing on his feet creating a mini crator on impact. Smoke puffed out from him and encased him in a large cloud, right in the middle you can see Dean's silhouette standing upright before all the smoke quickly rushed back into the center, into Dean.

"Expecting an easy escape?" Dean smirked at the escapee "I was hoping you'd get out" Dean stood nonchalantly, hands in his blazer pockets. He blew his hair to the side "This is a non smoking area but given the situation I'm guessing the rules don't apply" Light smoke emitting slowly from him "You know Wolverine right? he always told me to rely on instinct, to be feral, i think i might try it" He curled his hands into fists before they slowly engulfed in smoke "Lets dance" he yelled charging at Alex.
Alex Raven (played by yukiyuro) Topic Starter

Alex dropped down to one knee. He kept one foot planted on the ground.

He quickly took the gloves that covered his hands off . He then placed his arms above his head interlocking them." I surrender."

He began to think . Did he say wolverine ? Could he be apart of the X men? Why are him and Shield working together? " Tell me what do you hope to gain by fighting me ."
Kelly Riedo (played by Exaala)

Kelly was left with no other choice but to walk without pause now that he was both out of money and had no place to stay. Being exposed to the sun wasn't as issue for him and he could even accept having to sleep outside somewhere but he had little idea what to do for food and water. Hungry and becoming more hopeless and desperate the further he traveled, he was beginning to consider alternate ways of getting what he needed.

He was in no way sure that he would be given a warm welcome upon reaching his destination, in fact it was more likely that he would be chased away or be handed over to the police. He knew the people he was looking had moved moved just to avoid him. With all of that taken into consideration he had little to look forward to and gradually realized it was pointless to wait for help from anyone.

Once he made it to a more isolated place where he knew no one would notice him use his power, he vanished into thin air and continued down the street unseen, searching for a store that kept a fridge or some good outside so he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of creating a bigger illusion in order to sneak inside unnoticed.
Dean king (played by Ambrosia)

Dean came to a trailing stop in front of Alex, the smoke surrounding his hands slowly faded away into the warm breeze that swept past. Dean felt a little disappointed, he was expect a fight "dude, I have never been so let down before, you are a shitty bad guy!" He said, disappointment evident in his voice.

Dean walked around Alex, smoke appeared in his left hand as he held it over Alex's hands to bind them in a smokey restraint "get up, I'm taking you back inside" Dean grabbed Alex's elbow and forcefully pulled him up, as he turned and began to force him towards the shield entrance the sands around them shifted.

There seemed to be a circle of sleeping sand in a small diameter of them but outside said circle, the sands began to rise and cover them in a small dome until the light from the sun began to dim. Outside this small dome, from the little light that escaped through the sand, they could see the the sand spin around them in a furious rage.

All of sudden the sand around them dropped covering both Dean and Alex from head to toe. Dean scoffed and scrunched his nose in annoyance before patting his clothes down. Once her realise where the were, his eyes widened in surprise, they were near Kelly in a restaurant that had a chunk missing from where they teleported in and was completely covered by sand.
Alex Raven (played by yukiyuro) Topic Starter

" There is no such thing such as good , and evil . Only inductive, and deductive reasoning . So do not label me with your own opinionated bullcrap! You have no idea what made me the way I am! You have no idea who I am as a person! Honestly I have enough information on shield . That if certain types of that information got released ,who do you think some individuals will view as bad.We are mutants so conclusively we are considered bad for being different. By those who fear and hate us. I do what I have to survive. So according to what governs the morally adept mind , and the situations I could be in . The perception of good and evil changes . So conclusively good, and evil are interchangeable , and judged by each person individually. "

Alex elbowed Dean and reached to grab Dean's hand. The smoky restraints hindering only slightly. Alex stuck his foot behind Dean's. Talking advantage of the distraction.
Kelly Riedo (played by Exaala)

Seeing a corner of a building being devoured by sand right in front of him left Kelly standing frozen on the street, staring in disbelief. The event diverted enough of his attention that for a moment he lost control of his powers and besides becoming warmer his illusion was broken and he was left visible again. It was unfortunate though since the young man wanted nothing more than to go unnoticed by whatever inhuman thing had just displayed it's ability.

He took a step back, moving away from the center of the commotion and the two men who were now left in place of the front portion of the restaurant. However, seeing the two strangers begin to fight kept him in place as it occurred to him that either of them could be a serious danger that shouldn't be left there to cause mayhem freely. It wasn't like Kelly could do much but he felt he should at least find out what was going on, he was curious of the two and what had just happened.
Being awoke by a sharp pain splintering across his cheek, Karai tried looking up at his assailant before jerking his head to the side to shield his still groggy eyes from the penetrating sun. Had it been one rotation already...Hearing a voice, "I see your wounds have already healed..." A kick finding it way to Karai's foot, "Get up, Magnus requests your presence... He has found a use for..." "And my kin?" Karai spoke parched remaining, "Don't worry about them, they have been dealt with...". Karai immediately gaining vigor, he rushed the man only to fall centimeters short as he found his hands up to his forearms bound. Giving it a few extra yanks Karai felt no leeway. "They are made of Shadow-forge...isn't I kid, I kid...isn't it ironic the same metallic ore that you have wielded to infamy, is the very same material keeping you at bay here and now...Growing rather impatient with the man's monologuing, Karai cut the man off to with his own few words, "What does Magnus want of me?! Receiving a solid gut check of a punch, "You will refer to him as Lord Magnus worm!! And I do not speak for the my master, I am merely his messenger and your torturer.. Come.."

Taking a step back out of the cell, the man entered a pass code on a device. The heavy chain restricting him detached itself from the half arm gauntlets. Truly not knowing where he was it would be best to just play his role. Finding their way to an inner chamber, the door opened of its own as if controlled by sensors. Seeing a man garbed in blood red armour, a unique helm said on s close table to his left, as a metallic bowl of fruits levitated on his right. "Ah, Ksrai-san, I've heard of your exploits" Showing he was in no mood for small talk, Magnus waved a hand in front of him, activating a holographic display to accompany his words, "Since M-Day the mutant populace has been decimated, since then the government has been snatching us up left and right, my....source...tells me they are looking for a way to weaponize the mutant metagene...they have had little success thus far and have only managed to make imperfect clones who when they use their artificial abilities they burn away at their life span...they seem to be missing a key ingredient, and I'm willing to bet it's a certain strain of the metagene, an unusually resilient one at that...I task you with finding said mutant and bringing him or her to this and I can reunite you with your people, fail me...and well you know the rest..."..."I have no weapons to defend myself, how will i find such a being and do I have your word on my people's safety such a time??" Karai spoke squeezing all his concern's in a single sentence. "You have my oath as a mutant brother.." Placing a pair of fingers to his lips, Magnus produced a shrill whistle, a being appearing in a puff of smoke.

*Bamf*, he resembled an old friend Karai hadn't seen in many moons. "Is there a problem?!" Magnus asked sarcastically. Trying to hide his mixed emotions, the newly appeared man walked over to Karai holding a pair of twin katana that looked all too familiar too him, Magnus waving another hand toward Karai, he felt the contraption within his gauntlets release and drop to the ground, leaving a small indent in the ground revealing their deceptive weight. Rubbing at his wrists to get blood flowing again, he quickly took his katanas equipping them to his person in an X fashion on his back. Magnus continuing, "Kurt here will teleport you to the nearest readings of mutant activity"..." But be warned you will have no further assistance from there..this is your task, and your people depend on your success...

Not receiving another moments briefing, Karai felt the warm fuzzy hand of a three pronged being. Feeling his stomach turn inward, Karai winced at the unfamiliar pain, Just as quick as it came, it left, before Karai found himself along with the man atop a mighty rock formation overlooking the desolate desert, the man removing a pair of high tech binoculars from a satchel he wore, peering through them "There...2 miles northwest..", the man said pointing. Still trying to get blood flow to his arms, Karai focused a pinch of his aura to his eyes, massive veins bulging on either side of his head, Karai's sky blue eyes shifted to a deep swirling pool of purple: Shyakugan(Heavenly Kaleidescope Eyes technique), "zooming" his vision, "I see them...Hey Kurt..". Turning to him, the man carried such a discouraged look on his face, "I...I need to return to master.." And just like that another person he once called friend vanished on him...Turning back northwest, Karai was as he had been the majority of his life, alone..But right now people counted on him and he had no room to fail. Taking a step back, Karai pulled his scarf ovee his nose/mouth area, dashing forward giving a hard leap off the cliff,Karai murmured barely audible through his scarf "Wind carry me away..", air currents whipping up around him, wind literally cradled his body, carrying him simulating flight, as he made his way to the nearest town all he could think was he WOULD NOT fail, no matter where his mission took him...
Alex Raven (played by yukiyuro) Topic Starter

Nick fury watched from the inside . He grunted " Alex Will not be much trouble Dean can handle him. Recover tweety."

" No need sir . she was already recovered." A shield agent responded

" How is she ?" Nick asked while his eyes stayed on the screen.

"Fine sir he only drained her." The shield agent spoke while taking a seat. "She might be a sleep for a few hours ."
Eyes still activated Karai saw two figures raising hell in the only town for miles around. Unable to tell whom had the upper hand, out of the corner of his peripherals Karai saw the sand shift a couple blocks away from the action.

"Zooming" his vision, he again saw the same pattern of motion. Picking up no life force signature from the beings, this made their presence even more bothersome.

If Karai hoped to free his kin he would have to gain the trust of the Brotherhood's leader, Magnus aka Magneto, and too do that he would have to "collect" some things (foreshadow).

But for now Karai believed his best bet would be to make nice. The two mutants going at it, (a 3rd impressively cloaked in light particles almost fooled his eyes), they were stirring up the town making common folk uneasy. Townspeople beginning to fill the streets, this made the predicament even worse, as noone was aware of the impending danger. Cranking up his flight speed Karai streaked through the air just a few mph shy breaking the sound barrier.

Reaching the town, Karai didn't attempt to hide himself as he was probably moving to fast to be seen by most any way. Zipping through the crowd, his jet stream toppled the crowd, holding out a single arm Karai close-lined an invisible target, sweeping it from it's feet he meant to pin it against the nearest solid object. Seeing a pick-up the raced to finish his combo, feeling a shift in weight and leverage, Karai found himself on the ass end the exchange...

Getting hammered into the pick-up, Karai momentarily winced in pain. Opening his eyes he quickly ducked, as 3 razor sharp claw marks etched themselves into the vehicle...taking this chance to gathered himself from his low position and planted a square punch into what he believed to be beings chest area.

Sending it flailing back Karai at 30 yards easy,into a nesrby abandon bar causing the already unsturdy structure to collapse on top of it. Falling to a knee he reached for his rib cage. Watching the being pick itself up from the rubble, Karai coddled his broken ribs, "Come on, HEAL already!". Turning his attention back at the unfamiliar for, it literally flashed between visible and invisible, revealing a mechanical leopard-esque creature. Karai surmised it's cloaking device had been damaged. But the creatures coloring, a high pink and purple, reminded him of the larger humanoid Sentinel fighters he had faced days earlier.

The bot still flashing, it was like watching a your favorite television program with bad reception. Placing it's dangling by wires head back to atop it's body Karai watched as the machine too began to "heal". From all fours to bipedal the mechanical creature drop it's now arms, as 3 high frequency energy blades sprang out on each limb. " Mutant DNA aquired, Inititating Procotocol: Harvest Moon. Bring targets back dead or alive" These creatures were clearly mimicking a mutant they had already captured.

Karai standing too his feet, he was finally ready for some action, straightening his arms, palms forward, he flexed the muscles in his shoulders. Jet black blade tips piercing thru his palms, the shaft kept coming until they both extended 26' a piece, the length of standard katana. His twin blades having no tsuba(hand guard), for obvious reasons, crude yet immensely functional hilt(handle) still remained as with any bladed weapon allowing Karai to properly grip them. Gripping the sky blue handles of each, the opening in his palms from brandishing of his katana healed to keep out infection.

Knowing he had to look crazy to onlookerVBas he seemed to be fighting absolutely nothing. Even he with his blessed eyes was having a hard time keeping track. Regressing to his normal vision, Karai closed his eyes, and focused. Drowning out all residual sound...heartbeats, residual chatter, flapping vulture wings, and even yawning of s newborn...Karai was searching for the sound of whirring machinery...
Getting brutally smacked around by seemingly invisible targets, wiping a bleeding mouth Karai desperately needed assistance against the animalistic Sentinel foe. They could sort out there difference later, now they needed to defend themselves against their attackers. Sifting through the minds of the crowds Karai connected with the one's that showed active x-genes. "I am Karai, we either fight together now or all perish, what say you?!"

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